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James jackson

The landon golem reacts so strongly to hope's blood because he was made from the malivore mud-like remains hope collected after he disintegrated mixed with clay and animated by cleos magic. Edit: and i just realized i called it maligore as in the dark spectre creature divatox intended to marry in Turbo: a Power Ranger movie instead of malivore the mud man.


Okay about the artifact, in ep 5 it is introduced as being to grant someone their hearts desire however no one knows how it works. From what Ric said in that episode and from the Clarke clip an episode ago it couldn’t be opened magically or through explosives. However once Hope held it it opened. She threw it in the lake when it looked like her wish didn’t come true. It was only then that Ric thought it would be a good idea to get more information about it. He connected it to Malivore because the monsters had stopped coming till after Hope’s opening of the artifact.


Is this episode about a robot trying to find her boyfriend? :P


Golem Landon obviously reacts to Hope's blood, because he's made from real Landon remains that turn into mud after coming into contact with Hope's blood. And it wasn't that obvious, Fake Landon being a Golem from the Bust that Hope made with Cleo was totally out of left field, but it made sense why he was so perfect. And I expected 'the masked figure' to be Clarke. "Surely they didn't bring the actor back just for the flashbacks" I said to myself, so that misderect worked for me. By theorizing you setting yourself up for a failure more times than not. Like if your theory or theory that you read somewhere, pans out - well, you kinda spoiled yourself and you are dissapointed, like you were here. If it doesn't pan out - well, you expected something that didn't happened and now you are disappointed, just ask people who were expecting Mephisto to be the villian in WandaVision, or all the people who wanted The Last Jedi to validate their Rey and their Snoke theories. P.S. For what reason exactly are you mad at Ethan? What is "that" he did to his "friend" MG, that you were so judgmental about? MG set himself on fire, he was safe in the barn, becoming a vampire was Ethan's choice.......hell, you said that you would become a vampire yourself if you could......hypocritical much?!

Andrew Polinski

Like Shan I too hate Ethan 1. He betrays MG by taking his Daylight Ring so he can kill himself. 2. Becoming a vampire is completely against MG's wishes but still tries to anyhow. 3. (this is more about me) but i really don't like Ethan as a character. This whole Superhero story line is actually so stupid in the first place. The other issue with this show right now is the vampires feel like they have been de-fanged, vampires are supposed to be the apex predator of the supernatural world yet they keep on getting portrayed as helpless little bitches.


I don't see how Ethan killing himself and becoming a vamp is MG's choice? It's Ethans life, if he wants to end it, and return as a creature of the night, why should he be stopped?! I don't mind Ethan, not much too love, but I also don't hate him,don't really care much about him, but their storyline with MG was fine, I don't remember vamps helping people in need like superheroes in TVDverse......like maybe Stefan in early Diaries, but then it became about just saving main and supporting cast members from other main and supporting cast members) About vampires being apex predators, I don't think this show ever portrayed them like that, like maybe when MG killed Landon and we found out that he's the ripper, but that story was mostly dropped, the show if about teens and mostly for teens and young adults, maybe that story was too dark, maybe writers thought everything about rippers has already been explored with Stefan in the mother show. I don't know how we got to this topic but now I miss Klaus killing 12 hybrids with his sword and drowning Carol Lockwood in the pool while christmas songs were playing(((