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Hey guys. 

I just wanted to vent a bit and maybe explain a few things. Last week I woke up and I was banned from a game I have been very loyally playing for 3 years with over 2000+ hours in the game and sadly, a lot of money spent on it. 

The ban was because I family shared with somebody who cheated, however I didn't even have the game family shared with anyone. I sent a ticket and they said the person who cheated needs to successfully appeal the ban and how is that possible when there is no other person?

This is why Arrowverse was late last week. I was really upset about this. I mean wouldn't you be?

This isn't the first time I've been wrongfully banned on this game, and certainly not the first time on any game. (There was one time where I hadn't played in 6 months and hopped on to a one week ban - confusing right?) 

After I explained a lot of this in the ticket I sent, I got no response back and then sent another, and they replied pretty much with the same info they had already given me. I felt infuriated and lashed out. I felt like I was talking to a bot and so I said something stupid, I said this was probably grounds for taking someone to court and then they replied instantly, (almost like a bot eh?) telling me that the ticket was closed and anything I send in now will be spam as I have threatened legal action. 

I was angry and upset. Heck I'm still angry and upset. 

I woke up early today because I need to get Arrowverse done and then I'm going out for the first time in 6 months to see a friend since my birthday is tomorrow. I'm also going out tomorrow and will be busy and so idk what to do. 

I feel completely hopeless and maybe venting like this was a bad idea too but idk 



Don’t like this ruin your day/birthday! Sorry that all that happened its not fair at all :/

Chess Red Eagle

That definitely sounds frustrating. But happy early birthday! And have fun with your friend tomorrow.


happy early birthday I do hope you feel better


That’s like me and Modern Warfare. I completely understand feeling terrible and angry.

Luis Garcia

Sorry this happened, I know a similar feeling. I hope your birthday can cheer you up. Happy early birthday!!!

BJ Stephens

You know...sometimes you just got to vent I think it's especially important to be able to if you need to right now everything going on in the world like it is.


Unfortunately threatening legal action means you have to actually take said legal action or it's probably all over. Legally if they talk to you at all after that, they can be held further liable, so the only person allowed to deal with you is their lawyer. At least, that's how most companies do it. Which is too bad, because their customer service was honestly pretty terrible if they never listened to you. Nothing like this should have happened and you are absolutely right to be upset. So sorry this happened. This is a safe place to vent, and you should. And no, talking about this won't hurt anything. In fact the one thing that will get stubborn companies to actually pay attention is negative publicity. You may not want to go that route, but at least that means talking about it here is quite safe and won't hurt things any further. Seriously though, companies that don't listen when they make mistakes like this and harm their customers are the worst!

Tom Tattershall

I am sorry this has happened to you. I hope you can still enjoy your birthday.


8 years ago I got a 3 day suspension in the online game I was playing...it was DDO. The suspension was because I posted a message on the looking for group channel (which was my only recourse) to try and fix a problem that someone else created (in short someone in my guild ..not "my" guild, but I was an officer... had a temper tantrum about something, I don't know what and proceeded to boot people out of the guild. Another officer caught him and stopped him but not before he had kicked out about 35 people. So I posted a short message the only place available (because there was no record of who was booted).... anyway I was pissed off and sent a ticket, 4 days later...after the 3 day ban of course they simply said that they would give me 3 free days...which I took as a huge insult. I demanded a full refund of all my recent purchases (which included the new upcoming expansion)... they refused, so I went to the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint. That got their attention and my refund was granted!


mmm... how do you you people manage to get paragraphs in your posts...I have no options and as soon as I hit enter my message posts!

Jon Dub

Hey what are we here for if not to vent to :) Have never been banned from a game, but years ago my World of Warcraft account was hacked and people had stolen all my money and lots of rare gear etc, it is heartbreaking to feel all those hours you have spent in a game have been absolutely wasted over something beyond your control. :( Try to keep your chin up and enjoy your birthday! Have a good one x


Wow that sucks a lot I only have around 1000 hours in a certain game but if I got banned for no reason it would probably ruin my week too. I hope you feel better in time and happy early birthday!


Yeah I learned that lesson the hard way too getting banned from something. Trust no one!


It pains me to read that this happened to you. Investing so much time and money in a game and then being treated like that. Threatening the company with legal action wasn't the smartest thing to do, but when emotions take over we all sometimes do things that we later regret. I have also been banned from a game in the past, but I dare not call my situation comparable to yours. You invested more time and money. Venting was the right thing to do. What kind of community would we be if that were not possible. Let your emotions run free, because that is always better than bottling up those emotions. We are here for you. And I'm sure fresh air and a change of scenery will do you good. And ofcourse: Happy early birthday!

Brendan O'Connor

I’m sorry you have to deal with this Shan, I hope your day gets better from here on out. P.S. Happy Birthday (tomorrow) !!!


The jerks--that 's such an unfair and senseless thing to happen to someone whose been supporting their game for so long. I think that companies should be ashamed when they throw around allegations of cheating without vetting them properly, and their customer service sounds like it's just painful to deal with. I'm sorry Shan, and I hope your day gets better.


And, have a great birthday tomorrow! You deserve it


Sorry to hear that. I Hope your day gets better and happy early birthday :)


Happened to after 10 years in FFXI and while I was initially incredibly angry and upset it honestly help me reprioritize my life a bit. I started putting friends and myself first a bit more. Started being more active socially and before I knew it I had moved on and had a better outlook on ways I could spend my time. I still like gaming just not to the extent things like mmo’s can do to you. Just focus on the great experiences you had and look at this as an opportunity to grow and focus on other things for now.


Sometimes venting is the best thing to do just get everything off your chest.Hope everything works out and Happy Birthday

Jason Veevaert

No problem with venting and hope you have a good birthday!


I hope your birthday celebration today (21st) is a blast, picks up your spirits a lot, and moderates your anger for the undeserved banishment. I appreciate the tireless effort you and your team put in viewing, editing and posting the many reactions you do each week.