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Yes in a way it is perhaps cheap to reuse the scroll the snow queen used. But you could also argue it some what of an continuation of the last story. I understand and agree that it would have been better if they had to find a different way. That would have been more intuitive. But in tv shows there isn't always time for such a thing. So sometimes you have to use what is already there. Is it perfect? No, but it works.


Feel as tho a lot of people miss this cause it's not the most popular Disney movie, but the Chernabog creature actually comes from the original 1940 "Fantasia". A nice little cameo for those who know - even if I think he was portrayed a little too weak and non-threatening in this episode.


Hi, i dont think its a bad way to get them into the town, it worked before it should work again. If they still have it why not use it? Regina probably forgot about that when sending robin away, which makes sense because Emma reminded Regina later on. I think this is much better then finding another way that doesnt make sense and feel rushed.


Rumple didnt know about all those other ways to get into the real world, throughout the series, even in season 1 there was other ways to get into other worlds without a curse. Rumple also knew that the only way to find his son was to cast the curse. He needed Henry to find Neal, that was revealed in season 2 i believe.

Luis Garcia

I personally didn't have a problem with them reusing the scroll. I had more of a problem with the fact that they didn't think to use it for Marian and Robin. Although I do agree, they should have taken the scroll back from Cruella and Ursula immediately when they got back in.