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so i woke up at midnight to find out all day we had isp issues with our internet... so much so that dad tried calling like 7 times 7 different numbers and none were open past midnight

how rude

its been so shit that dad literally went to bed cus he couldnt do anything lol

anyway its now 8am and ive been trying desperately to even post this as nothing has loaded its really annoying. 

so ive managed to edit 3 different shows and render the shows while waiting for the internet to even do anything.

each show needs like 5 different renders and takes like an hour to render so thats what ive been doing all day. editing and rendering cus i can't record the shows im suppose to have out today (supernatural again, i know) but i stream it and like i do have the dvds but it messes with the sizes etc plus i wouldnt be able to upload it anyway so ive focused on editing all day.

Sorry about the inconvenience. its really annoying like cmon australia get good internet. 

edit; i resorted to watching the simpsons while things were rendering... its a dark time for australians with optus internet

now im gonna hit publish at 8:41AM and see how long it takes to ACTUALLY post this cos that will be hilarious.



Looks like your post went through right away. I think someone at your ISP is pushing your buttons for fun

Brandon Wiesner

Once it looked like SPN was going for an early, on-time upload, someone said "oh no, we can't have that!" LOL. But seriously, that sucks. Hopefully you are able to get the issue fixed soon. We will wait for the uploads. Not like we have a choice anyway, haha.

Ron Fehr

It's a good thing you still found things to do. I'm probably lucky that I grew up without internet for so long. I don't rely on it nearly as much as you do. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have a hobby that doesn't rely on it, just in case it happens again some time. I hope your problem gets resolved.

Timotey Kuhn

Oy oy oy...(see what I did there? ...LOL) The much ballyhooed Internet in Aussieland strikes again, eh? That sucks. Dinna fret for us. Not in any way your fault.

KiwiJello (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:08:19 I am so tired of your excuses for late videos!!! JUST KIDDING!!! <3 Having worked in IT for a billion years, I was literally around when internet was NOT a thing. I helped install the first cabinets and routers at the University I worked at, and installed our very first "internet" on the Macintosh computers in the computer lab. The internet sucked then and it still does LOL.
2019-04-17 14:45:05 I am so tired of your excuses for late videos!!! JUST KIDDING!!! <3 Having worked in IT for a billion years, I was literally around when internet was NOT a thing. I helped install the first cabinets and routers at the University I worked at, and installed our very first "internet" on the Macintosh computers in the computer lab. The internet sucked then and it still does LOL.

I am so tired of your excuses for late videos!!! JUST KIDDING!!! <3 Having worked in IT for a billion years, I was literally around when internet was NOT a thing. I helped install the first cabinets and routers at the University I worked at, and installed our very first "internet" on the Macintosh computers in the computer lab. The internet sucked then and it still does LOL.