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The poll was up for 3 days. It closed and the winning show was iZombie! Sobs to self. 

I will binge season 1 of iZombie. 

It will be released on Patreon after season 1 is completed. (No plans to edit yet for YouTube).

The poll is located here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-binge-and-53982614

The list of shows that could appear on the next poll are located here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/binge-show-53980596

The amount of people that voted was 187.

The votes were:

Hercules: 7% (14 votes) - The minimum for it to return was 20. It will return one day, just not anytime soon as it didn't meet the quota unfortunately!

Alias: 17% (32 votes) - It met the minimum and then some. It will return to the poll soon.

Finding Carter: 1% (1 vote) - Shame. I was the only one to vote for this one :P It will not come back on the poll as it did not meet the quota. 

iZombie: 45% (85 votes) - iZombie got the most votes and will be binged at the beginning of next month. Once iZombie season 1 has been binged, I'll make a poll for the next show season & begin releasing them to Patreon. The next poll after that one will have iZombie season 2 on it. 

Teen Wolf: 29% (55 votes) - This season came second on the poll and will show up again on the next poll as it qualified. See you then!

Let me know your thoughts on this whole idea :) Are you excited? Terrified like me?




um......will you be able to watch the show with your zombiephobia? I googled, it's called kinemortophobia)

Chess Red Eagle

I'm not sure what the full extent of your fear of zombies is but if it helps, the zombies in this show aren't like zombies from most other shows or movies. They mostly act like normal people but are pale and blond...and eat brains. So I think you might actually be okay. I hope so. It's a good show.


That's great. Its one of my favorite shows. It was created by the same guy as Veronica Mars. Plus I'm sorry I know Zombies freak you out but I think that will make for some great and funny reactions. Lol. At least it isn't like Walking Dead zombies.

Jordan Haddow

You will love the show. It's great and a new take on Zombies. The Zombies of this show can be and act totally normal and get lost in a crowd, unless they get too hungry. It's first of all funny and has character. Speaking of which, one of the characters is as bad and as charismatic as Spike. This'll be fun.

Ian Caudillo

Exactly that's why I actually watched it myself and enjoyed it while I hate The Walking Dead and think it's overrated (just my opinion people dis/like what they like).

Zach Hershman

I didn’t vote for Finding Carter simply because there were better options and you limited it to one vote. I actually enjoyed the show when I watched it and I think you would enjoy it. If it’s never going to come back on a poll you should watch it on your own. Beware, it was canceled so the story wasn’t tied up.


I’m not surprised it won. I’m a bit bummed Teen Wolf didn’t win, but I’ve heard pretty good things about iZombie so I’m excited to see it through your eyes. Oh well, maybe next time. I do enjoy the interactive side of the polls, it gives a good idea of what people want to see and doesn’t rely (too much) on the Patreon pilot tier to keep choosing that show each month.

Jordan St. James

The people who voted for iZombie probably love to watch you squirm. I mean, I don't doubt that a lot of them also likely really like the show, they just also want troll you. Hey, it makes for really entertaining reactions.


Hey! I liked iZombie. I want her to see it cuz it’s a solid show. Does part of me want to her to see it cuz zombies... yes

Brandon Wiesner

It was really more about a lack of better choices. Plus, she did watch the pilot and liked it enough to put it in the running. Plenty of other pilots didn't make the first cut.

Fredrik IB

I think having only 5 shows on the poll is too limiting, considering your "fan-base" you could at least have 10 or even 15 on the poll so people could vote on the show they actually want you to react to. I opted against voting simply because I don't have an interest in any of these shows. Maybe others are like me? I don't know. The idea, however, is awesome.