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Hey I recognize her!

s jaco

I remember seeing Charlie for the first time and going hey It's Vi!


I can't believe she didn't pay attention to the most important part of the episode . the thing they recovered from Dick. she's not even curious as to what that is. In the words of yoda. you will be


Here's a clip from the 1983 movie Wargames for some context. When Charlie was hacking the hard drive it referenced this scene. Matthew Broderick has hacked into an AI developed to control the US nuclear arsenal. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXzNo0vR_dU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXzNo0vR_dU</a>


That moment when you know what the Winchesters took from Dick


Haha yea I now see how that could go wrong


Charlie wired money from the government to an animal shelter or something called Animal lovers as a donation.

Jason Veevaert

One of the two great new characters in these next few episodes!


I think people just get hyped to see Felicia Day (Charlie), She's like... the internet nerd queen.


I was looking forward to your reaction to this episode. And it's partly because I see a lot of charlie in your, and vice versa. And it's got some fun in the episode - which we needed. Not much fun stuff this season, and I think the show needs more characters like Charlie to liven things up. Like the episode in season 2 with Andy - Simon Said. And the show finally gets back on track, main story wise.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Oh Felicia Day... Charlie is for sure one of a kind in this show. Love Charlie more than a lot of characters who have made their way through this show. Charlie is the complete opposite of her character in Bring it on... And she was my faveorite character in that too😄

Loves Bitca

Fun fact. This was the first episode of Supernatural I fully watched. And only because Felicia Day had posted that she was going to be on it. To many of us Felicia Day is our Queen of the Nerds.


War games such a good movie