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I really love how they took something that's usually considered a weakness (having some form of mental illness) and turned it into a strength -- the only people who could be possessed by the Oni and resist it in any way were people with a mental illness. And Jenny Boyd just killed it in that scene where Lizzie was possessed by the Oni. She was amazing.


Fun fact Josies actress is from japanese decent so she speaks it :) I was excited for the moment when Kai shows up on the camera, knew you would like it :) It doesnt make sense ! Landon touched Hope and the Oni didn't jump into Hope ? I never understood why ?


i feel so bad for lizzie - she thinks she's getting better then she's told she's crazy and hallucinating a boyfriend. she is no doubt one of the funniest characters in the show, with some of the best lines. i also loved how she had absolutely no hesitation in stabbing landon.


I feel so bad for her too ! But she is a bad ass she could control the oni !


It didn't leave Landon for the same reason that the wolf killing demon last episode didn't go after Hope in wolf form. It had its primary objective Landon. Once it possessed him the goal became to take him back to the hole. It only left his body when Lizzie stabbed him with the magical sword.


Yeah I first I thought the same but I'm not sure if the Oni jumped into Lizzie before he stabbed him or afterwards ? (Is it even possible)


Lizzie touched Landon then stabbed him. The Oni probably saw the stab coming and jumped into Lizzie to avoid it