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Please don't ask me about x show. Everything you want to know is listed below if you just look at the specific show you want to know about.


Legacies - We're up to date and therefore, no Legacies until season 3 begins.

Titans - Has taken Legacies spot for the time being. Hope you're excited to finally start season 2!

Daredevil/Netflix Marvelverse - We're on break atm. 

Revenge - We begin a brand new show! It won't be very obvious that it's a new show as I have reacted to 7 episodes so far. Also keep in mind, I reacted to these 7 episodes over the course of like 2 years so they might be slightly jarring until episode 8 onwards. 

Once Upon A Time / In Wonderland - We are now on OUAT break. Understand if you wish to unpledge until season 4 is released, thank you for the support and can't wait until season 4!!

Arrowverse -  Two Flash and two Arrow episodes this week!


Legacies - We begin season 2 this week! 

Daredevil/Netflix Marvelverse - We'll be on break for about a month I'd say, Jessica Jones season 1 will be coming next. I've started Jessica Jones, I'm 3 episodes in so far.

Supernatural - This week we go on a one week break between seasons. We begin season 12 next week! The list of season 12 episodes to be edited are: 12x01, 12x02, 12x03, 12x04, 12x06, 12x08, 12x09, 12x10, 12x11, 12x14, 12x16, 12x17, 12x20, 12x21, 12x22 & 12x23.

I finished season 15 of Supernatural last week and if you want to watch the full reaction to the finale and all the other content on the channel in full, it's a simple $7, no pressure at all but it's linked here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/supernatural-on-44114518

Once Upon A Time / In Wonderland - We are now on OUAT break. Will resume reaction uploads when season 4 has been binged. 

Arrowverse - Black Lightning, Legends (BEEBO?) and Supergirl this week! (BEST FIGHT SCENE YET???)



Fly on the Wall

I can’t wait for Revenge. We never got 2-7 right? So I’m still happy to see them even if it’s jarring. Thanks.


Nope, The only one that was posted until now was 1x01... Which of course will be reposted on Wednesday :)

Fly on the Wall

Most excellent. I really wanted to see her reactions to the next couple episodes when I saw the pilot reaction. I’m definitely going watch the pilot reaction again, too. What a great December gift.


Looks like I have to catch up on Titans (only halfway through season1 so far)


I'll take a break here. I've hardly seen anything in the last few months and it's not worth it for me at the moment. In 4 or 5 months I saw a few Flash episodes and Mulan. I wish you and everyone else a lot of fun and sooner or later I'll be back. At the latest when my interest in the Arrowverse increases again.