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In this post is a gif for the schedule, there are also separate images for the schedules if you wanted to specifically look at those.

Legacies -

YOUTUBE: 3x06 will be posted today!

PATREON: Legacies 3x07 will be posted today!

Charmed Reboot -

YOUTUBE: 3x06 will be posted today!

PATREON: Charmed 3x07 will be posted today!

Jessica Jones -

YOUTUBE: On break.

PATREON: On break.

Daredevil -

YOUTUBE: I am in the middle of binging season 2. I am 3 episodes in, sorry for being slow D:

PATREON: I am in the middle of binging season 2. I am 3 episodes in, sorry for being slow D:

Supernatural -

YOUTUBE: 13x13 will be posted on Wednesday. (We've bumped down to 1 episode a week as editing is very time consuming).

The list of episode for season 13 will be: 13x14, 13x16, 13x18, 13x19, 13x21, 13x22 & 13x23.

I finished season 15 of Supernatural a few weeks back and if you want to watch the full reaction to the finale and all the other content on the channel in full, it's a simple $7, no pressure at all but it's linked here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/supernatural-on-44114518

Revenge -

PATREON: 2x05 & 2x06 will be reacted to on Wednesday!

Once Upon A Time -

YOUTUBE: 4x04 will be posted on Thursday. (We've bumped down to 1 episode a week as editing is very time consuming).

PATREON: 4x08 & 4x09 is a two-parter and will be posted together on Thursday!

Arrowverse -

YOUTUBE: Black Lightning 2x15 & 2x16 is blocked and am dealing with it. Legends 3x17 and 3x18 this week, which are also blocked. The season finale. Working on them. Hoping to get Flash 4x17 & 4x18 out this week as well. Here's hoping. Sorry!

PATREON: Flash 5x01 & 5x02, Supergirl 4x01 and Arrow 7x01 this week! We begin the next season of the Arrowverse!

WandaVision/Falcon & The Winter Soldier -


PATREON: 1x02 this Friday!

Justice League - The Snyder Cut -

I reacted to the whole movie in 7 parts. Did you want them to be released here? & How would you like them to be released? Weekly? Daily? 

Mondays -

I have a plan for Mondays in the future. It's an ongoing thing, I'd love to hear your thoughts and theories!

Pilots -

Will be focusing on pilots this week!

Update on me -

Been a bit sickly the past week, I feel like there's always something wrong with me :( 




Will your reaction to the Snyder Cut be both on Patreon and YouTube? I've been hearing great things about this movie, so I'm very curious


It'll be coming to Patreon soonish, Youtube is another matter cause it would require editing :)


Snyder Cut - It's a 4 hour thing that I just watched a few days ago. I'd watch a reaction in 7 parts though! Makes it easier to get through. I'm a bit torn on how to release them - all at once might be too much, but then again some people might wait for them all to come out before watching any. Daily might be the middle ground on that one. I don't think weekly for 7 weeks would be a good idea.


That's sad to read, if it's medically related you should visit a doctor and I wish you well. Otherwise you should alwayas remeber that you are perfect the way you are and that this community / family never will judge you for who you are.

Patrick - Excelsior

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Shan. Its most likely our fault. Making you sit in front of that monitor 60 hours a week.


I agree. Daily would be best if you don’t want to drop them all at once.