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Josie Ball

Omg this notification popped up on my phone and I just stared at it for several seconds with my mouth open. This is my fav movie so I'm super excited to watch your reaction!!!


EMPIRE RECORDS!!! What an awesome surprise. One of those movies where I know almost all the lines because of how much I watched it as a teen. Thanks Zoot!


I may or may not be able to do the Rex Manning dance... :P


You're right, this movie can be pretty weird. That's just a 90's movie thing. Some of the stuff that happened was just absurd for the sake of a weird 90's movie lol. Why didn't they all get fired/arrested? They're basically a family, with Joe as the father figure. He wouldn't turn in his own "kid". In the case of Lucas, literally his adopted kid (I think - it's not super clear, he said Joe took him in around 13). The music in this one is music I grew up with so nostalgia now, but it was all popular stuff at the time this came out. I also always liked Deb's funeral. Some good stuff there.