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Matthew Swisher

Lena's only real problem is that she executed Lex. She did it because Lex would have killed Kara Danvers and everyone else around her for writing that Pulitzer winning article and helping to foil his plans. By killing Lex, Lena saved Kara Danvers from him. And Lex, dying, rubbed one simple fact in her face: That Kara didn't need saving from Lex, and Kara lied to Lena for their entire friendship. Now for the real question of when could Kara have told Lena? In my mind there is only one period of time it could be done without irreparable harm to the relationship: Immediately following the Daxamite invasion. Tell Lena then, because she helped save the world from her mistake of helping the Mon-El's mother, and the mistake likely wouldn't have happened if she knew the truth in the first place. I also think that Kara could have also come clean with some damage to the relationship, but without Lena turning villain, if Kara did it any time after Reign was defeated but before she told Nia Nall. Because prior to Nia Nall knowing, one could reasonably argue that everyone who knew Kara was kryptonian knew it from the get-go, save for Winn. But Winn helped Kara become Supergirl. There would be the "why lie during the issues with Reign", complaints, but I think Lena would be able to accept the "she loves me but hates supergirl" insecurity that Kara had, if given some time. But if she was told at any point, while it would have hurt their friendship, Lena wouldn't have murdered her brother. And that's Lena's primary issue. Because her brother never would have killed her.

Brandon Wiesner

I don't even see Kara not telling Lena as a betrayal. I mean, it's a common theme in superhero stories. You have to keep your identity a secret, even from people you are close to, because those that know are at risk. It seems like, in Lena's mind, Kara should have been like hi, I'm Kara. Oh and BTW, I'm also Supergirl. Does she not realize that she keeps the secret to protect people? It was only when Kara was close enough with Lena that she felt like she could really trust her and not worry about her. It's not like saying I'm married and have 2 kids, or I have a second job (well I guess in this case that applies, lol). Lena really needed to step back and think about the position Kara was in. I just felt like the whole storyline of her being mad and masking it was dull and unnecessary. It's also a piss poor attempt at saying oh look, she is a Luthor and could be evil after all.

Mark Chrisco

It's tragic. Lena, despite what she says, loves her brother, Lex. That she would kill him to protect her friend(s), only to find she had been lied to and to her mind, made a fool of by those same people, pushed her over the edge. How far over has yet to be determined.

Avalon Perry

I don't like the logic that there was a never a good time for Kara to tell Lena the truth, because Kara told so many other people the truth over the years, even people she wasn't nearly as close to. The point in my opinion, is that she took too long to do it. I mean... 4 almost 5 YEARS is way to long to keep an entire part of yourself secret from somemone who's meant to be your closest friend. No, I didn't expect her to tell Lena right after meeting her, trust is earned, but once they became closer with each other and Kara did trust Lena, she should have told her. If she had said something closer to a year into their friendship, and I can almost guarantee that Lena would have been a lot more appreciative and understanding. Then theres also that fact that almost EVERYONE else was brought into loop throughout the show, leavinng Lena alone as the only one still in the dark. Sure, it was Kara's secret to tell but that doesn't change that not just one, but almost every single one of Lena's friends spent years lying right to her face. I don't condone any of her actions whatsoever, but her emotions in my opinion are completely valid.

Avalon Perry

That one scene broke me, Katie’s acting performance was incredible and every time I watch it I feel my heart clench and I tear up. As I mentioned before, Lena’s not a character who shows her emotions very often so for her to have this breakdown/outburst was both jarring and absolutely heartbreaking.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-24 09:19:49 It may seem ridiculous, but I somewhat agree with Lena. She's going over the top, don't get me wrong, but throughout the series, Lena has been manipulated by several people (From Rhea; Lex & Lillian; to Andrea and more), all of which have betrayed her in some way or another. And when Lena came to city, she did find it hard at first, but she did finally trust Kara. And in the beginning, Lena wasn't friends with Supergirl, so there was a lot of manipulation from Kara back them (obviously not intentional). But now the only person that she trusted has now betrayed her. Although it may not be along the lines of Lex's betrayal, it's betrayal non-the-less. And it wasn't just Kara lying, it was everyone: Jonn, Brainy, Alex and more. Since they where all Lena's friend and also had their own secret identities. Which Lena already knew about most of these people's secret identities, but never Kara's. But whether or not Kara's secret was valid or not, Lena has a hard time trusting people, and the only person she has trusted, has now lied to her. And from one lie only springs more lies; and from one lie, it is difficult to trust people after that. I do think that she is being a bit hypocritical, but at the same time I understand, where she is coming from. She has been surrounded by those who manipulate and deceive. those have done nothing but hurt and kill people. And now she wants to stop that from happening again, with her project. Wanting to stop people from betraying each other; stop people from hurting one another. So I don't think she has fallen into the Villain category. At least not yet, anyway.
2021-10-17 22:27:37 It may seem ridiculous, but I somewhat agree with Lena. She's going over the top, don't get me wrong, but throughout the series, Lena has been manipulated by several people (From Rhea; Lex & Lillian; to Andrea and more), all of which have betrayed her in some way or another. And when Lena came to city, she did find it hard at first, but she did finally trust Kara. And in the beginning, Lena wasn't friends with Supergirl, so there was a lot of manipulation from Kara back them (obviously not intentional). But now the only person that she trusted has now betrayed her. Although it may not be along the lines of Lex's betrayal, it's betrayal non-the-less. And it wasn't just Kara lying, it was everyone: Jonn, Brainy, Alex and more. Since they where all Lena's friend and also had their own secret identities. Which Lena already knew about most of these people's secret identities, but never Kara's. But whether or not Kara's secret was valid or not, Lena has a hard time trusting people, and the only person she has trusted, has now lied to her. And from one lie only springs more lies; and from one lie, it is difficult to trust people after that. I do think that she is being a bit hypocritical, but at the same time I understand, where she is coming from. She has been surrounded by those who manipulate and deceive. those have done nothing but hurt and kill people. And now she wants to stop that from happening again, with her project. Wanting to stop people from betraying each other; stop people from hurting one another. So I don't think she has fallen into the Villain category. At least not yet, anyway.

It may seem ridiculous, but I somewhat agree with Lena. She's going over the top, don't get me wrong, but throughout the series, Lena has been manipulated by several people (From Rhea; Lex & Lillian; to Andrea and more), all of which have betrayed her in some way or another. And when Lena came to city, she did find it hard at first, but she did finally trust Kara. And in the beginning, Lena wasn't friends with Supergirl, so there was a lot of manipulation from Kara back them (obviously not intentional). But now the only person that she trusted has now betrayed her. Although it may not be along the lines of Lex's betrayal, it's betrayal non-the-less. And it wasn't just Kara lying, it was everyone: Jonn, Brainy, Alex and more. Since they where all Lena's friend and also had their own secret identities. Which Lena already knew about most of these people's secret identities, but never Kara's. But whether or not Kara's secret was valid or not, Lena has a hard time trusting people, and the only person she has trusted, has now lied to her. And from one lie only springs more lies; and from one lie, it is difficult to trust people after that. I do think that she is being a bit hypocritical, but at the same time I understand, where she is coming from. She has been surrounded by those who manipulate and deceive. those have done nothing but hurt and kill people. And now she wants to stop that from happening again, with her project. Wanting to stop people from betraying each other; stop people from hurting one another. So I don't think she has fallen into the Villain category. At least not yet, anyway.


Wait....she wants to fuck with the entire world's brains because her feelings got hurt, and you don't think that's a villain way to act? She use kryptonite on kara, how is that not a villain


Len G Sol, for starters the DEO has used Kryptonite on Kara before yet they aren't villains. And as for feelings hurt, Loki from the MCU became a villain after realising he was adopted. Or Regina from OUAT, became a villain when a ten year old spilled a secret. Except Lena isn't trying to enslave mankind, or kill a bunch of people. People react differently to being betrayed. And to someone like Lena is constantly betrayed, one little lie can be the difference between life and death. And as for her villainous act, though it may seem drastic, all she wants to do is make sure no-one feels the way she has felt ever again. Of course her plan seems bad, and messing with the world's brains is villainous, I will admit, but at least she isn't trying to hurt anyone or kill. She could be a lot worse, but she isn't. Instead she is using her past trauma's and betrayals to make the world better, rather than killing people for revenge or something. I think it's all about personal experience, you can look at Lena, and think she is overreacting which I can understand why; but you can also look at her, and understand that she is just fed up with the lies and manipulation.

Chris Peacock

Many villains are trying to make the world better in a bad way. They are still villains.


Fair enough, but by that logic anyone who goes to war, is a villain. They go and kill people, to make the world a better place. To their own people they are hailed as heroes, but to the people they are going to war against, they are the villains. So technically heroes and villains are the same thing, it all depends on what people want. If people don't want it, you're a villain, until they do and your the hero. Much like Kara in season one, she wasn't a good hero at the beginning and people didn't want her, so she was the villain. Until they did want her, and now she is a hero. The point is Kara & Lena are both heroes & villains. Neither one can be put into one category. If Supergirl saves someone who wants to die, is she a hero? No because the person she saved, didn't want it. So in the end heroes & villains don't exists, everyone is both. People only fall into one category or the other, when someone wants it. So basically, everyone is the villain.


An Example: In the MCU, Thanos was a villain because he wanted to kill half the universe. Which is more than understandable, but years after he won, many where grateful for Thanos. Because the world was truly better. (I'm not justifying his actions.) The point is, he is a villain because people didn't want it. But when people felt he was right, he was the hero. Proving my point, that heroes & villains aren't real things, just words people say to justify their actions.


The fandom mostly loves Lena, and glorifies her and whatever she does, but I call bs on all the justifications of Lena's actions. What she did was bad, and she had to know that what she's doing is bad. She was just stubborn and angry. She's an adult and supersmart, she should know better than throwing a temper tantrum of an Avengers level threat..... But man, that purple pantsuit, girl you are pulling it off!!! Mal and J'onn stuff was great. And seeing Carl Lumbly as M'yrnn is always a treat))) Phil LaMarr is so small next to David Harewood))) Grandpa Samuel as Earthbender Rama Khan is also cool, wish we got him and other Leviathan memebers a bit earlier and not 2 episodes before the Crisis!