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Jordan St. James

I'm sorry but I call bullshit on Killmonger picking up that probably-heavy-ass missile with one fucking hand and throwing it far enough that the explosion doesn't even touch them.

Jordan St. James

Am I the only one who finds it laughable that Killmonger had his nickname made into a name tag so that he could proudly showcase to everyone that he's an assassin?

Jordan St. James

Civil War established that T'Challa was already Black Panther before he even became king. So it's entirely possible that he was Black Panther at the time of the first Iron Man.

Jordan St. James

Another enjoyable episode. I gotta say, Killmonger's plan here made more sense and was much less convoluted that the one he had in Black Panther. I'm also glad that they didn't make Tony a complete fool and actually had him figure out Killmonger's duplicity. Although, I feel like he was taken out of the story too soon. I mean, I guess it made sense with how the narrative was going. But considering how important of a character Tony is, a part of me wishes that his part was more evenly balanced with Killmonger's instead of essentially just making this a Killmonger story. And yeah, Shan, I don't buy that Killmonger could've figured out how to wipe J.A.R.V.I.S.'s memory. Sure, they established that he was smart. But no way I'm gonna believe that he was Tony Stark smart and was able to reprogram an A.I. that he created.

Jordan St. James

And I agree with you, Shan, that it would've been funny if that had actually this version of Rhodey to look more like his original actor with Don Cheadle's voice coming out of him. Maybe they wanted to avoid too much confusion.

Christopher simeon

Yea he had super strength in civil war and his dad was definitely not black panther anymore by his death. The ceremony in black panther movie was for challengers and he specifically had to take away his power. King and black panther are two different roles that can be one person


I never really liked Killmonger all that much, but I really enjoyed this episode. The drones they built reminded me of Shockwave from Transformers G1.


I definitely preferred this version of Killmonger to the one in BP, in that he felt a little too impulsive to have come up with his plan given how quickly he starts ordering everyone around the moment he becomes king. His behavior here feels much more in line with a villain that plays the long con. I have less of a problem with Killmonger wiping Jarvis' memory (he could have located the physical drives and destroyed them) and more of a problem with the fact that the Wakandans only seem to have knowledge of the drones when he tells them about them. The Wakandans are supposed to have spies all over the world and can monitor undercover operations but they didn't get the heads up that the army was manufacturing drones specifically for attacking them or know that Killmonger originally designed them? The thing I find most interesting about from this episode is how much we see of the Watcher's physical form now, which a lot of people are speculating is signifying he's getting closer and closer to getting involved in the story (I know he was technically involved in episode 4 but I mean like actually does something beyond tell the moral of the story to the main character of that story).


In the MCU, T’Challa received the Mantle of Black Panther in ‘09 so it’s not crazy that in another universe he got it a year earlier. Would also make sense how easily he was defeated if it was his first year being Black Panther. Also Gen: Lock Season 2 looking pretty weird (Gen: Lock is a webseries made by the same company that does RWBY. It’s a mecha show starring Michael B. Jordan, Maisie Williams and David Tennant. The mechs in the show look very similar to the robots here)


1. You say the lack of lighting makes the recording look dull.. I actually think it adds more colour.. It somehow makes things look more cosey 2. I'm sorry but I had to replay that Marvel intro theme a bunch of times.. You making the noises to the theme was adorkable as FUCK. ...Also totally something I find myself doing sometimes with this theme.. This one and the 20th Century Fox theme.. It cracks up my brother in law every time I mimic Ralph from the Simpsons coming out of the Fox logo while singing that theme LALALALAAAAAAAAAAA LA LA LA LAAAAAAAAA!!! 3. Wait what?! ...Yeah.. That doesn't add up.. They SHOULD have gone with the dad or any other person.. It would've made more sense.. I mean this is a alternate universe.. So it could be explained.. But in classic What If...? fashion.. They decided to ceebs on the explanation 4. Ok.. What is Tony's obsession with hot rod red?? Yeah in this case I would've gone with black or silver 5. YIBAMBE!!! cue to Pitch Meeting Dude: "That's the thing they said in the movie!" 6. Alright given this episode had a very open ending.. I'm guessing whoever said that some of these episodes would have continuation in the 2nd season.. They were right.. That.. Or one of the remaining 3 episodes will come back to this 7. True... Only a few of these notes actually have something to say about the episode itself.. I found myself distracted by looking at other things too


1. You say the lack of lighting makes the recording look dull.. I actually think it adds more colour.. It somehow makes things look more cosey (added 5th of october: well this doesn't make sense anymore.. But the new office without too much lights looks cosey too.. I LOVE IT!) 2. I'm sorry but I had to replay that Marvel intro theme a bunch of times.. You making the noises to the theme was adorkable as FUCK. ...Also totally something I find myself doing sometimes with this theme.. This one and the 20th Century Fox theme.. It cracks up my brother in law every time I mimic Ralph from the Simpsons Movie Trailer coming out of the Fox logo while singing that theme TATATATAAAAAAAAAAA TATATATAAAAAAAAA TATATATAAAAAAAAA!!! 3. Wait what?! ...Yeah.. That doesn't add up.. They SHOULD have gone with the dad or any other person.. It would've made more sense.. I mean this is a alternate universe.. So it could be explained.. But in classic What If...? fashion.. They decided to ceebs on the explanation 4. Ok.. What is Tony Stark's obsession with hot rod red?? Yeah in this case I would've gone with black or silver for the robot 5. YIBAMBE!!! cue to Pitch Meeting Dude: "That's the thing they said in the movie!!!" (points finger with shocked yet happy face) 6. Alright given this episode had a very open ending.. I'm guessing whoever said that some of these episodes would have continuation in the 2nd season.. They were right.. That.. Or one of the remaining 3 episodes will come back to this 7. True... Only a few of these notes actually have something to say about the episode itself.. I found myself distracted by looking at other things too