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How do we feel about binge and release shows? Do you like having them? 

Lately I'm wondering with the way I do 'live' shows like Arrowverse & Once Upon A Time etc. I have a lot of conversation week to week reading your comments and I don't get to have that with binge and release shows. 

Originally, I had binge and release shows so I was able to react to more shows without having the obligation to have it out at a certain time. It was also to avoid spoilers. Another reason is that my editors get early access to the content. 

I also sometimes enjoy watching more than 2 episodes of a show at once.

I'd like to know what you guys think.

Edit: I should have also let you guys know, I've made a mock up schedule & I may be able to watch what would be binge and release shows, on the regular. I mean some weeks it could be on and off. This is just an EXAMPLE, not set in stone. (If this changes your vote).


James jackson

I like it, it lets us see content you wouldn't have time for on a set schedule


I'm just happy to see you reacting to a show I like


I definitely prefer the chats and getting to communicate with you, but I honestly pleased with anything and I'm happy to just get some good reactions. Whatever feels the easiest for you is fine with me.


Shit's so tiny/illegible.............sigh


I mean I prefer the discussions of live shows but if binge and release is easily for some shows like it is now, I’m good with that too


I have mixed feelings. I am totally fine with you binging a show for the reasons you gave, but I do think you miss out on getting feedback from your viewers on things in each episode that you may not see yourself, or could see differently with some conversation. Plus, I always think something is missed with binging. The instant gratification kind of ruins some of the stuff that's done in the show that creates anticipation and speculation. And, also, some episodes really deserve to just settle in your brain for a bit, before moving on. Making note of something big that happens before moving onto the next thing that will then take over and you end up not really getting much from what happened before, because you just remember the latest big thing better. Don't know if this makes any sense. But, pros and cons. I think you're good at remembering details and events, so the above may not be relevant for you. If binging allows you more flexibility and better ability to do the shows you want to do, then binge away!

Tom Tattershall

I like the mass monthly pilot drops. Maybe binge and release shows could be done as complete season drops like Netflix? Just a thought. Whatever works best for you is OK with me. The mix of scheduled and binge and release shows gives you less pressure than all scheduled shows would. And less pressure on you is better for hopefully more enjoyment in your viewing and that makes for good reactions.

Luis Garcia

I really have enjoyed having you read our comments during reactions. I think it's a great way to interact with your patrons. I think a possible compromise for your binge shows could be that you release episodes as you react to them, but without a strict schedule. If on one week you watch 4 episodes, you can post the episodes as they are edited. If on another week you watch no episodes, then you post no episodes. You can even have a day of the week you post the reactions so people know when to check for them. I suppose it's less consistent, but you could at least read some comments in between episodes. I hope some of this makes sense. I admit I've gone back and forth on whether or not I want a show I like to win the binge and release polls. On one hand I want to see you react to them. On the other hand, I would like to be able to share my comments after each episode instead of at the end of the season. It something I've noticed with Once Upon a Time. If people are trying to explain something to you or disagree with you, we end up with a lot of similar comments throughout many episodes because at that point you've already seen the whole season.

s jaco

It makes no difference for me. I think comments can be handy to read whilst watching a season because they can point out things you might have missed or a connection you failed to make. Plus the engagement is fun. But I also understand that binging is easier for you, there's less time pressure and you can completely stay in the mood of the show. I think it's mostly important to pick what works for you and which of these is most beneficial to your mental health and enjoyment of these reactions.


I should also clarify, this is a recording schedule. Pilots would be recorded during the month but still dropped at the end like usual, theyre just there to indicate what would be going on with those days. All the other shows would be dropped on their days. Revenge is missing as it'll be finishing soon, and I just wanted to see what it would look like with the next show on the schedule. Iron fist hasnt been released yet (its half binged already) so adding it wouldnt work since the idea in the picture is that they would be watched week to week. Hope that makes sense.


I want to start by saying that to me the mock-up schedule is very confusing. Apparently, Revenge is being sacrificed in this concept, Defenders are coming before Iron Fist and Pilots become a weekly thing. And that last one is especially weird because I don't think there's really any connection between Binge & Break and Pilots. Binge & Break relates to completely watching a season and not watching just one or two episodes a month (pilots). Also, you didn't write anything regarding pilots in this post. Also, the mock-up schedule is a bit difficult to read and zooming in doesn't make it any easier. Finally, Binge & Break makes it easier to put more content out in the long run on a stable weekly basis. Because you don't have to react to everything every week. But, when multiple shows are on break at the same time it can take very long before a show returns. However, seeing how difficult it is for you to manage the current schedule and how you sometimes in certain weeks already have to (partly) skip a show. It's very unrealistic that you would ever be able to manage the proposed mock-up schedule and using an on/off schedule can lead to too many uncertainties for customers. The schedule then becomes a bit like a lottery, because the customer then no longer has a good idea whether or not in a certain week Shan will react to a TV show. Maybe Shannan has time for it, maybe not. And you just have to hope that Show A or B gets reacted to that week. Which in turn can lead to disappointed customers.


The only problem I've ever had with binge and release is the long period of time between seasons. I think AOS suffered a bit for this, but overall wasn't a huge issue.

Zach Hershman

I chose "other". I prefer live reactions where we get to interact with you, but if the only way we can get reactions to shows like The 100, iZombie, etc is through Binge and Release then I will be happy with that. Binge and Release can be a bit frustrating at times if the reactor misinterprets something and it affects the way they view the next few episodes (or entire season).


Maybe the $10 tier could be repurposed into an early release tier for binge and release shows. That might help with any misinterpretations.

Zach Hershman

A comment on your mock schedule. Don't burn yourself out. That's the most important thing. We want you to enjoy watching these shows. If you did switch your Binge and Release shows to a more live reaction maybe don't have a set schedule for them. Maybe just release as you go and if we only get 1 of a show in a given month and then 5 or 6 the next month then so be it. I honestly see your B&R shows as extra content so I'll take them any way I can get them.


Do you mean for example, if you were at the $10 or above tier you'd get the binge and release shows as soon as they're recorded? For example, the first 5 episodes of iron fist would be at that tier, then when I wish to binge some more, like tomorrow or even 3 weeks from now for example, I could read through those comments and then when they're all done they'd go down to the $7 tier? More consistently though?


Yes, I was thinking about the $10 tier as release as you go. I like your idea of dropping them down to the $7 tier when they're all done too. I think that might work out great, and gives a reason to have a $10 tier :)


To my knowledge, the schedule tells on what day which reaction(s) will be released. So I don't understand why you would suddenly want to add when something gets recorded, Furthermore, changing the schedule in this way could be very confusing. I understand that when you roughly know on which day at the beginning of the month the Pilots will be released you would add "Pilots" to that day in that week's schedule. I mean that would be a very logical thing to do. Regarding Revenge, excluding this week, there are still another 10 weeks left before you finish the show. So the argument "Revenge is missing as it'll be finishing soon" doesn't really hold water. It will be on the schedule till at least the 3rd week of November. Perhaps longer if for certain reasons you are unable to record reactions to that show in certain weeks.


The reason the mockup doesn't include Revenge is because it was initially drawn up as a thing that would come into effect after Revenge was done. Whether or not this remains the case is to be determined. Keep in mind that this is a mock-up of how thing might turn out. It is in no means a definitive schedule. As you might deduce by the episode numbers and such.

Patrick - Excelsior

An advantage to B&R option is that you are not locked into a rigid schedule for the show. You can take a break from a show for a couple weeks to rebuild interest. This keep keep you from getting "burned out" on a show from too much stuff at a time. You can also use those as banked shows to fill in on weeks where you want to take time off. But, in the end, I voted to do whatever makes you enjoy doing the reactions the most (the - as long as I get it option) because Happy Reactor = Good Reaction.

Brandon Wiesner (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-29 19:00:46 The reading comments part is nice but it doesn't motivate or demotivate me from commenting either way. If I have something to say I'll say it. Having you read it is just a nice bonus. The one drag about B&R I would say is the long breaks in between seasons. So I would say for that reason, I like the idea of bumping certain shows at least to react and release each week.
2021-09-15 14:26:49 The reading comments part is nice but it doesn't motivate or demotivate me from commenting either way. If I have something to say I'll say it. Having you read it is just a nice bonus. The one drag about B&R I would say is the long breaks in between seasons. So I would say for that reason, I like the idea of bumping certain shows at least to react and release each week.

The reading comments part is nice but it doesn't motivate or demotivate me from commenting either way. If I have something to say I'll say it. Having you read it is just a nice bonus. The one drag about B&R I would say is the long breaks in between seasons. So I would say for that reason, I like the idea of bumping certain shows at least to react and release each week.

Andrew Polinski

As Patrick said they are good for giving you a break. They also work better for limited series or ones that have multiple shows with arcs between them like the Netflix Marvel shows, but don't work as well for shows you plan on watching over multiple seasons.