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I realise there was no schedule this week, but just to assure you guys.

Angel 5x01 will be uploaded and watched tomorrow.

It won't be out at the usual 3am as it appears I don't have the copy of the episode with the credits edited out yet (my editor was uploading it last I heard, maybe he fell asleep? :P)

anyway. just letting you guys know.

Dollhouse 1x01 and 1x02 will be re-released at 3am though as they're recorded already.

Buffy series thoughts will be recorded before I watch 5x01 but of course will take time to edit so it won't be up for you guys to see for a while. 



Yess finally cannot wait for Angel, missed his caracter very much.

Miss Timi Fantastico

You spoil us! Really looking forward to your reactions of this season. Thanks for all the enjoyment you’ve given us over the last however long! (I honestly can’t remember.) I found your channel early in your Buffy journey. Super stoked to see you watch dollhouse as well. Cheers!

Ron Fehr

Enjoyed watching with you and listening to your comments on Buffy. Looking forward to your final overview of the show. Can't wait to watch season five of Angel either. Now for Eliza on Dollhouse. YAY!


its pronounced Ra(y)-shal-ghul not Ra(s)-shal-ghul

Loves Bitca

So glad I became a patron, after the troubles with Buffy on youtube, because I really want to see the full reactions to all these.


I can't fucking wait. Angel Season 5 is my favorite season of anything Whedon by far. Buffy Season 5 is a close second.

Jon Dub

Awesome, Angel Season 5 is also my favourite Buffyverse season without doubt


looking forward to it!


can;t wait, something to look forward for.


I really liked season 5. It's been my main re-watch over the years.

Brandon Wiesner

Different mediums pronounce it differently and sometimes the same medium isn't consistent (aka Arrow). But what did that have to do with this post anyway?

Brandon Wiesner

Happy to see the Whedonverse come back, as always. We're In the home stretch for Angel and the short 2 seasons of Dollhouse but at least AOS is still considered Whedonverse also.

Allan Cornett

Many Joss fans, including me, do not consider AOS a part of the Whedonverse. All of the other shows Joss did have his imprint. You can watch Buffy, Firefly etc and tell Joss was intimately envolved. AOS is not really run by him. I am waiting for his upcoming HBO show.


Yeah, I can't wait to get a look at what the new show will be like. If the writing and general style is anything like his other series I'll bet I'll be hooked... plus, better SFX these days, too :D

Allan Cornett

Also HBO spends tons of money on each episode. Look at GOT the cgi budget was huge.

Allan Cornett

True. But if you compare it to any of his other shows AOS doesn’t seem like Joss went anywhere near it. I was so disappointed in AOS because I thought it would look and sound like one of his shows and that the actors would also be as good. I gave up halfway through season two. It is too average or below average compared to what he has done before. I would NEVER recommend it to a fan of Buffy, Firefly etc.


Don't mind me, I'm just gonna sit over here clicking refresh til the Angel episodes pop up :)


Angel will be later than expected as the buffy series thoughts video is taking longer than expected. Is a good thing as means the thoughts is going to be good!


I'm assuming you aren't doing a Season 4 thoughts video. Any chance you can do some quick predictions before you watch the episode? During the reaction I mean.


Sweet! Looking forward to the Buffy Thoughts!