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Chess Red Eagle

Shan out here doing the lords work making sure we are spared from having to pay 30 dollars for this. Thanks Shan!

Luis Garcia

I'm not sure how much you had heard before watching the movie, but I was already under the impression that a lot of things in the movie would be different. The reasoning is that this movie is supposed to be closer to the original story the animated film was based on. The animated film had changed a lot, so this is less of a live action adaptation of the animated film, but more of a live action adaptation of the original story.

Stefan suchy

Mulan was also the only one who managed the training task in the old movie. Only what she has done and no one else has changed. After the film I'll write something more ^^.

Raven Dark

I really wanted to see this too, so yay! This is my first watch, and I'm glad I got to see it with you! From what I heard (and I have no idea how true it is), they took Mushu out of the film because Chinese viewers found him offensive. And they took the musical element out because they wanted this to have a more historical vibe, and a musical would have thrown that off. This was supposed to be closer to the original story of Mulan, not a remake of the animated film. With a few tweaks, yes, what happened in the meeting with the matchmaker is what happened in the animated film. In the AM, her grandmother gave her a cricket for luck. Crcket jumps out and Mulan tries to catch him, hijinks ensue, the teapot gets broken, the matchmaker's backside is set on fire, she gets ink all over her face, and, humiliated, she throws Mulan out and screams, "You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!" In this version, the bug was just a spider instead of a cricket, and some of the dialogue is changed (and no fan thing). But the idea is mostly the same.

Stefan suchy

The problem here, I think, is that you were expecting pretty much the same movie as 1998. But it was clear from the start that there would be changes. It is of course annoying when you didn't know about it. The witch was a kind of evil reflection. It showed for me that nobody is automatically good or bad, but our decisions make us who we are. As for the feminist. I don't think it was much different in the original. In the original, she was better than the others. She managed it with the task, almost alone defeated the entire opposing army and the entire people fell on their knees in front of her.

Raven Dark

It's easier to leave the rest of my thoughts in a second comment instead of adding them to my first comment above. I think Stefan suchy is right, the witch was Evil Reflection, She was also the hawk or whatever type of bird that was. In the animated film, the villain (Shan Yu, i think his name was) had a bird like that one. So they just combined the evil reflection,or shadow self of Mulan and the bad guy's bird into one being. In that same vain, I think the sister was also supposed to be a shadow self of Mulan, but where the witch was an evil one, the sister represented the softer, more submissive version of Mulan, one who "knows her place" and follows tradition. I think they did this partly because it was easier to have her have interactions with and be friends with another girl than with a dog, as she had in the animated version. In the animated version, the dog's name was "Little Brother." But, more importantly, I think the sister was also meant to show us that while it's okay for a woman to be a fighter, it's also okay if you choose to follow the family traditions. At the end, the sister said she was matched, and we see that she is thrilled and happy that she's going to be a wife. That is the right path for her, and that's okay. You do you. The sister was meant to keep the movie from being too preachy, or sending the message that old traditions of being a homemaker and a wife are bad. The problem is, they underused the character and didn't flesh her out enough, so the message sort of fell flat. Oh, and the woman working for the bad guy was called a witch because in those days, any woman with magic was referred to as a witch. Anyone with magic was considered to be practicing witchcraft, and although some leaders were thought to have people who supposedly had powers working for them, it was also considered illegal and evil. While I do agree that some of the creative decisions they made in this film didn't work, the part where she climbed the mountain with the water did work. In the animated film, she was the only one who was able to climb the pole with the heavy golden weights. They did exactly the same thing here, except they did it with the water, up the mountain. In the animated movie, they had the whole water thing, too, it's just that the exercise she completed better than the men was a different one, which I think they cut out in order to avoid doing something that would have been hard to accomplish without it looking TOO cartoony. The guys reacted the same way as they did in the animated version. If this move's doing that sends the message that women are better than men, then the animated film does too. That scene fulfilled the same purpose, it happened at the same part of the movie structurally, and everyone reacted the same. All they did was change the exercise itself to something that fit better in the real world. I don't see that scene as women being better than men. That was the only thing during the training that she really did better. Everything else was equal. And I think they probably all eventually did it. Just as they probably did in the original film. We just didn't see it. Everyone has skills they can do better than others. That scene shows us that this includes Mulan. She isn't better than the men. She's as good as them. There are a lot of things I think didn't work, for sure. For example, I think it was a mistake to make her already proficient in battle and with a sword. This is not because it doesn't follow the original. Part of what makes the story of Mulan in the animated film so great is that she slowly changes into a warrior. Watching her transform and learn along with the others that she can be as good as the others was a vital part of her arc. Taking that part of her transformation out ruins some of the dramatic effect of her arc, and cheapens a lot of her other accomplishments. Readers want to see the character change, and we lost some of that by having her already able to fight. That said, there were things that did work. I think they had her climb the mountain first to show that she is equal, and that she has things she can do better, just as they do. I think this movie, in some ways (but not all) showed the equality better than the original film. I believe that's why they didn't have the men kneel to her at the end, because, as dramatic and powerful as that was in the original film, that really WOULD have sent the message that women are better. It would have indicated that she was superior, not equal, and the movie is about equality. Hope that makes sense. I didn't hate this film, but like every other live action adaptation Walt Disney has done, it could have been a lot better.

Chess Red Eagle

She became better only after training and going through hardship. She actually grew as a character and fighter. Here, she starts all powerful but hides it because tradition and then decides to stop hiding. She starts and ends the film in the same place and that is infinitely more boring.

david borokovsky

Disney's Live-Action Mulan Pitch Meeting - (kind like honest trail but better) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_USHuhOqyk


So Mulan introduced Mulan to the emperor of China.


Ended up watching the animated Mulan yesterday for the first time, and then this one via reaction today. Definitely liked the animated one better. I pretty much agree with your comments, especially the lack of hair cutting scene and fan! No Mushu was really disappointing too. I had known about Ming-Na's cameo - knew you'd love that! I saw that she was credited as "Esteemed Guest" - cool! Best guess on why they gave her a sister was probably only for the spider scene with the teapot. Unless they cut out a bunch of her stuff, dunno. Anyways, not a bad movie, but glad for the reaction because it pushed me to watch the animated one which I really liked. :)

Joe Smijohn Jr

Pretty much Ming-Na's cameo was the only good part about this movie. Honestly not worth purchasing on the app. Besides your reactions are always better anyway. But I believe that Phoenix was their version of Mushu but cut down from the original version to not interact with her. And given the fact both Mushu and the Phoenix are the same color.


Right. In the original story she had a sister and an younger brother