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And the results are in!

About 2 weeks ago, we put together a questionnaire about what shows you're currently here for and whether you're here for more than one or here for everything. 

I want to thank everyone for participating and giving me a bit of an idea of what shows are popular and what are the least popular.

I also want to thank Strangeado for putting this whole thing together, he did a great job *claps*!!

Above is a picture of all of the results, if you'd like to see them larger, you might have to click the picture itself (does that work? idk) or right click and open as a new tab. 

If anybody has any questions about it, leave them below!




Just curious if the results are what you expected and if you are surprised by any of them?

Dontrell Durant

Well...... Buffy and Angel are in the lead. Now, ONCE MORE WITH FEELING!

Christopher simeon

Buffy and Angel lead of course but what do the others rank


I want to start a pie shop called Once More With Filling.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I just hope that you will be reacting again to more Once Upon a Time soon. That's the only show I'm really looking forward to watching reactions for out of all of these choices.


I just feel bad for the people who don’t watch a lot of these awesome shows and cult classics.

Tom Tattershall

Buffy and Angel the favorites but most shows seem to have a good number of viewers with rewatches at the bottom then Vampire Diaries/Originals and Supernatural going up from there. The only shows I can see Shan possibly dropping due to these results would be the rewatches.

Scarlett Monrow

Battlestar Galactica! Great show to consider reacting to!

Tom Tattershall

By the way, I don't watch the Charmed/Smallville rewatches but an ASR/Passion of the Nerd rewatch of a Buffy episode introduced me to ASR.


All of these shows are fine shows, but none of them move the needle the way shows like Buffy and Angel do. I know that it is hard to hear but there is a reason that certain shows draw people in and only certain shows do that with this level of intensity. None of the ones you are mentioning are going to have the effect/affect that Buffy did on this Reactor. There are ones, but they can't be forced.


Winners in each category (regular rotation shows): I am here only for...: Agents of Shield (64) I am here for both: Buffy and Angel (236) here for another show but I like this as well: Agents of shield (92) here for another show but sometimes watch: Supernatural (49) I do not watch...: TVD and The Originals (232)


One thing that may be forgotten is that Buffy and Angel have been reacted to longer than say Firefly for example, which had one season. You are going to have more people on here that came for the Buffy/ Angel show reactions just for the fact they have been reacted to longer. Not saying that as a negative or positive just that the results are going to be leaning to the shows that have been reacted to longer. Just something to think about when reviewing the survey results.

Ron Fehr

I guess that I'm one of the pickier watchers (or maybe not). I have been strictly watching only Buffy, Angel and Firefly. Although once in a while I watch the reactions that some of your patrons choose. And an those, not very often.


What do these results mean then? Because I feel like no matter the numbers, Shan should keep reacting to the shows that she enjoys, because there are always people that will like one show or another. Plus, her youtube has like 7-8k subs, not all of them on patreon obviously, so that could effect the numbers who watch different things? PS - Shan, once you finished Buffy and once you finish S5 of Angel, there are other Buffy/Angel things you could react to like fanmade video edits, interviews and behind the scenes, a few bloopers etc? Kind of like some of the things you’ve watched for SPN and GoT? xx


That's more AoS fans than I realized. Woohoo!


They mean that the majority of her paid subs are here for buffy verse, and the least are here for TVDverse. Doesnt mean shes gonna change anything, but it's always smart to have a grasp on your customer base.

Hans Olav

I've only really watched Buffy & Angel, don't particularly love Firefly or Dollhouse, so for me I think I would vote for a full Buffy rewatch, once you're done.. maybe?


Angel offcourse, one of my favourite Tv show ever.


It would be a great show for someone, but in the Firefly reaction she's said she doesn't particularly like science fiction of that type, and BSG is pretty hardcore. It's also really dark, and not in the way the current shows are. So it's probably not a fit for her. Just based on what I've seen I would be more inclined to recommend Person of Interest. Granted, a lot of that is because it's probably Amy Acker's best show.


Most popular answer by show: Supernatural: I do not watch supernatural. Buffy & Angel: I am here for both Buffy and Angel. Firefly & Dollhouse: I am here for both Firefly and Dollhouse. Vampire Diaries & The Originals: I do not watch either show. Arrow & Flash: I do not watch either show. Agents of Shield: I do not watch Agents of Shield. Pilots: I occasionally watch the pilots if it's a show I like. Charmed & Smallville: I do not watch either show. So, other than the Whedon shows and the occasional pilot, the vast majority of people don't watch the reactions Shan is producing. These results lead to the inevitable conclusion that unless the upcoming shows are really, really popular - and based on the responses, they could well be - Shan is going to lose quite a few patrons once the Whedon stuff is all wrapped up. Possibly sooner, if people thought that paying for all of those shows was worth it but are not as keen to pay to just watch reactions to the final season of Angel.

geoff woyce

At writing you list 849 patreons so having 359 respondents to this questionnaire is an excellent representation. Here is a breakdown of what I see from these numbers. I didn’t count ‘occasional’ or ‘rarely’ watch in these percentages, the below numbers are the percentage of the poll respondents that watch these reactions regularly regardless of which show brought them here. 1. Supernatural: 33% watch. While the percentage of people here just for Supernatural is low a third or respondents watch these reactions. 2. Buffy/Angel: 81% watch. Top show and the main reason most of your viewers are here. 3. Firefly/Dollhouse: 57% watch. No surprise that Whedon shows are the second most watched but like when they aired on TV the numbers don’t reach the cult status of Buffyverse. 4. Vampire Diaries/Originals: 21% watch. I expect if this was broken down by season the earlier seasons of VD would have a higher percentage. 5. Arrow/Flash: 39% watch. 6. Agents of Shield: 43% watch 7. Pilots: as it’s a separate tier the numbers for these don’t really matter, the ones who want it pay for it. The majority do watch though even if only for shows they like. 8. Charmed/Smallville: a separate tier, the number of people that watch likely matches the number of people that pay for that tier. The number of people that pay for that tier and aren’t listed just didn’t answer the poll or just like supporting you at that level. 9. Upcoming: Outside of Game of Thrones no show broke 35%. Not surprising really as your top show has cult status and the rest, while good shows(I know someone on here thinks show-XYZ is the best thing ever) are not at cult status levels.

geoff woyce

I’m guessing that based on these numbers you will see a big drop in Patreons once Buffy/Angel end. The next watched and also from Whedon had limited runs(Firefly 1 season, Dollhouse 2 seasons) so they can’t be considered viable replacements. Your other tops shows and the majority of your upcoming are saturated with more of the same in terms of genre/style, its what you like so no surprise (always watch and enjoy what you like), but none of them get a high percentage of the viewers. What separates one show from the pack….who knows but you know it when it happens.


Buffy brought me here, ASR keeps me here. I'm in for the long haul.

Scarlett Monrow

Does anyone else lose their comments? I know I posted here, got 2 response and now it's just gone. And this is not the first time it happened. I know it wasn't removed, because there were no spoilers, no profanity, nothing bad. So either a glitch or something/someone else.


I agree. I'm weighing my options. I think Shan is pretty much the perfect person to react to Whedon shows in an entertaining manner - not too analytical, not overly dramatic. But other than that (and The Good Place, which is rarely posted), I have little interest in the other shows on here. I do think that there are a bunch of shows I would like to see reacted to, but Shan is probably not the right person for those shows - BSG (too sci-fi, without the Firefly charm); Fringe (also very hardcore sci-fi), Person of Interest (might work), Hannibal (too dark and artsy), the OA (Shan would basically be saying "lol wut" throughout, but holy crap, what a show that one is). The problem is that not only do I not know of any reaction people doing those shows, I'm not sure I can think of who would be good at it - Liam Duke, maybe. Geeked out Nation, maybe, but he is really unreliable schedule-wise (basically the complete opposite of Shan). Aaaanyway, that was a pretty long way of saying "I agree with your conclusion".

Tom Tattershall

Your comment recommending BSG and 2 replies are still visible for me on PC. You may have to load more comments.

Eric Haefele

I found that I didn't feel right contributing to this poll because the choices for answers felt too limiting. I came to ASR for Buffy only but added Angel because they are intertwined. I was not watching anything else at the time. However, my intention was to dip into your other content after finishing the Buffyverse, because I enjoy your reactions and plan to remain a patron indefinitely. Because of the way the questions were worded and the limiting choice of answers and the fact that at the time of the poll I was watching the Buffyverse exclusively, no answer that I could give would adequately express my situation. Thus I chose not to participate in the poll.

Bria Bey

I filled it out but I also felt the options were limiting and didn't express all options.

Brandon Wiesner

Some of these are surprising. Ouch for SPN, AoS and AV! TVD/TO I'm not really surprised on and the rewatches well you did say something recently about possibly doing away with them. Of course BV is in the lead but there's plenty of other stuff. Hopefully you won't stop any content because of the results, that you weren't planning on anyway.

Eric Haefele

I expect that while you will lose a lot of Buffyverse-only patrons soon, you will always have some newbies just starting the Buffyverse. There will always be an ebb and flow of patrons as time passes, But if Blind Wave is any indication, over time the sky is the limit as long as you continue to build your library of content. For me, I didn't care for Blind Wave because of the way they handled full reactions which are the only reactions I really care about. My advice is to take your polls for starting new series and try out the pilots of fan favorites and then, when you find one that you really like, Do full reactions from the start. The more complete fan favorite series you have in your library, the better for the long term patron base of your channel. I actually enjoy watching shows "with" you enough that I will watch them even if I find them only marginally watchable on their own.

Scarlett Monrow

Thank you very much! I was just used to "load more" to be on the bottom of other website and it didn't occur to me to look at the top.

Richard Lucas

This is a very positive and accurate comment. Also still hoping for Avatar (animated series) and Xena (live action series) someday.

Fly on the Wall

I figured Buffy and Angel would lead the pack, but I'm here just as much if not more so for The Vampire Diaries and Originals, even if they won the combined do not watch list. As long as you keep reacting to them, I'll be a Patron. Plus, I'm sure you'll add some more shows I'll be interested in soon. I am looking forward to Dollhouse for one.

Tom Tattershall

The OA (2016) is an original Netflix series. I've heard of it but not watched it yet.


This ^^^ A lot of Shan's patrons come from youtube first, and decide to pay because they'd like the full reactions. As her YouTube channel continues to grow, she will get more and more patrons as well. I think a lot of the people commenting here are forgetting that not all people watch the episodes as they go up - many will come and binge-watch. The show will not be deleted after she is done with it. Her patreon will likely continue to grow overall as she increases her library, just by virtue of the fact that there is more content and therefore more people will want to watch something she has.

Eric Haefele

Blind Wave has been on Patreon for over 5 years and have built up a large library and they have a large patron base due to the large library and the fact that they had little competition when they started. But in my opinion, the content that they put out is inferior as they talk and joke loudly over the shows that they are reacting to, to the point that the shows dialogue is often hard to hear. I believe that competing reactors such as ASR will overtake them as their libraries grow. My thoughts are that complete full reaction series added to the library will accelerate the process. To that end adding short run series such as Dark Angel, and Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles That can be completed in a relatively short time, along side longer run series would pump up the library faster. Over the long haul it doesn't really matter how you do it, so long as you continue to grow the library. ASR is by far my favorite reactor so I wish her the very best.

Chaotic Cam

Avatar: the Last Airbender is something I'd love to see from Shan. Surprised no one has requested a pilot yet. :P

Chaotic Cam

Watch whatever you want next of course, but I'd figure that the smartest way to retain viewers who might leave after Buffy is to start OUAT next (don't know if that's the plan) because OUAT has a pretty large fanbase and following, and I think it'll bring in more new people as well.

fai (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:06:41 I only watch TVD & TO, and look forward to them every week!! I'll always try to be a patron for as long as u react to them :D <3
2019-04-29 01:07:42 I only watch TVD & TO, and look forward to them every week!! I'll always try to be a patron for as long as u react to them :D <3

I only watch TVD & TO, and look forward to them every week!! I'll always try to be a patron for as long as u react to them :D <3