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Maybe I haven't been paying attention the whole time Brainy was here prior to this episode, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking like William Shatner before this. I mainly noticed during his little "date" with Nia when he was talking about "costume...ideas"

David Brown

The writers probably felt that they needed to retcon minimize just how many at the DEO knew Supergirl's identity for the purpose of this storyline. But still, Vasquez probably should have been in the group that knows, but she was busy being Piper on Agents of SHIELD.


This season, and this episode in particular, makes me question how the DEO is organized exactly. Alex is not a member of the U.S. military, she was recruited to the DEO directly by J'onn, but she is treated like a soldier, talk of a court martial, having to obey superior officers, etc. But she also talks of just straight up quitting the DEO, which if it is in fact a military organization and Alex is considered a soldier, then that would not be possible without being considered AWOL and then facing serious charges/prison time. So, what is it writers? A military organization or not, and if not why the hell is a civilian organization being overseen by the military? That not how the U.S. constitution works.

David Brown

@ John Boehmer - Well you don't enlist in the military for life. You do have to serve a certain number of years before you can leave. If Alex has completed the required amount of time, she can quit if she wants. Again, as you said, if this is the military. And it is a government agency.


I am unsure about the DEO. In season 1, Lucy had to retire before she became the leader of the DEO, but she always wore a uniform, which would mean it is a military organization. However, it is violating all kinds of laws if it acting as a police force on US soil. But they call themselves agents, which is not a military designation. If it is not military, than military law would not apply to its agents. But military oversight of a civilian organization is not allowed. The writers of this show seem confused.