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Lets talk about my day shall we.

Dad woke me up after I had a restless sleep at 10AM "we're going to see Captain Marvel in at 1PM"
Cool, needed to have a shower, get dressed... attempt to dry my hair (I have long hair it doesn't dry quickly) and put my face on.

I planned to go to the movies, then come home and react to Supernatural and some pilots from last month. It was gonna be a trip.

We get out of the cinema and...

Well first, Captain Marvel was actually pretty decent. It's been hit with a lot of controversy and dad almost didn't even want to see it after some of the stuff that was said about it, but we both actually kind enjoyed it. Without spoiling (oh gosh I hope this isn't classed as a spoiler) I feel like Brie Larson was okay in the role, but I don't feel like she is Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark or Chadwick Bosemen as Black Panther (or pretty much all the MCU but that was just naming a few). I feel like she could have done a bit better to flesh out the character to actually make the character her own but to me it kinda felt more like a template that any actress could fill. But that's my opinion. Also even though the cat is a show stealer... it scared me.

Anyway, my uncle called - he lives in a different state and sometimes drives down here with his 8 year old son and stays here. You may realise, I have a bed that is kinda messy behind me... I don't use it, it's broken and has plaster on it from when my wall broke. I instead use the spare bedroom to sleep in but it's a spare room so when my uncle comes, I cry because I don't get to sleep. 

Turns out, he's staying at my house tonight. Absolutely no warning. Dad can't say no to family and I can't blame him, I am the same. I had to spend the remainder of today cleaning the spare bedroom and the bathroom and toilet (I'm a girl we are messy too!)

I sat there in a state of panic, I have so much to do.

I still need to edit the two episodes of The Originals that were suppose to be out on Monday... I still need to record Supernatural and pilots for last month. I had a panic attack. 

What this post is about is me explaining my day and how I came to this moment right now. With my 8 year old cousin here constantly asking to play my PS4 and my switch, constantly interrupting me and with my uncle in the kitchen which echo's so loud I'm surprised you can't hear them now; I don't know what I can do.

I want to be productive and get things out on time for everyone but things keep getting in the way and I don't like letting anybody down, ever so I thought I'd explain my day and why I can't get things out.

I guess next week I'll try make it up to you guys in some way if I can, but I humbly apologize for everything being late. My stress levels are at like 100 and I just wanted to let you know where I am at right now.

Thank you if you read all of this, and thank you to everyone that has been very patient with me. I really do appreciate you all. 

PS. in case you didn't realise, I think I am sleeping at my desk tonight, gonna wake up tomorrow with an ache in my neck it's gonna be great. 



Don't stress yourself out!


if something is late so be it, you are one of the most productive reactors out there

Shaun Stacy

Oh sweetie. Just take care of yourself, we'll still be here when you get back on track. Hugs.


Don't stress. I know first hand what that can do. You don't need to make up for anything , just try to relax and get around to the reactions when you can.


Oh Shan,you couldn’t ever let us down.....life happens, you always explain and it’s sweet how much you worry,I’m sorry you’re having a hard time right now and just hope it gets better for you soon


You do what you have to do!! I hope you get some rest soon and good (fully restful) sleep. You're doing way more than 98% of any reactors, and few delays won't change what you've done! ❤


Taking a day off to take care of your house and family is not much to ask for (in fact I think is very little to ask for). Don’t stress about videos, and try to enjoy it with your family while we think of some way to get you a futon 👍🏻

Andreas Froby

Don't stress. We are getting awesome reactions when get them.


How dare you spend time with your father. How dare you have a home that welcomes people even when it is not convenient for you to do so. How dare you spend the majority of your day not cleaning up your space to sleep but someone else's. How dare you deal with an 8-year-old cousin who has been uprooted and thrown off his schedule. It would seem to me that you and your Father took time to go see a Superhero Movie together and then both came home to play the part in real life. Well done with your day, well done with your moral compass, well done by you.

Jason Veevaert

I get it, stuff like that has happened to me too, I’m up at 5 in the morning right now after 2-3 hour sleep because a headache won’t let me sleep you need to take care of yourself before addressing us :)


As someone who use to be as stressed as you I’ll drop some destressing advice. Granted it took me doing a ton of CBT work to get to this point, but the basics are simple. Realize there are things in life you can’t control, and those things you just can’t worry about. And the other aspect is instead of focusing on negative aspects of problems, find the few positives in those situations and focus your thoughts on those instead. Just doing that has made me a far less stressed out individual. And this coming from someone working in vet emergency medicine doing 16-20hr workdays, and I care for my mom and dad who have Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Hope that helps a little.


take a day or 2 off. gather yourself situate yourself you've taken care of family now take care of yourself! take the weekend, even monday, off; recuperate, after that, see whats possible, and what currently is not. you can't control the world around you, and we wouldn't assume you do (those of us with half a brain anyway). #1 family #2 your health #3 bills. though in time, bills always end up #1. take a couple days; figure out your situation, perhaps make arrangments with your uncle to keep your cousin out of your hair for a few hours (send them to the movies or something), during that time, do some editing. or whatever the case may require. anyway... i'm very familiar with situations like these... its never easy, take it one step at a time, and remember to breath.


oh and I refuse to go see the movie after bries racist and sexist comments. if i don't have to pay... i might watch it.


You don't OWE us anything. I will gladly wait a month for your next video if that is what it takes for you to take care of yourself. If you haven't figured it out yet, we like YOU and want you to continue doing your thing. If you drive yourself crazy with stress, we won't have you or your videos. Take care of yourself first, always, please!


Dude... Family over all. Some things are more important. Appreciate the explanation, though.


Chill my dude chill. As they say life is what happens to you between reactions...enjoy them as much as you enjoy...(thinking Faith reaction on Angel)...seriously family is family!


You just can't avoid them forever!

Jarrod Wild

Shan you cover so much in a week it's insane, a lot more than I've seen with other reactors who don't have a staff. Take a break, be with your family! Please don't stress yourself out over us. :)

Timotey Kuhn

^ What Mr. Jarrod said, but doubly so.


Family is family. We cry at their funerals but we don't necessarily want to spend vacation time with them. :-)

Timotey Kuhn

And what you said about Captain Marvel isn't at all a spoiler. The kind of thing you said is all but exactly what all of the "professional" movie reviewers say.


Take a day off. We aren't your employers and you have the right for personal time. If a video or two is late, it's really okay. The majority will never put pressure like that on you, and if anyone does, they suck and aren't worth your time :) TAKE PERSONAL TIME!!!! <3


I'd just like to echo what everyone else has said and let you know we understand and to take care of yourself. I'd never try to tell you what to do in a situation like this as none of us really know the full circumstances. All I can say is that I've found that living with people 24/7 can be stressful, even when you generally enjoy their company. In the past, I've occasionally booked myself a hotel room for a night or two just to get some peace and quiet. Everyone needs a bit of me time now and then.


I am only doing this because you had a bad day......where you are at show wise on almost all of the shows you are watching, you should remember to take time to enjoy them......I am so jealous of where you are in seasons, so maybe you have to suffer a little in real life for what is about to come......stay strong, stay positive, stay true to who you are and ignore people and trust yourself.

Ron Fehr

How about just thinking of it as a day off. You took some weeks off a while back. Maybe this is an added bonus.


Just keep calm and carry on, what happens happens and in the end it will be alright. If people don’t like it they can just deal. Just my opinion.

Tammy L. Faulkner

You sound like me... A true introvert. Ppl annoyed me all my life... I hate uninvited guests and interruptions. I hate my routin being interrupted unless I have a say in it. Don't worry about it... We got patience. And if we get double the pleasure next week awesome... MARATHON!!!

Chaotic Cam

No worries at all, Shan. Try to take a breather, it will all be OK.

BJ Stephens

That's life for ya. You can't really plan for it sometimes. Just take the time you need to get things in order, this will still be here when you can get back to it.


Ach du meine Güte ! Don't panic i think evrybody here will understand that you have to deal with your life first and take care of yourself. I know how bad panic attacks can be. Relax and come back when you feel ready, we all will be waiting here for you.


You should never let this stress you out. You are awesome. You put out so much quality content. A little sanity delay is not gonna be a problem.


dont worry take ur time take the time off spend time with family


Don't be so hard on yourself, Shan! Use this time as an opportunity to take a break...maybe hang out with your little cousin and play some games. Kids love hanging out with older siblings or cousins! It makes them feel more grown up :-) Or, if you feel like you want to keep working on the channel, I'm sure there are things you can do that don't require recording? We're all so appreciative of the work you do. You put out a lot of content, it's ok to take a break now and then.


Don't worried. just tried your best to relax.


"and put my face on" so you take it off before bed? how strange I normally keep mine on ... but then again it would be quite hard to take off since it's very much attached to me.

Richard Lucas

When I was a kid, we had a small home, two bedrooms (me in one, my parents in the other) and sometimes my mom’s dad would come to stay with his new wife and their two kids about my age, but we would make it work. Having a fold out couch (or futon) in your living room would be a huge help, and they aren’t super expensive. We just did whatever it took to make it work. Even having a big sleeping bag could help, and quilts and blankets to make a bed up on the floor. You have to sleep. What if they came to stay for a long weekend or a week!

Richard Lucas

You probably got this but just in case you didn’t, putting her face on is a girl’s way of saying putting her make-up on, and most girls rarely sleep with it on as I’ve read it can clog the pores.