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James jackson

I feel an Elijah quote regarding Klaus is fitting for Hopes obsessive behavior "i would prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth"


all i know is Hope is gonna snap someone's neck for lying to her and she will activate being a tribrid and i am very much here for it. I honestly want it to be someone from the super squad it would spice up the show for sure. If you ask me the squad is pretty selfish, aren't they vampires and witches? Can't they defend themselves? Kaleb even said to Hope that she's thier strongest weapon, like that's all they see her as. It's wild to me everyone complains about Hope wanting to save Landon, who shes said multiple times that she's very much in love with, why wouldn't she wanna save her lover? The entirety of TVD and the originals was all those characters doing whatever it takes to save thier loved ones, romantic characters included, but I digress


Are you talking about Fitz?(I swear I thought about him before you started reading someone's comment about FitzSimmons, what a coinkidink). Oh, no probably Wesley, right? Yeah, that was the best! I liked the episode. I liked Aria doing an evil spin on Landon's dorkines and they explained that in-universe, wich I always appreciate. Hopefully (pun lol) they learned from a their mistakes of season 3. Kai also did "Hello, Clarice" in season 8. Let's see if these first 4 episodes wrap anything up, as they were shot for season 3. But who knows when it was decided to move them for season 4, maybe 4x04 won't feel like a finale. Part of me hopes(pun again kek) that they finish of Malivore's ark with 4x04, but I won't mind extending it to mid-season, or even full season 4, if Aria plays him, and they make it fun and enjoyable, but also heartbreaking and tearshedding, just like I love my TVDverse))) I actually liked Finch here, maybe this one sticks around long enough for me to forget how fantastic Josie and Penelope were together) Liked Kaleb and Alaric stuff. Liked MG and Hope too, thank God. Both Hope and MG have been frustrating me for almost all of season 3. And I used love them, let's rectify that, m’kay show?! Man Danielle is so gorgeous, damn....... More Hope with Twins please. Love twin cuddles!!! No mention of Pandas from their hallucinogenic trip at the end of last season, but I'm hoping(the last pun, I swear) it will return. They Panda-promised!!! Would not mind a return of a TVD or TO vet, thank you very much. Also, dangerous vampires, please. Like Sebastian was kinda dangerous, but ultimately too tragic and lovey-dovey with Lizzie. Jade seemed dangerous, but turned out to be just misunderstood and with humanity switched off. And that's it, Kai doesn't count, he's not from this show originally.......next episode is episode 50 and most of them were wasted on one-off monsters of the week from Malivore's belly. They only developed THE Necromancer, but they overused him. And Clarke, who's not really that villainous in the end. And Malivore himself is a dirt monster with no real personality, exept for those 3-4 episodes he's been possessing and masquerading as Landon and that one flashback when Cleo gave him a four-armed body that could speak...... Remember when Vamps were dangerous and scary. And what about werewolves? Stephen Amell had a pack with the Jules chick in season 2, they almost killed Damon and Stefan, if not for 'Elijah's black warlock to the rescue'. And what about witches? Emily and the spirits of burned witched? Esther? Dahlia? Even the bloody Travelers!!! No the Travelers were lame, but Silas was cool and funny. Man they nerfed all the species with this show, I shouldn't have started remembering, now I'm kinda frustrated, I'll go rewatch TVD from season 1 probably)) sry for the long comment.....


So yeah 4x04 will be the intended season finale that was supposed to be 3x20. These episodes were already filmed when they cut the episodes down. So they are airing now in S4. What I find interesting is, yeah she is obsessed with Landon and probably would act similar to Klaus to get what she wants if she is desperate. But the others saying she would always chose him over the others isn't true. The only time she chose him was when she wanted to bring him back from the prison world. The other times she chose the others over him. Hello Clarice was a litte "callback" the Kai, he called Caroline Clarice in S8 when they captured him in the armory. The everything I know, he knows stuff reminded me of The Flash when they were fighting Savitar 😂 Landon saying he is the only viable vessel for Malivore just made ne think of Clark and I think they will somehow let these two swap beeing the vessel. What was it with them mentioning Supergirl 😂 Did the CW wanted to give more attention to it ? And letting them reference them 😂 Btw. would be cool if they'd be on the same earth. Supergirl-Legacies Crossover 😂 For me this episode was probably my favorite of all time I think 😍


I have had some time to think since that comment, and liking Ethan is definitely because I like the actor. The character of Ethan HAD potential but the way they set up his character didn't really make sense, with having his entire family just leave him there...I just wish they used him better.


1. Yes... I'm all with ya Froots... Let's start a #NO-JUSTICEFORETHAN campaign ...But still... Matt can suck it! 2. Legacies is filmed in Georgia just FYI.. Probably close to Covington Georgia.. The real life Mystic Falls 3. There's probably gonna be a lot of stakes in this season... It's a show about vampires .......I'll let myself out 4. While yes.. Hope becoming a tribrid is something that I do want to see like I've told you before.. I'm very certain that IF they do it.. She'll only be a tribrid for maybe half an episode and then they'll somehow magically turn her into a wuss 5. While I would LOVE a new intro sequence.. It'd also slightly annoy me since I've already created Title Intros for the first 5 episodes of this season 6. Malandon? Mandon? Madork.... Mork 7. Yeah this definitely feels like the writers acknowledging that Hope is super obsessed with Landon.. I'm not one to be in favour of the writers listening to fans... But in this case I'll make an exception 8. Yeah bish! Let's go! Show us some Kaleb origin story please ...added later... I want more! 9. HA! I was sitting here reading the subtitles thinking you were gonna have a hard time following it.. And I was right.. I know you well Froots 10. Shocker... Hope had NO intention AT. ALL. to follow the plan... Gurl.. You obsessed! 11. Ehmm... I don't get it.. Why is the 25th birthday question a stumper for them... I mean.. I know about the twin thingy ofcourse.. But.. Wasn't that undone with that lame boxing match episode last season? Or the season before.. The one with Dark Josie? Their 25th birthday should be a moment of joy now since they'll both live to see it 12. I don't understand why you're wondering why Hope is even considering leaving MG behind.. It's Landon.. I'm surprised she hasn't left yet ....I think she's showed some progress not leaving MG behind 13. Man.. The similarities just keep adding up.. Lizzie is having an existential crisis too... This girl is me.. But a whole lot prettier 14. Nah... Never settle for good enough! When you deserve nothing but the best! The way I see it.. Mizzie deserves to happen ..I've put a lot of thought into this same subject while contemplating my own life.. And I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with someone who will always come 2nd.. Mizzie deserves to happen so I can vicariously live through them