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So I had an idea of what to do for the Charmed slot.

Once Upon A Time could become a regular show on the channel and could take it's spot. Whether or not I can regularly do 2 episodes a week, I'm unsure about. But I can certainly do one and strive to do two.

This would mean that there would be a binge and release show slot opening for Thursday that could be taken by many different options from the poll. (Personally I'm leaning towards shorter shows for now).

Let me know what you think, I know this has been a lot of us discussing ideas this week but hey... I like opinions :D 

A Mock up of the schedule would be: (above is a visual but I haven't listed anything on Thursday as it would be a binge and release show undecided yet).

Monday - Fantasy

- Once Upon A Time 5x01 (Weekly). (Charmed finale ends 16th July - so we might be able to begin the season the week after that).

- Once Upon A Time 5x02 (Weekly). (Legacies ends the 24th June - so we might be able to begin the week after this).

- Legacies (Weekly - when not on break, but it will be entering break soon as the season is almost finished).

- Secret show I've been working on for a few months now.

Tuesday - Marvel

- Luke Cage/Marvel Netflixverse (Binge and release).

- Luke Cage/Marvel Netflixverse (Binge and release).

Wednesday - Drama

- Revenge 3x01 (Weekly).

- Revenge 3x02 (Weekly).

- Loki 1x01 (Weekly, soon).

- Secret show I've been working on for a few months now.

Thursday - Binge & Release day 2

- Undecided yet, something from the poll most likely. (Binge and release).

- Undecided yet. (Binge and release).

Friday - Arrowverse / DC

- Flash/Arrow/Supergirl/Legends Of Tomorrow/Black Lightning etc. (Weekly).

- Flash/Arrow/Supergirl/Legends Of Tomorrow/Black Lightning etc. (Weekly).

- Flash/Arrow/Supergirl/Legends Of Tomorrow/Black Lightning etc. (Weekly).

- Flash/Arrow/Supergirl/Legends Of Tomorrow/Black Lightning etc. (Weekly).




Excellent ideas. Ideally, you would watch all the shows ever released 24x7x365. Never going to sleep. (You could have a leap day off, i suppose, if you must). This would be absolutely fine for your health. You wouldn't get tired/ill at all, I'm sure. (For those that didn't realise, I'm joking, you can have Xmas and your birthday off as well!!!!)


Who said anything about birthdays off???


Oh, did you want to work on Xmas and your birthday after all. That's fine, you can do that. We'll let you! On a side note, I have just started re-watching all your reactions to AOS again. Currently on S2E11 (Aftershocks)

Luis Garcia

Honestly, I'm used to the binge and release format for Once Upon a Time and would personally prefer it stay that way


Oooh - Loki is one I'd like to see. I liked Luke Cage - maybe more than Daredevil.


Omg that be awsome 😍


I don’t watch Once Upon A Time or Charmed reboot so it wouldn’t change anything for me. If it works for you I say do it. I do like the idea of how you organized each day.

Christopher simeon

Why don't u use that day as an extra day to get everything done


Schedule looks good to me.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Anyone else got everything crossed that the “secret show” is Lucifer??

gum lover

Can you start season 3 of black lighting


She has a Arrowverse Watch schedule, She's currently on Year 7 and Black Lightning S3 isn't part of it. It will come at a later date when it makes sense continuity-wise