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I was doing so well this week. 

13 recordings so far. 

But it looks like we are having severe power outages here where I live. 

I woke up twice to my light just being on. I have an Amazon Alexa light so the power would have gone out and back on for the light to reset and be on. 

Its very windy here. I do not want to risk recording like this. 

Sorry about this. I have no idea when it will be safe to do so. 

Thanks for the patience!



it's ok stay safe

Jordan Haddow

With power outages so bad, I hope you have a ups. Power spikes will take a toll on hardware and a good UPS will condition the current so your hardware won't be in danger. Also, if you get a big UPS, (Note: these are expensive, so not saying you need to) it can power all your equipment through a power outage. Many internet companies will still have the internet running despite power outages as long as the modem has power as well. Can't say for Austrailian companies though. I don't live near there so I wouldn't know those details. Just a thought.

Billy Dancel

Post whenever you have power on consistently. We’ll be waiting patiently.


She doesn't have a UPS, But it's been advised she get one before yeah :D

Jordan Haddow

lol Honestly, I used to live in the prairies, and when a big storm came through, bug enough to mess with the power, I would probably prefer to watch the storm. We used to get hundreds of lightening strikes an hour and thunder so loud you could feel it shake everything. It was awesome and really quite difficult to ignore. I wouldn't blame Shan if she used storm downtime for a little peace and quiet (aside from crashing thunder).


Hey, UPS is my thing to complain about lol. But best reason to get a UPS is it lets you save your data and power down safely when there's a power outage. Saves any lost footage in that scenario.