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Hey everyone! Here's this weeks schedule!

The Vampire Diaries / The Originals:


Sorry, was a bit late with these last week - hope to have two Originals episodes this week for you. TVD Finales will be next week for YouTube (they are on Patreon now though).


Last two episodes of season 1 of The Originals this week, next week there will be NO TVDverse just to have a week break between next season. 

Game Of Thrones:

I have watched 8x01, it will be on Patreon as soon as it's uploaded. It will be on YouTube when I have the time to edit it. (HOPEFULLY ASAP).

Laughs still dunno what the title of the episode is, dad thinks it's Kings Landing, but I've heard it's Winterfell? IDK LMAO 

Doom Patrol & Charmed:

Charmed is still on break.

I am behind two episodes on Doom Patrol, they will likely be reacted to this week and uploaded at some point.



1 Reaction this week, hope thats okay!!


2 episodes this week.

The Flash / Arrow:


FINALLY 2 FLASH EPISODES FOR YOU GUYS! Sorry there's been a long wait, but it's the watch order!


2 more Flash episodes for you guys!

Buffy / Firefly & Angel:

I have seen Serenity, it will not be released until after Angel Season 4 and Buffy Season 7.


2 Angel episodes and a Buffy episode.


2 Buffy episodes and an Angel episode.

Marvels Agents Of SHIELD:

I have seen up until 4x06 of AOS. 



Dontrell Durant

Not going to watch GOT until the season is over.


Just curious, 2 or 3 more weeks for Buffy? I know there are 7 episodes of Buffy/Angel left and you have been doing 3 a week.


I believe the plan is the ones you see above for this week, and next week is 21 and 22 of both Angel and Buffy (so 4 episodes next week). I think. (Patreon - unsure about YT)


Looking forward to the originals, the flash and the buffy and Angel. Also Patreon pilots.


I am glad to see that you have made considerable progress on AOS! Really looking forward to seeing your reactions :)

Jason Veevaert

I can't wait for you to get to Buffy 7x20!


So excited for the Buffy episodes!!! eeep


If you're going to continuously release patreon videos late, can you lower the price? Yes I know it mainly happens due to your internet issues, but since its been an ongoing issue -- maybe lower the price we pay. We're paying to get the videos early. Lately we haven't been getting them as early.

Scarlett Monrow

Aw...I was so looking toward watching Serenity today. I didn't even glance at the schedule for this week when it came out. Now it's going to be 2-3 weeks of wait... :(


No. The price $7 is to support me, reactions are a benefit of supporting. You are not paying for reactions, you're supporting me doing so and they're full. They are full reactions that you get earlier than YouTube, Supernatural is the only one continually late and even then, Patreon is 4 weeks ahead of YouTube so?? $7 covers not just the show YOU watch, it covers each show that you can watch. You may not watch x show, but you still get to see it as it's at that tier. This question was incredibly rude if I'm honest. All I do is react to shows and yes I'm a little late, I use the money to support my disabled father and to be asked to lower the price is kinda rude. If a show is suppose to be out at 3am my time, and it comes out at 6pm my time instead, that is not late... it's still on the day it's suppose to be out at - just a different time. The only show recently that's been actually late is Supernatural, and you're literally the ONLY one to complain.


No your response was incredibly rude. Chill... it’s not that serious. All I did was ask a question. And who are you to tell me why IM paying. It’s to get content on the date that you say you’re going to release it... not later.