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oh, here we go...


Haven't even watched your reaction yet but after the joy of Smile Time I knew this was gonna rip you in two, :(

Rafael Lemus

This episode ruined "You are my sunshine" for me forever


...kinda been waiting and looking forward all day for this 😉.


Loved the reaction. *hugs* Shan


I‘m already crying and havent even pressed play yet.


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away


was waiting for this one


I made it to the opening scene with Fred and her parents...then it got a little dusty in here :::sniff sniff:::

Shawn Skelton

There's a hole in the world....


GOD I want to watch this reaction but I DONT want to watch the episode. *Tapes paper to half the screen*

Simon Mathew

Shannan, are you okay? I haven't watched the episode yet but I feel like I should preemptively ask this question.

Chess Red Eagle

When you got to the end of Smile Time last week and you were so happy all I could think was Joss Whedon you right bastard. Absolutely devastating. Sending all the hugs your way.


All I gotta say is “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...” *deep breath* “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!”


a hole in the heart


Shannon, you should’ve known this wasn’t going to end well since they were so happy in the very beginning.


I was going to say something like "I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!" but I think the truth is we are all crying.

Loves Bitca

Yeah with Whedon you learn to follow your "Oh, I'm so happy" reactions with "Shit, what's going to happen now to destroy my happiness". Did we learn nothing from Tara and Willow's getting back together excitement leading to "Your shirt"?


and now... welcome to the WhedonVerse family, and now fully understand why his fans love and hate him.


From “Your shirt...” to “Why can’t I stay?” Honestly we’re all just gluttons for punishment.....


I'm a glutton for punishment. This is my favorite episode in the Whedonverse. It is so incredibly well made on every level. The writing is top notch. It has some of the funniest and saddest moments from the whole show. Every single character is given a moment to shine here. Special shout out go to Amy and Alexis. The work they did in that room was phenomenal.


Fun fact: The Shawarma post credit scene from the Avengers was inspired by a dinner Joss, Alexis, and Amy had the day after filming in Fred's bedroom. They were just so emotionally out of it, they just ate in silence.


I'm glad Shan sees the truth and is #TeamAstronauts. They would absolutely win! Wake up, sheeple (+ Spike)!


When I first saw this episode so many years back, I thought it was one of those episodes where one of the main characters is in trouble and comes through at the end (as per usual). Then as I went through the episode, I couldn't believe what I was watching because it slowly dawned on me that Fred was in serious jeopardy. The ending was devastating and acting from Amy and Alexis was top-notch.

Cory Stanish

Sooo fun fact: The song Eve sang when Lorne made her sing was the same one Lindsey was singing at Caritas back in season 2. In the show, the song was written by Lindsey himself, so he obviously sang it for Eve often enough that she knew the words. In reality it was written by Christian Kane (who plays Lindsey) and David Greenwalt.

Brendan O'Connor

Since it hasn’t been commented yet, Lorne taking over Eve’s interrogation always gets me He’s usually the one asking everyone to calm down, but this is Fred’s life on the line, and it shows how deep their friendship was. And I always laugh when Spike gets fed up with Drogyn, which says something given how dark the episode gets at that point


You forgot "Sorry, Jenny, this is where you get off." And "Mom...mom....mommy?"

Jason Veevaert

Oh- this one. I feel this one. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ACKER!


This episode breaks my heart everytime. I love Fred with all my heart and after losing Cordelia, I got even more emotionally attached... But then, Illyria is also awesome, so the pay off is kinda worth it..?

Patrick Lyke

Oh my sweet summer child....heartwarming flashback + giving you total happiness + "written & directed by Joss Whedon" = total heartbreak....still seeing that moment at the end when you gave "the look" said everything! Feeling your pain! :)


"Wesley, why can't I stay?" is the line that, more than any other in ANYTHING, just destroys me.


The song is LA Song and its really good. Not sure if I can post links here, but here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8rLq-FiLMY

Timotey Kuhn

Sadly, as we well know by now, The Whedon has a very nasty habit of taking our sunshine away.

Scarlett Monrow

Definitely one of the best episodes in Buffyverse. Amazing acting. I heard that when shooting the bedroom scene, most people on the set where crying.


Joss Whedon: "Hmmm... so, I've had the viewer experience finding a beloved character dead from a meaningless cause, and having to deal with the banal aftermath of that, like a plodding dull pain in The Body. I've had a sudden and unexpected death of a beloved and innocent character murdered by an awful human that everyone hates and experiencing the shrieking rage that provoked in Seeing Red. I've had painful, drawn out melodrama that put two beloved characters in a situation that was horrible agony for them in I Will Remember You. I've even had a bittersweet goodbye to a beloved character who got a worthy send-off in You're Welcome. What's left to do? ... Oh, I know. I'll give the best actor I've ever cast on either Buffy-related show an entire episode to completely rip the viewer's heart out, and then do an agonizingly drawn out and melodramatic death scene so that they can experience the pain Wesley is feeling, watching the only thing he cares about slowly and painfully die while being completely unable to do anything about it. Sure, that'll work." Also, I'm sure someone has said this earlier, but Amy Acker definitely rules.


It really struck me when Angel was about to go through with the coffin recall, Spike just zoned out and went passive. He never does that with Angel. It hit him that hard that he wouldn't even step in and stop, or support, Angel's next move.


Here's the thing, Eve: You're going to sing for me, and I'm going to read you right now. And here's one more thing: Winifred Burkle once told me after a sinful amount of Chinese food, and in lieu of absolutely nothing, "I think a lot of people would choose to be green. Your shade, if they had the choice." If I hear one note, one quarter-note, that tells me you had any involvement, these two won't even have time to kill you.


I also love Spike's monologue where the episode gets its name. I think someone talks about how James Marsters got the poetry of that line in the episode commentary (Highly recommend listening to on the DVD). "There's a hole in the world..." gives me the feels whenever I watch this episode.


My list of lines that always hit me right in the feels: 1. Why can’t I stay? 2. We’re not supposed to move the body. 3. <<>> 4. Who’s going to take care of us? 5. Your shirt. Just typing this list made me teary. damn


Well, it's actually good for Acker. She's an actress and gets to explore a whole new character, and doesn't have to leave the show after her original character gets killed off.


Whedon didn't write or direct this episode - he only did the bedroom scene with Fred and Wesley. Which, of course, is the painful part. See 2:07 of this video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpJVhNO-ln4


Anya's "I don't understand" breakdown, or Buffy's "I'll never forget" in 1x8 are strong contenders. Also "You can't leave me. I can't do this alone" in Buffy 2x17. And there's another one but... yeah, we'll just not talk about that here. Plenty of melodrama to go around... but yeah, nothing draws it out like this one. Basically it's Joss and Amy twisting the knife in your side for about 10 straight minutes.


This one hurts extra because "You are my sunshine" was a song my grandma used to sing to me all the time. :(


Shan is so done hahaha I feel kinda bad because I was really looking forward to this but I knew it would upset her :')


I feel terrible for you, it was cruel killing off Fred she was literally the sweetest character. First Cordelia and now Fred, even Buffy never went that far with main character deaths.


Sadness aside, Lorne punching Eve is one of my favourite moments, loved your reaction to it.


The whole Astronauts v cavemen thing, used a real discussion that came up in the writers room. The 'discussion' went on for some time.

Zach Hershman

And this is why I hated the previous episode on rewatch. The Fresley tease. It was fun the first time through. But on the 2nd time through J knew it led to her death.


Damn this show. We lost Cordy and now Fred. This eps gets to me all the time.


I still can’t believe after all these years how they finally let Fred and Wesley be together only to kill Fred in the next episode. I was a big shipper of them even before I knew what shipping was. This episode just breaks my heart.

Justin Brinkley

This one hurts the soul. Shells is always more rewatchable to me. This episode is so emotionally disabling though.. hard rewatch and changes your mood for the day.


These are hard reacts to watch for me.


And also One efing episode they get one efing episode. I hate you Jos Wheadon...not really.

Andreas Froby

This episode made me fell so stranged and empty. Had forgot about Cox

Ana (Lariaenl)

yeah, this epiosode is hard to watch, really good, but damm Joss. You know how to kill us all


The Game of Thrones joke wasn't a bad one...a bad joke would be "So that's what the cat Drogyn?"

Loves Bitca

Cavemen Vs. Astronauts. According the show, Spike was correct and Cavemen win. Cavemen=Ancient and primal. Astronauts=Science. Science couldn't beat the ancient and Primal here, and it took Fred. Fred realized it finally. "Of course cavemen win".

Jarrod Wild

That line always lands like a ton of bricks on my head. Spike's delivery of course is perfect.


It's funny because I only became a patron so I can watch this reaction a few weeks early, and even though I saw this episode few weeks ago and cried, I didn't bawl my eyes out like I did watching this reaction!

Ron Fehr

I don't know if you recognized it, Shan, but the song that Eve sang (Pretty as a Picture) was the same song that Lindsey sang in Caritas after he got his hand back.

Ron Fehr

First Cordy. Now Fred. The only thing that kept me watching was knowing that Amy Acker was still going to be a part of the show.

Scarlett Monrow

37:06 I know they didn't have time for it, but if they had extra 4 hours, all they had to do is to bring Fred and sarcophagus to the tree and then draw Illyria out. No one dies. Also, besides saving Fred, they need to stop a demon god from returning to life, so that should be worth some human lives as collateral damage.


Oh my gosh I’ve seen this so many times and I never got that before...


Ik they didn’t find out the cure with enough time to fly Fred out there, but theoretically if they had flown both Fred and the sarcophagus to the well and then did the spell with Fred being the closest living thing to the sarcophagus Illyria would’ve been pulled into her sarcophagus with no one in between for her to kill, correct? Am I misunderstanding something, or would this have worked in both curing and Fred, and not killing anyone else? Ik im late so no one will probably see this but an answer would be much appreciated.

Bellatronics (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 11:47:40 I couldn't watch this 4 weeks ago. I was just in way too low of a place to be able to handle watching this total gut wrenching heartbreaker. And it kinda put a block on me keeping up with your Angel reactions, so now I'm back and binging them all to the finale. (OMG! You're finished.) "There's a hole in the world" .... and "Why can't I stay?" - both always really hit me in the feels. Amy Acker is amazing of course, and Whedon is the King of PAIN - can't possibly let Fred & Wesley - or us - be happy of course. Btw - if you even see this Shan - you were totally right to be hating Knox right from the beginning! I wanted to be cheering you on all the way with your Knox/Crawl hate !! But couldn't cos my hate is too out of proportion for just him fancying Fred while not being Wesley. The little bastard. One thing I love about this ep - apart from all the great acting - is Angel wanting to get rid of Spike from LA, but then them working together like old comrades ( remember St Petersberg?) to save Fred. it gets to me, cos however amusing I find their arguing, I actually wants them to be bros who have each other's backs. I can’t really talk about the scene with Fred & Wesley, cos - too much heartbreak!!
2019-09-07 19:20:05 I couldn't watch this 4 weeks ago. I was just in way too low of a place to be able to handle watching this total gut wrenching heartbreaker. And it kinda put a block on me keeping up with your Angel reactions, so now I'm back and binging them all to the finale. (OMG! You're finished.) "There's a hole in the world" .... and "Why can't I stay?" - both always really hit me in the feels. Amy Acker is amazing of course, and Whedon is the King of PAIN - can't possibly let Fred & Wesley - or us - be happy of course. Btw - if you even see this Shan - you were totally right to be hating Knox right from the beginning! I wanted to be cheering you on all the way with your Knox/Crawl hate !! But couldn't cos my hate is too out of proportion for just him fancying Fred while not being Wesley. The little bastard. One thing I love about this ep - apart from all the great acting - is Angel wanting to get rid of Spike from LA, but then them working together like old comrades ( remember St Petersberg?) to save Fred. it gets to me, cos however amusing I find their arguing, I actually wants them to be bros who have each other's backs. I can’t really talk about the scene with Fred & Wesley, cos - too much heartbreak!!

I couldn't watch this 4 weeks ago. I was just in way too low of a place to be able to handle watching this total gut wrenching heartbreaker. And it kinda put a block on me keeping up with your Angel reactions, so now I'm back and binging them all to the finale. (OMG! You're finished.) "There's a hole in the world" .... and "Why can't I stay?" - both always really hit me in the feels. Amy Acker is amazing of course, and Whedon is the King of PAIN - can't possibly let Fred & Wesley - or us - be happy of course. Btw - if you even see this Shan - you were totally right to be hating Knox right from the beginning! I wanted to be cheering you on all the way with your Knox/Crawl hate !! But couldn't cos my hate is too out of proportion for just him fancying Fred while not being Wesley. The little bastard. One thing I love about this ep - apart from all the great acting - is Angel wanting to get rid of Spike from LA, but then them working together like old comrades ( remember St Petersberg?) to save Fred. it gets to me, cos however amusing I find their arguing, I actually wants them to be bros who have each other's backs. I can’t really talk about the scene with Fred & Wesley, cos - too much heartbreak!!