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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2wx4oftt1sn5jvf/Titans%20S02E01%20-%20Trigon%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Omg yes! It’s weird to think Titans reactions is how I found your channel when I watch so many other reactions now.


This was supposed to be season 1 finale. But they scrapped it, for whatever reason, ended on episode 11. Shot Slade and Bruce scenes and made season 1 episode 12 into a season 2 episode 1 instead)))

Kevin Tran

The bad guy walking slowly is a horror movie cliche. Usually in slasher flicks they’ll have a bunch of scared characters running and the slasher just slowly walking hella creepily.

Kevin Tran

No Shan you’re not wrong the accent is bad... Much like Katie McGrath as Lena on Supergirl their very strong Irish in this case Scottish accents just weirdly come in as they’re attempting to speak with an American accent. It ends up being a weird blend of both accents and it just sounds strange. Brenton Thwaites as Dick who is Australian does a good job with an American accent as does Teagan Croft as Rachel who is also Aussie. I guess it’s just not easy for everyone I suppose.

Brendan O'Connor

Unfortunately Warren Appleby died in an accident on the set of Titans when they were rehearsing a stunt for the second season.

John Boehmer

It's not perfect but I think it's a pretty good mid-atlantic accent. I have extended family from that part of the country and they sound like that, sort of. There are times when the Scottish comes through but I've heard far worse.

Kevin Tran

Eh fair enough. It’s just not what I’m looking for when I’m thinking Bruce nor do I think their intent was to do a mid-Atlantic accent. As an American I have heard my fair share of criticism from Aussies and Brits alike at how we butcher their accents, so if Shan an Aussie can tell that it’s a bad attempt at an American accent, then I should definitely tell being an American. If that was their intention that’s fine but I don’t think that’s what they were going for and Iain Glenn just didn’t do a good job.

John Boehmer

Why wouldn't they have intended to do a mid-atlantic accent? Gotham is located in southern New Jersey, right in the heart of the mid-atlantic region of the US.

Zach Hershman

You are correct in thinking Rachel looks older after she defeated Trigon. The scenes before the right were shot when season one was filmed as this was actually the season one finale. The scenes shot after the fight weren't filmed until they started filming season two. Pretty sure there was a 6 to 8 month gap.


Yeah, Deathstroke's suit is like REALLY good. And almost completely comic accurate unlike in Arrow ^^


Personally, I choose to believe it's Alfred's influence. I mean, the man raised him since Bruce was what ? 10? It would make sense for him actually to get a slight accent.