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Brendan O'Connor

Damien Darhk sure sounds like a real jerk, with his Hive of followers

Brendan O'Connor

Also loved your reaction to the Canary Cry

Josh B.

That's not something Ra's would do? Have you not seen Batman Begins and other DC media where he does almost the exact same thing, also why would Ra's kill his own daughter who is part of the the family and bloodline, it would be a huge waste of life that could be used for a greater purpose, and her to be married to Oliver is something useful as it could lead to a child that would make the bloodline even stronger, it was also a test to see if Oliver would kill Nyssa without hesitation, as for the flashbacks the fans actually like when the flashbacks connect to the actual story in the main plot instead of being separate.

Zach Hershman

If the flashbacks didn't connect then there would be no point. My issue with this seasons flashbacks (besides being boring) is that they connected too often. With both being continuous stories it does get annoying. I'm not sure I was as annoyed my first time through though.


So to answer your questions an incendiary device if it burns hot enough would completely destroy the virus. It just depends on the flashpoint that the heat can reach. And secondly the flashbacks are in China which in this universe is still a communist controlled dictatorship which controls all media and internet for the population. If an event happened that made them appear weak I can guarantee you the government there would prevent it from being on the news. Much like how we know little of what currently goes on in China.


I'm not really a fan of the flashback. Look forward to your next reaction.

Brandon Wiesner

It feels at this point like the flashbacks are completely unnecessary. It's like they said well, we want to keep the show like it was in the first 2 seasons but where do we go with it? Oh, he was in Hong Kong for awhile after the island. There we go! It's like they don't know how to tell the whole story throughout the run time in present day. Also, Oliver becoming the Demon's Head is an obvious ploy to set up the season finale. Plus, the bride thing? Yeah, not impressed with this season so far. Mind you, I haven't seen the show past Shan's reactions.


when looking at the Tower at the end that Grodd was on I'm pretty sure that the same one as the Watch Tower that is Chloe's in Smallville if I'm not mistaken


you keep saying stuff about them seeing ollie in the flashbacks but you gotta remember they are in China. Its not as open or free as America or others places. I don't maybe I'm wrong never been there to see in person but I don't think people are as openly taping things with cell phone like here and they lock down news stuff and they cover things up, they said it in the show and they do it in real life too just like now with covid so its not real surprising that its not on the news plus even if it was on the news what are the chances they would see it in america. we never see stuff going on in china at least I don't remember ever have and it if was if would be after the fact and it didn't show any news cameras there. there was panic and by the time anyone would see oliver he would have been gone all they would know is there was a shoot out and some white guy was there. plus there is also the fact the waller would probably also cover stuff up since she doesn't want it known that oliver is there.


what do you mean ras wouldn't do that with the virus he released the fear toxin and wanted to destroy gotham in batman begins thats the same kinda thing and writers were probably actually calling back to that. plus in the comics he has a thing about killing a lot of people to save the planets ecosystem which isn't really brought up alot in the other media versions so muc but here is a wiki quote... A brilliant master of strategy and organization, Ra's al Ghul's goal is to save the Earth from ecological devastation by destroying most of its population. He recognizes Batman as both a worthy foe and a possible ally—except that Batman cannot accept his dystopian worldview. Batman also shares a love-hate relationship with Ra's daughter, the beautiful Talia. Ra's also commands a legion of followers dedicated to bringing his version of an earthly paradise to fruition. Ra's al Ghul is an international terrorist and assassin whose ultimate goal is a world in perfect environmental balance. He believes that the best method by which this can be achieved is to eliminate most of humanity. Ra's usually tries to assault the world's human populace with a biological weapon, such as a genetically-engineered virus.