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And another one down. What a ride this has been. Thank you to everyone who came on this journey with me. I'll never not be thankful for the community this show has given me. 

OneHub link SERIES FINALE: https://ws.onehub.com/files/5ldixk6d

Dropbox link SERIES FINALE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0fauj176lqsfhiw/Supernatural%20S15E20%20-%20Carry%20On%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

OneHub Link LONG ROAD HOME SPECIAL: https://ws.onehub.com/files/d1jjp3mf

Dropbox link LONG ROAD HOME SPECIAL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbtiji9qt2an6r8/Supernatural%20-%20The%20Long%20Road%20Home%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!

I also reacted to the long road home but I did that afterwards, so if you're watching through me for the first time, check out the finale first please as I may have spoiled stuff, not too sure haha




I bawled my eyes out from start to finish this morning. I’m not even sure I can watch this reaction right now without falling apart again 🥺 And Happy Birthday, Shan. Hopefully this didn't break you too much. Also, Dean was always gonna go down fighting, even a nest of vamps. That's how he wanted it to happen.


Completing a 15 year journey in just under 3 years, you deserve a vacation and a nap.


Dont know if you heard, but after filming, Jensen got to take Baby home with him


Wth. No cas tho?

Christopher simeon

I thought it was an ok finale. I got more emotional in the AOS finale tho. Dean has died to many times on screen and I just didn’t feel it in his last scene


I cried like a baby. This Dean death hit me like the one in the season 3 finale. HIs death at the end of season 9 hit me too, but I cried more with this one. I knew it was Final. And so many other things going on in my head added to the impact. I hadn't cried like that in a while on this show.


The finale is more of an epilogue, the big spectacle was in the penultimate episode and then the finale was more of a follow up and charcter wrap up. It's kinda like Primeval and Restless from Buffy. It took a bit for me to digest it while it was happening but after it finished I think it was good. The only only other thing I would have liked instead would have been for it to be open ended so they could have come back in a few years and do more but as an conculsion I think they did a good job giving the characters what they always wanted and wrapping it up.

Steven Davison

I feel like so many people (not on here just on twitter etc) don't realise what a factor covid was in the finale. Every American actor has to isolate for 2 full weeks before being able to film anything in Canada so as much as some of the actors love the show, they can't be expected to fly in and isolate for 2 weeks just for a 30 second cameo or something. Only thing I wish they'd changed was having Sam specifically say it was Eileen, like we obviously all know it was Eileen he was with but with them obviously unable to get the actress back I'd have liked it if we saw Eileen text him or something just to confirm it. Other than that I loved it personally.


Oh boy....just seeing your face in the thumbnail breaks me. I didn't like the finale when I first watched. The way Dean died annoyed me. I think I let that distract me from the rest of the episode. But, like you said, maybe that was the point. With Chuck no longer writing their story and having them just be normal guys who are free, it makes dying to some random possible. And since Jack said he wanted to keep himself out of things, he wasn't going to do anything to change it. On re-watch I appreciate it a little more and it had it's sweet moments. And the boys ended up together again in heaven, which was nice. I think the vampire girl was maybe the girl they tried to save in season 1 with their dad with the colt and dead man's blood? I could be wrong. In addition, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all that you do. You have become such a big part of some people's lives. All of the time and effort you put into these reactions on a daily basis is so very much appreciated. You are such a sweet, good-hearted, amazing human being and the world needs more people like you. You have so many people around the world that love you and support you. I absolutely adore you and your reactions. Take care and have a Happy Birthday!


OK, I haven't yet watched your reaction to this finale...I'm about to begin it... but I did watch the episode last night and I was seriously disappointed To me this did not seem like an episode of Supernatural it seemed like a Supernatural Special...not a series finale. To me the series finale will be 15X19 ... and whenever I re-watch the series I will end it at 15X19 Having said all that...I fully understand everyone will have different opinions and all opinions are valid!

Steve Quast

Happy Birthday! I haven't watched your reaction yet, but if you didn't like this episode, may you can return it to the producers and make them write another one.

Steve Quast

I wish either that the brothers had both lived or that they had both died at the same time and then we got to see them reuniting with everyone in heaven (John, Mary, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Cas, etc.). Overall I really just wasn't feeling it until the last 5 minutes. I didn't feel Dean's death at all because he'd already died so many times throughout the show in much more grusome ways than they showed here. If anything, it made me laugh that he was killed by a random vampire. It's like if Buffy had spent so many seasons taking down every big bad and then at the very end she tripped and fell onto her stake.

Jason Veevaert

Sang along to the entire song when it began playing!


I think the point of Dean's death was you never know when Hunter times is up every hunt could be there last one.As for the episode part me loves and part me is disappointed i say its definitely not the episode I would of did but you can't judge show on that I just really wish they could been reunited with more people in the end.Who knows maybe it be like Angel which i hated the first time I saw but now consider it one best ending ever.

Jason Veevaert

Also great to know that Cas is in Heaven with them, maybe Jack put him in command, which would be pretty cool.


Many of the Easter eggs draws a lot of parallels with the pilot episode. In heaven, Sam and Dean wears the same clothes as they did in pilot. Also the dialogue were Sam said that he couldn't do it without him is also found in it but it is said by Dean. Maybe there is more Easter eggs that I missed.

Brandon Wiesner

I think the general consensus is, and I agree, that the finale definitely didn't live up to most people's hopes/expectations. However, just like you, I had tears in my eyes from the moment Dean realized he was done for, all the way through their goodbye at the end. They definitely did the job they set out to do, which is give everything in the show a finality, even if how they got there had some bumps along the way.


I think Dean dying the way he did was pretty fitting. Sam and Dean have died many times (not counting the 100s of times in 'Mystery Spot'). This time they just had no higher being to bring them back. He died fighting-although a ramdom vamp-still a Vamp afterall. We forget that most normal hunters struggle against 1-They took out 4 and saved 2 kids. That should not be taken away from him. Sam got to live his life. The way I see it-they died like they would have in S1 (clothes n all).

Helen Wood

Sam let Dean die and Dean just gave up. A terrible, hopeless ending.


The Place Bobby and Dean meet in heaven is Harvelle's road house which means Jo, Ellen and Ash are probably inside. The License plate on Baby is the original plate from the first two seasons.


Jensen hated this. He didn’t want to do it. He hated the finale and the entire cast and crew basically made him feel bad for not liking it, they said “take it or leave it” like what the hell? He wanted more out of it. He also wanted Misha back.

Jeffrey Mlinek

I'm hoping when the movie comes out in a few years that this ending was just one of Chuck's other worlds.


idk why people are talking shit but i loved this ending i thought it made perfeft sense

Ian Caudillo

This is the third CW show to kill off my favorite character in the series finale and it really makes me mad.

Sharon Owen

Dean didn't just give up, he knew he was gone, his injury was too much and they have no divine intervention anymore. Sam didn't let Dean die either, there was nothing he could have done. The hopeful part was the ending in heaven... they played their own game, ran their own race. Life isn't about happy endings all the time

Sharon Owen

I personally loved this ending. I knew as soon as they entered that barn someone was going to die... I was so nervous when they entered. Dean dying to a random vampire may not be the 'best' death, but this season was all about not playing into Chuck's 'big grand plan' with a dramatic end of one brother killing the other or sacrificing themselves. Supernatural is also not about happy endings, never has been, it's killed nearly every character (Jody, Donna and the girls being the exception thankfully). I like the fact they didn't take the safe route and end it like episode 19 with them driving away in the Impala. It needed an end, not just a 'and they lived happily ever moment'. The only thing I would have liked to know was how much time passed between episode 19 and 20 - I personally wish it was years so at least they got to live a Chuck free life for a while, but I think realistically it was months.

Billy Dancel

I'm sure everyone was not expecting Dean to die fighting a vampire. We got so used to him and Sam battling more violent and dangerous monsters we thought it would take Godzilla to kill him. In the end he died in a fitting manner, as a hunter. When Sam was born, Dean had only one job in life, take care of his little brother. Dean showed Sam how to continue on without him, (and you may add in Gabriel on the subject). I don't think Dean would have handled it as well if Sam went first. Plus it was a perfect reason to have Sam name his son after him. Hearing "Carry On Wayward Son" had a different impact here than years before. It was going to be the last time we would hear it and they made the right call not to play it at the start. Hearing it again later wouldn't have had the same effect. Shan: "I haven't been this vulnerable on camera in a while, so give me a second, I'm a little bit embarrassed to be honest with you" ......... all of us had the comfort and privacy to cry our hearts out at home, likely alone. I truly did. You did this in front of a camera... recorded it... and shared it with us. You could have easily edited your face full of tears out and we would have never know. You have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed!! Thank you so very much for this fun trip! Take care of yourself!

Jason Usher

I loved this finale so much, wish covid didn't make it to where they couldn't have all the cameos they wanted but I still love what they gave us, also The Dean death makes 100 percent sense because Dean has said many times throughout the series that he knows he will die bloody on a random monster hunt