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I dont think they got rid of the lead in the atmosphere, Mon-El was cured in the future from his allergy.


It was actually because Melissa was in a Broadway production during the time of filming

Kevin Tran

This was the episode for me that made me start to like the season. The first two episodes were rocky. Not bad but I wasn’t entirely sure they found their footing, but then in this episode we get flashbacks to the villain seeing his origin story the way he was just an ordinary professor hardly racist or xenophobic at all and if anything quite the opposite cause he understands America’s history. But then events start to unfold that change his opinion and perspective. It’s not good that he’s evil he’s still a bad guy but seeing them humanize Agent Liberty like this made me really invested in the storyline they were taking for Season 4 and wanting to see where it goes

David Brown

Shan, the actress who played Winn's girlfriend got a main role on another show. Instead of recasting her, or having Winn say that they broke up, the producers decided that she would simply never be mentioned again.


The first few episodes of the season were filmed out of order due to Melissa Benoist being on a Broadway tour at the time which is why this episode was focused more on Agent Liberty and why Kara is in a suit because the person wearing it is a double

Kevin Tran

See I didn’t think of it that way because I was so enamored with the flashbacks and the way they tied past events together, but you’re right Shan. Ben Franklin is in no way an authority voice on immigration considering he was living during the time when the Founding Fathers owned slaves and a little known law most Americans don’t know the 1790 Naturalization Law that restricted US citizenship to solely white men. A history professor such as Lockwood should absolutely know all that, but as you said he was growing unhinged. Brilliant performance might I add by Sam Witwer and this is probably one of the best edited Supergirl episodes ever

John Boehmer

Some people complain that this show is too political at times, but when we get an episode like this, which is a fairly thoughtful examination of real world political issues (immigration and nationalism), it helps cement my belief that those people are just plain wrong. This show, and comic books in general, are at their best when they take the time to help us reflect on our world. I’m not saying that every episode or issue needs to be all about social justice or geo-political issues, I like a good ol’ fashioned beat ‘em up as much as the next person, but I definitely appreciate when the creators aspire to something more noble and inspiring. Also, I think what makes this episode so great is how we get to see the evolution of the bad guy. So many times in comic book TV and movies the motivations of the antagonists are just glossed over or given a very small amount of lip service. It’s refreshing to actually spend an episode with the villain and learn what makes him tick.


They were talking about Nth metal replacing the steel. Nth metal is from the planet Thanagar. It was mentioned in the crossover with the Hawks before Legends. It's strong kinda like Vibranium or Adamantium is over in Marvel.