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Thank you for your support Chris!

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This is a very good show, you should defiantly watch more :)


From what I've seen on forums, a lot of people found it confusing. It isn't a show that gives you all the answers straight away. But it does begin to explain things as it goes on and the story becomes more focused. But I think a lot of the things you don't understand are intended to be mysterious at this point in the story, so we can discover them as Lyra does.

Emma goldsbrough

I haven't watched this. I have seen the movie they did.


I read the Books when I was younger and aminterested to see how they adapt it...


I loved the show and I loved the books when I was younger. I haven't gotten round to rereading them.


I enjoyed this show when it aired here last year. It's confusing at first if you haven't read the books (I haven't) but it gets easier to follow once you learn all the weird words. The show does get better.