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I wasn't going to go into this but I figured I should in case people notice if I feel a bit 'off' during upcoming reactions.

Tahney, my dingo was 14 years old and had a form of dementia and arthritis. For the past few months, me and my dad have watched her go from being a happy, jumpy and enthusiastic dog to being completely lifeless and completely docile. She would constantly have accidents where things would just fall out of her without her even knowing it was happening. She wouldn't respond to her name and often we'd have to put things infront of her face for her to realize it was there. We believe she was blind and deaf but we're not 100% sure. She would sit down and eat her food and slip over causing the water bowl to spill everywhere as well. She would occasionally just lean against objects in the house to stay stood up and dad even saw her holding her head at the wall. He wasn't even sure if she was still alive or if she had a stroke or something, she was just leaning. It was kinda scary.

Here's a dingo, that in her prime could jump on the roof and my dad had to chase her from roof to roof to stop her, and now couldn't even get on the couch. 

About 2 weeks ago she fell into a mud hole and came inside completely covered head to toe in mud. Like it was insane. Here's a dog that would fight tooth and nail to avoid being washed in a bath and she almost fell asleep as we bathed her this time. We knew we had to take her to the vet but we knew if we did, we'd have to make a decision and we just weren't ready.

On Monday my dad came in and spoke to me almost in tears about how this was cruel for us to keep her around like this and that it was time to take her to the vet to be put down. We made arrangements and spoke to my sister who is in another state now about it and she fell to pieces not being able to say goodbye. 

5pm September 10th, my dad took her to the vet and I said goodbye. I didn't go. I couldn't go. Tahney was an amazing dog. I use to think people always over talked their dogs, like they had so much personality and I would laugh at them because Tahney, she had personality. She ate through the back door, jumped the fence several times, ran around with a dog plushy for hours and I remember she got it tangled up in this green crisscross fence stuff and the lawn mower was going to get it and she dove in to save it. I remember she jumped probably 6 feet into the air to catch a bird. She jumped a picket fence when she tried to escape because she was home alone and lonely and she got her paws stuck. I remember she would come into my room on a stormy night and she would go behind any object she could to avoid the thunder, she would scratch the floor.  I remember when I went to QLD and came back I put my empty suitcase on the floor and she slept in it. This was my dingo, and now she's gone.

So I apologize if I seem a bit distant or upset in the next few days/weeks. This is the first time I've lost somebody that meant a lot to me in a very long time. 

A friend of mine dropped by today and dropped of a care package which was very sweet of her to do. The Vet also sent us flowers which was also very kind. I'd like to thank everyone that has said nice things. 

This post ended up being a little longer than I thought, but I wanted to be clear and explain that this wasn't an easy decision to make and I really miss her. 




Sorry for your loss , stay strong ❤️


I am so sorry Sweetie. Sending you a big hug.

Daniel French

It's one of the hardest things ever, losing a pet, I know, especially having to put it down. But in the end, it's the kindest thing you could of done by the sounds of it, my thoughts are with you and your family ❤

Daniel French

It's one of the hardest things ever, losing a pet, I know, especially having to put it down. But in the end, it's the kindest thing you could of done by the sounds of it, my thoughts are with you and your family ❤

Jon Dub

Big Hugs, Am so sorry, I have had to say goodbye to two dogs and three cats in my life and its never easy. I wouldnt even say I am a HUGE animal lover, but they really do become part of the family and losing them always hits you harder than you would have ever imagined. Take care of yourself and take whatever time you need x x

Brendan O'Connor

Sorry for your loss Shan, take all the time you need.


Those are some great memories you have, you'll love her forever. Have fun running around in The Good Place Tahney, we'll all miss you!


I’m sad knowing that she won’t photobomb any of your videos anymore. I’m so sorry for you and your family; at least you have years worth of amazing memories that will be with you all your life. You’ll find comfort in that, eventually. Take care


I'm so sorry to hear this, Shan! Sending all my love and sympathy to you and your family.

Chess Red Eagle

I am so so sorry for your loss Shan. Sending all the hugs your way!

Collector of Stuff

I have absolutely nothing to say that will make you feel better. I am sorry as I know this is one of the crappiest feelings in the world.


I’m so sorry❤️ rip I used to think the same way about people and their pets but now having a pet of my own that I had lost, I totally understand why everyone is upset to see them go. You see them live and grow and learn. I totally understand how you’re feeling and hope you feel better soon 💞

Brandon Wiesner

Even though you knew it was coming, it never hits you any less hard when it happens. I'm sorry for your loss Shan. Losing a pet is losing a family member. Don't even worry about reactions. Take all the time you need to heal and feel like you can face the world again. We love you Shan!

Nick Kohler

I’m am so sorry. I had to say goodbye to my beagle right after Christmas last year, it’s a really hard thing to go through I know.

Victor L.

I'm very sorry for your loss. Reading your post was a lovely tribute to Tahney.

Tammy L. Faulkner

💞As I read your message to us I remember my sweet Sasha (my cat of 16 yrs nearly) and cry🌸I thought I could never have another cat since I was torn from loosing her, but here I am... with 4 cats and loving each of them with all I got🌼I am so, so very sorry for what your having to feel, you and your family🌺I'd like to think she and my cat are in a better place... that they are happy and pain free, I like the idea of an after life and everything🌷 I'm not a GOD fearing person nor do I believe in the bible, but in many ways I do believe in SOMETHING for every creature, including humans, after life🥀It has been about 7 yrs this coming month since my sweet Sasha joined my mom and over 2 since my dad joined them... I know our sweet fur babies loved us and new they had been and will always be loved🌻 My heart and mind are with you right now Shan... hope your ok and remembering those happy 14 yrs💐We love you and wish you the very best💖


I'm so sorry for your loss <3 14 is an amazing age and she had the best life with you and your family <3 I have 3 dogs myself and 1 turning 13 in 2 month and I teared up reading this. Big virtual hug coming your way from germany.

Victor M

Sorry for your loss, I remember being hit pretty bad when I lost my cat of about 15 years 2 years ago.

Paul Gregory

That fucking sucks and thanks to 2020 I know exactly how you're feeling. My condolences.

Patrick - Excelsior

All my Love and Support to you, your Dad and your Sister. It is so hard to lose a Loved One. Tahney was your Friend, your Family, Your Defender, and the one that Depended on you. You painted a lovely picture of your life with her and your love for her. Hugs to you and those that grieve with you.



Jason Veevaert

I'm sorry that this occurred, I almost lost my dog a few months ago due to a digestive issue she had and I felt sick watching her have to recover after treatment. If you need to take a break from reactions for a week or longer, I would understand, and I'm sure everyone else here would too.

Timotey Kuhn

Don't you worry about a thing with reactions. You take as much time as you feel you need to work through this. To lose a family member like that is always an incredibly sad thing. Many many warm hugs to you..

Kevin C

My sympathies Shan...I’ve been there a couple of times. Once with my own pup, and once with a friend’s who I adored like my own. I know no words will help, so I’ll just say that you have my condolences, and take all the time you need, even if it means delaying things. I know that I, and I expect that just about everyone here will understand.

Tom Tattershall

I feel sorrow for your loss. It tore me up every time I lost one of my dear cat companions over the years and having to put one down is such a difficult and painful decision.


Shan I have a good idea of ​​what you are experiencing right now. We had to say goodbye to our dog at the beginning of August. The loss is heartbreaking. But at the same time, you also know that your beloved and fantastic dog is now resting in peace. Something every dog ​​deserves after having had a beautiful, active and wonderful life. It will take time, but the pain will eventually go away. But you will always have the memories. Remember that. Shan I am truly sorry for your loss and I wish you the best and take your time to mourn the loss of your Dingo.

Emma goldsbrough

I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family will be okay, it was a very hard, painful decision. If you need to take time for you, you take time.

Lasith Bandara

Shan I'm really sorry to hear about Tahney, take all the time you need and don't worry about us.


It is never easy to lose a beloved pet. Take comfort in the fact that you enriched her life as much as she enriched yours.


Thank you, Shan, for sharing your sad news with all of us. I can feel your pain as we are soon to face a similar decision with our 15 year old Schnauzer. Your heartache will be with your forever. Nothing will replace Tahney. But you must know that there are many, many dogs in the world that need and don't have a loving home to call their own. Perhaps someday you will want to open your heart again to one of those unfortunate souls. Take care of yourself. Thank you for all you do on Patreon.


So sorry hon! 14 years is amazing. Sounds like Tahney lived life to the fullest for all of those 14 years. And it's a mark of how amazing a fur mamma you are that she was able to be herself and enjoy all of that time in a safe and loving home. Kudos to you! Big hugs that memories of the good times will come to help ease your pain during this time.

Chris (darkwater)

I'm sorry to hear that, Shan. Losing a friend like that is hard.

Josie Ball

It's always hard to lose a pet. They are our family, our friend, sometimes our therapist even. Deepest sympathies💗

Rob Flynn

I'm so sorry, Shan. Unfortunately, I know this pain all too well. Love to you, your father and sister, and anyone else who's life may have been touched by your Tahney. I just finished lighting a candle in her memory.


Shan, I'm so so sorry. Wishing you and your dad and sister well during this really tough time!


We had a family dog as well, she was 15 years old, when we had to put her down, and it was in christmas... I Am truly sorry for your loss. There is nothing that would make it better, as the pain is too raw because the connection to our pets is truly special, and I hope you find solace in your memories, cuz no matter what, she will live on in your hearts and minds. I will light 14 candles, as I we did with our dog, in her memory. Once again, truly sorry for your loss, take care.


Just a footnote: Oct 26, 2020. Our dog, Ivy, left us today. She cheered up our world a lot.