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I was interested on how you would react to Flashpoint because I felt everyone i have talked to thought it was really disappointing. However, it still has a very high rating on IMDb so idk

Jared Scoggin

I get that the writers wanted the new timeline to be a happy one for Barry so he doesn't want to go back and let Thawne kill his mom, but by the end of this episode there should have been a lot more chaos going on. Like those tornadoes could've destroyed the city, and possibly killed his parents again along with a lot of other people, making it so that there's no reason he should want to stay. Or, at the very least, they should have killed one of the main characters, like Iris or Joe, to give Barry an actual motivation to be willing to let his mother be murdered again. There were no real consequences to Barry in Flashpoint except losing his memories and his speed, which he wasn't even really using to be a hero, so he didn't really need it. Overall, the episode was a let down for me, given that Flashpoint is one of Barry Allen's most iconic storylines. I knew that it would never be as epic as it is in the comics or the animated movie, but I really wish they had saved this story and used it for a crossover to get some more of the Arrowverse characters involved.

Chandler Ennis

I think the reason Flashpoint ended up being so self-contained was because they didn't want it to have too big an impact on the other shows, and while it might have been nice to see some ways Arrow played out in the other timeline, it would have made it harder to justify how few effects it had in the long run. It also might have really confused how time travel works in this reality even more, because it's kind of confusing to think about what would have happened to the legends if their lives had never led them to the ship but the timeline still had effects from when they'd gone back in time before. It would have been nice for them to start the season off with a crossover showing all the shows in Flashpoint and then ending it with Barry going back to set things right, but I think they didn't decide they were doing Flashpoint until they had already started writing the next seasons for the other shows and didn't have time to throw in an extra episode just for Flashpoint. They do make up for it though, not going to say how to avoid spoilers, but there are some great episodes of the other shows this season that are really worth the let-down of Flashpoint in my opinion.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Your reaction to the Iris thing... pretty sure that was exactly me the first time around.

Kevin Tran

I just want to thank you Shan for giving us such wonderful reactions. Your flash reactions are the best because we can all tell how much you love The Flash as a character so seeing you so invested in the show and excited episode to episode is awesome and wholesome

Emma goldsbrough

I tried not to get excited for an eps because I know that I will only be disappointed but sometimes it is hard. I have heard of the other flashpoint that you talk about in the other seasons and I decide to watched it. I had seen this first thou but really like the other flashpoint to this thou.

Paul Maki

I couldn't really say as I read Flashpoint and watched the movie as well, so initially I felt the same as you.


I liked it but i also think the stakes and problems could have been a lot higher. I know maybe they had some obstacles with production and maybe should have worked out better with the other shows and possibly had them crossover here and air a couple weeks before the other show to have time for them to play out the timeline and to then show the effects on Arrow, Legends and Supergirl. They couldn't adapt it directly because they haven't established and given the time to characters like Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Batman, Cyborg etc where in the comics you knew them and had a long standing relationship to work with between Flash and the Justice League and other heroes and villians. I think given a little time and effort they could have changed things but brought in characters they already had in the Arrowverse and put them in place of the ones from the comics. Like having Supergirl somehow in the past end up on Earth 1 and maybe taking the place that Wonderwoman does in the comics and not sure about Aquaman but I'msure they could figure it out. All though they also could have just brought Aquaman and Wonderwoman in and made it like in the new timeline Atlantis is known now and Themyscira has revealed itself to the world but their still wouldn't be the personal connection to Barry there would be with just adapting others he all ready knows onthe Arrowverse shows already plus I'm not even sure if they would have allowed it at the time cause of the films because it's like WB and DC go back and forth about allowing characters or not at certain times. I also think they could have raised the stakes by just raised the stakes by having previously shown heroes and villians be shown being the opposite like on earth 2 but all at once with it central city being overrun by villians like it was with zoom but not so easily defeated. Also you could have had Robert Queen show up as the Green Arrow with Oliver being dead which was like Earth 2 and like Thomas being Batman instead of Bruce in the Flashpoint comic or film. You could have even had Barry get a letter from him and give it to Oliver that would have been pretty cool since they have already had Arrow influenced by Batman why not just lean into it as an alternate reality Elseworlds take on things. Part of the Problem though is like I said they have already used some elements and sprinkled them into the other season like Heroes and Villians switched, Robert being GA and Flash losing his powers and then them giving them back.


things being different after RF killed his mom again is like how things are different in the new 52 compared to the pre flashpoint timeline in the comics.

Dr. Foppo

For an ongoing TV Show with many seasons to come, having an entire "Flashpoint Season" would have been aweful from a production stand point because that would mean you watch/have an ENTIRE SEASON that, going forward, never happened. It would mean there would practically be no story progression for an entire season and at the end of S3 or beginning of S4, he'd pretty much be where S2 ended. And then in S4, almost all of the previous season wouldn't really matter and their "past year" would be S2. That would feel pretty bad from a story progression stand point. It would also then cause troubles synchronizing The Flash with the other shows. Because S3 plays in 2016. All the Arrowverse shows are in 2016. S4 would then play in 2017. But since the entire S3 of The Flash was spent in Flash Point and he'd then go back in time again, change things back and go back to where he left off, in that case: S4 of The Flash would be 2016 again. So The Flash would be out of synch with the rest of the Arrow Verse for 1 year; or we don't get to see the "Real Time line 2016" of The Flash and jump from 2015 to 2017; or all the other Arrow Verse shows would have to reset/go back a year as well. Time Line would be: The Flash S2: 2015 - The Flash S3: Flashpoint - The Flash S4: 2016 But again: this would screw with the time line of all the other Arrow Shows and progression would feel weird since one year would have been "erased".


I am so annoyed every time she yells "Kid Flash!" when they call Wally the Flash. In the comics, Wally is the far superior Flash. Justice for Wally! Screw Barry!


Nora’s last moments must’ve been so confusing