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James jackson

We need to teach you the lyrics to the sg1 theme for you to sing along.


I love Kurt Russel... he's one of my favorite actors... but I also prefer Richard Dean Anderson as Jack. That has more to do with how they wanted to portray the characters than any acting abilities. They wanted Jack in the Movie to be more strict and military with no sense of humour, a serious military man, but RDA wanted to bring some comedy to the character to soften him up a little. And I think that made him a more well rounded and better character. IMHO


I really like this episode. Def one of the highlights of season 1. I still remember being as excited about the prospect of what they found as Daniel was. And it's even better to watch again with knowledge of what's to come...


Yes, Amazon is still in the process of buying MGM, the deal is probably not going to be done for another year. BUT there's a very good chance that we get more new SG content, I'm optimistic about it :) While they tried to make this Daniel look as close to the one in movie as they could, they never tried with Jack. They kind of wanted to make you forget the other one. I think they did a good job with Ernest's mental state. It was kind of the right balance between showing his isolation affected him and not have it impede on the story of the episode. Humans are very social, we tend to stay and feel better in packs. So it does make sense that he would behave so well, especially considering this is his first contact AND hallucinations have a tendency to go away or affect someone less if they are not alone or if they are distracted enough. Talking to the first people in 50 years and showing them the book would be enough to make the hallucinations go away for a bit. His mental health is definitely going to crash once he's back home and things calm down. To be fair to them, the energy source from the device would be easier to tap into than the lightning from the storm. I always found it weird that Daniel's willing to get stranded on the planet considering his wife is still out there. Like sure he would get tempted but to be that obsessed is weird to me. This is personally one of my favorite of the season. It's also an important one it terms of SG lore since there's the reveal of the meeting place and the alliance of 4 advanced races (potentially powerful considering the Asgards are one of them) as well as the confirmation that the Goa'uld didn't build the gates.

Mark Chrisco

The irony is James Spader, who played Daniel in the movie was once asked why he didn't do the series. He simply answered, "Nobody asked me."


I felt the exact same way. This is the episode that really got me hooked on the potential future of the show. That and I think they did a great job with Earnest and Catherine.


I enjoyed this episode a lot. I liked getting more history on the Gate, and seeing Catherine again was great. I'm with Daniel, that 4-alien room is extremely tempting. The knowledge there would be incredible. I hope they learn something from Ernest's notes. They recognized Thor's symbol, so I guess 3 more important alien races to encouter out there? Cool!


Don't know how many times I have seen this episode...but just realized Ernest is Carson.....