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yeah I was very confused too, I was expecting some time-travel sheanigans in the end or something like that. Also should SuperGirl be that famous on earth-1 since she lives on earth-38, the ray said something about meeting an evil supergirl, should he even know that is an evil version? And in regards to the inconsistencies, I tried to google a bit and as I understand it, there are inconsistencies and as i understand it this animation was made before Crisis on Earth -X

Chris Peacock

I honestly considered "spoiling" that there would be some plot holes, but ultimately decided to say nothing. When they made crisis they used what they wanted from this, but didn't care if they created a plot hole. The live action is the official events. Even though this came out first, for any plot hole the live action version is "right".


Supergirl appeared with the other heroes and the President after the invasion stuff. It was a news broadcast so that would be how the public would know about her. She is standing next to the president. I mean she doesn't say anything about her but could have happened off screen or he could have recognized it was her by just seeing her.


So season one came out just after Crisis and takes place before it. Season 2 however came out way later and is not canon.

David Brown (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 11:01:25 Shan, Season 1 of Freedom Fighters: The Ray actually came out as a prequel 10 days after the crossover aired. Season 2 came out during the summer after this season of the Arrowverse finished airing. But they take place during Season 5 of Arrow & Season 3 of The Flash. Oliver definitely shouldn't have been wearing his Season 4 costume. From a production standpoint, it was easier for them to use the same character animation models for Oliver & Barry that were used in the Vixen animated series. The Wells that Cisco was talking about was H.R., not Harry. Also, they had Curtis flying in this. Curtis can't fly! Red Tornado was originally not supposed to be in the crossover, but they decided to use him there at the last minute. The animated series was planned out months before the crossover. It was only after this was written that they decided to include Snart in the crossover. Two of the producers couldn't agree on how this and the crossover should fit together, which resulted in a lot of inconsistencies and continuity errors.
2020-11-07 16:48:03 Shan, Season 1 of Freedom Fighters: The Ray actually came out as a prequel 10 days after the crossover aired. Season 2 came out during the summer after this season of the Arrowverse finished airing. But they take place during Season 5 of Arrow & Season 3 of The Flash. Oliver definitely shouldn't have been wearing his Season 4 costume. From a production standpoint, it was easier for them to use the same character animation models for Oliver & Barry that were used in the Vixen animated series. The Wells that Cisco was talking about was H.R., not Harry. Also, they had Curtis flying in this. Curtis can't fly! Red Tornado was originally not supposed to be in the crossover, but they decided to use him there at the last minute. The animated series was planned out months before the crossover. It was only after this was written that they decided to include Snart in the crossover. Two of the producers couldn't agree on how this and the crossover should fit together, which resulted in a lot of inconsistencies and continuity errors.

Shan, Season 1 of Freedom Fighters: The Ray actually came out as a prequel 10 days after the crossover aired. Season 2 came out during the summer after this season of the Arrowverse finished airing. But they take place during Season 5 of Arrow & Season 3 of The Flash. Oliver definitely shouldn't have been wearing his Season 4 costume. From a production standpoint, it was easier for them to use the same character animation models for Oliver & Barry that were used in the Vixen animated series. The Wells that Cisco was talking about was H.R., not Harry. Also, they had Curtis flying in this. Curtis can't fly! Red Tornado was originally not supposed to be in the crossover, but they decided to use him there at the last minute. The animated series was planned out months before the crossover. It was only after this was written that they decided to include Snart in the crossover. Two of the producers couldn't agree on how this and the crossover should fit together, which resulted in a lot of inconsistencies and continuity errors.

David Brown

Shan, the colour of Mari/Vixen's power is another inconsistency/continuity error. In her animated series it was purple. When she appeared in live-action on Arrow in 4x15: Taken, the colour of her power was blue. Mari and Amaya's powers are both coloured blue in live-action. The purple used in the animated shows is just wrong.