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Emme C.

Yeah, we all hated this Charlie/Styne BS when it aired.

Brendan O'Connor

I really enjoy this episode, though it is heavy. I think this was the first time we see Crowley showing his demon eyes in his preferred meat suit, and that scene is one of my favorite scenes of Crowley. If I had to guess what the point was about the Stynes, maybe the writers wanted to show that they thought they were big and bad and thought they could beat anybody, then they met the Winchesters and it was basically over, showing how irrelevant they were to the boys at this point. Maybe if they were in an earlier season and had more episodes they could’ve been a real threat. More than anything the writers wanted Dean to go dark and they were the catalyst.

Nancy Nicolai

While the Stynes had a lot of power to cause chaos throughout history & they could change out body parts they were not impervious to the weapons of man and I'll admit that their storyline was used as a catalyst for Dean to lose control but that happens a lot on shows like this you need a reason for main character or characters to act in final scenes and I think Supernatural does this very well!!👌🥰

Steve Quast

Dean tearing through the Steins one by one is reminiscent of Dark Willow killing Warren in Buffy season 6. They had no chance and presented zero threat to a clearly superior being.


Honestly, I think Dean taking down the Stynes the way he did made a lot of sense, and him shooting the one that killed Charlie point blank mid-sentence was fantastic. Charlie’s death and exit from their lives was very raw and sudden (I’ll grant you that they could have written her a better ending if it was necessary for her to die, but regardless). It fucked with Dean a lot, especially combined with the mark making him lose control, and he became that calm, calculated kind of angry, and he wasn’t about to let the guy who murdered his family monologue and bullshit in front of him. It was simple to Dean. This guy killed Charlie. He dies. It attests to how he is now that the mark is gaining more leverage too. Overall Charlie’s death seemed very much to be a plot device, which is super frustrating, but I guess all I mean is that we got some cool character moments (imo) from Dean out of it.


I'm willing to give the writers a pass for the Stynes being fairly one note and generic. Because the story isn't about them. This is something that has made the Marvel movies work in large part. The first Iron Man film had a generic bad guy with a generic plan. But the story was about Tony Stark. It was about watching him go through a life changing experience and develop into becoming Iron Man. It's about seeing how the hero(s) respond to these events. Same thing here. This story is about Sam and Dean. And watching their responses to the Stynes and their schemes is where this season excels. I've never felt more in tune with Dean than at the beginning of this episode. It wasn't about who the Stynes were. It was about what they took from him and what he was willing to do to get payback. Everything with Dean in the back half of this season is pretty amazing for that reason. Jensen is killing it and the writers really gave him scenes to sink his teeth into.


the Stynes were just a filler bad guys to fill the empty spots between the important storyline!