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Ok...a little bit on my Buffyverse history...I started watching Buffy/Angel back in the day, but I didn't start until Season 3 of BtVS. I remember flipping through the channels on a boring Tuesday night and coming across a girl dancing on the dancefloor at The Bronze. I don't get celeb crushes, but I LOVE Eliza Dushku, and it was Faith that made me start watching BtVS. So you can imagine, knowing our shared love of Faith, how much I've been looking forward to your reaction to this episode of Angel. You, Shan, did not disappoint. Thanks! LOL. Enjoy the ride. I love that Faith is back!


I love that they didn't show Faith in the recap at the beginning, that's how you do it ! :)

Justin Brinkley

I LOVE this episode. Been waiting for this reaction since I joined. S4 highlight.


I legit would have placed buffy the vampire slayer above Angel if Faith was the main character. Its a shame she isnt in many episodes


Everytime I see Cordy with Connor I just want to vomit!


BTW, Faith is my favorite BTVS Character together with Spike so I especially love your Reactions 💜

Jarrod Wild

Except there was a giant "Eliza Dushku as Faith" displayed during the credits. Good thing Shan doesn't notice those.

Jarrod Wild

Faith putting Connor in his place was worth the whole episode.


I still maintain that while S4 might be inconsistent, it is far from bad. Most people who call it straight up bad are just referring to the Connor/Cordelia ickiness. Also Faith's, "Are you a murderer? Cuz I am." Is probably one of my favorite Faith moments from the entire Buffyverse.


Early on, you mention that s2 BtVS Cordy wasn't the type to have volcano dude minions. At the end, we find out that Cordy is also going to have Angel's grandbaby. Keeps getting weirder. :)


That was the exact correct reaction to seeing Faith return,at least you didn’t have to wait as long as some of us did back in the day,we had to wait some two and a half years,or so, to see her return...getting to this episode always makes me smile because when this episode first aired was about the time I got to meet her in real life 😀

Chaotic Cam

Oh my god, I just absolutely love your Faith fangirling, I can't haha. :D


The first half of season 4 was pretty bad in my opinion, but the Angelus stretch of it makes up for it! Esp with Faith now back in the mix!

Janeka Rector

This season is one of my faves. I feel like Season 1 was the weakest by far. I can’t wait for you to keep going!


I love how much you geeked out over Faith's reappearance. That's why we watch you. I'm really glad you didn't know it was coming.


Part of what makes a reaction video good for me is that I like when I see people get excited about awesome (or sad) moments in shows that I love. Your Faith reaction was fantastic!


I loved your reaction to Faith... this section of angel s4 with faith is my fav for the season for sure! Notice how Angelus wouldnt fight Faith, still all about the games and getting other people to do his dirty work (compared to ma boy Spike hehe). Great episode!!


Wesley saying “Five by Five” was just brilliant.


Shan are you crazy? Overly excited? Do you understand how much I squealed and air pumped when I saw her in this ep? I've never done ecstasy but I imagine that's probably how it feels lol! So glad you had the same giddy reaction!


Yes she was having a baby at that time. Faith, yes, like all her scenes in this eps special when she kick Connor's ass.


Regarding your commentary at the end of the video, saying how people have told you this is the worst season.....well, having had many years to reflect on this show, and particularly this season, I feel like Season 4 was ok EXCEPT for Connor. No one - and I mean NO ONE - likes Connor. Even you, Shan, whenever he opens his mouth you completely roll your eyes or even tell him to "shut up" LOL... So you're feeling it too. I think they completely wasted his storyline for this season, and I almost feel like the writers gave up on him.


Your face when Cordelia told Connor she was pregnant . . . you looked like Volcano Dude about to erupt.

Fly on the Wall

I'm really glad you're enjoying this because season 4 of Angel is actually my favorite season of the Buffyverse hands down.

Patrick Lyke

Ok just have to ask out of curiosity....is Shan not able to see the credits at the opening? Don't get me wrong - I LOVED LOVED her reaction to seeing Faith show up, but the opening credits announced Eliza Dushku's appearance as Faith in the show. This has happened in a couple Buffy/Angel eps where the opening credits tell you about appearances but it seems like she doesn't see them when they air...?


I sing during the credits to avoid spoilers and when the credits come up while the shows on I just focus really hard on the scene itself and most of the time talk, I dont want to spoil any experience so I just dont really READ the words that appear on screen. Not to mention that they are very small the way I watch the show it's hard to see anyway.


I've been watching your Buffy videos since the start, but I donated today for the first time so I could see this video. A lot of people focus on the return of Faith, but even before she walks on screen this was an amazing episode- Wes' farewell to Lilah, his acknowledgment that he wanted her to find redemption, and his renewed dedication to save Angel because of her death- that's gold.

Cory Stanish

I loved how Angelus just casually talked with Dawn on the phone. I had never thought about whether Angel would remember Dawn, but I guess it makes sense that he does. I wonder if Willow told Angel what Dawn's real story was, when she came to tell him about Buffy's death?


Yeah, as I've said before, Season 4 is my second favorite season of the show after Season 5. It's always gotten more hate than it deserved, though over the years more people have come around to it. Buffy season 6 had a similar reception when it aired back in the day. It's hard to really go into detail about everything though, but assuming you do a season video for this once it's done there will be plenty to talk about.


Also I think your reaction to Faith was probably a lot of people's reactions. She's a very popular character and for good reason. I kinda wish they had broken her out of prison sooner, I've always liked her relationship with Angel.


My least favorite season, my absolute favorite character return episode. I love Faith, too! And yes, I can't figure out how no one noticed the world's most obvious pregnancy, either!

Shawn Skelton

"...and she fainted." "Who, Cordelia?" "No, Shannon." 8 )


Completely understand you marking out for Faith's return, you were so excited & you just couldn't hide it. I was right there with you loving her return.


When people tell you this is the worst season, you have to remember they're saying it's the worst season of a Joss Whedon show, which means it's probably still better than 90% of the rest of the crap on television. :D


Yep. I'd say it's my least favorite season of Angel, but not because it's bad, just because it suffers by comparison with the other seasons. My least favorite seasons of Buffy and Angel still have many amazing episodes. YMMV.


I bet buffy told him about dawn when he went to see her after joyce died

David Caine

Nah, it's not the worst season of Angel, nor the worst season of a Joss Whedon show, although I understand where people are coming from, there are a few unsavory things going on. But there are some truly awesome moments like Faith's return and some great character moments, like Wesley and Lilah's final talk and the subsequent hope and determination Wesley brings to the team. The beginning of this season also had some great character moments even if a couple of episodes were slow.

Ron Fehr

Hey Shan!! LOVED your reaction upon seeing Faith's return. Don't blame you one bit for being so excited. She wasn't on either Angel or Buffy for a couple of seasons. About time she returned.


that knife though

Timotey Kuhn

LULZ.......<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_3hoZ6BjRI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_3hoZ6BjRI</a>

Timotey Kuhn

I think we're reasonably clear as to why you're so happy......Awwwwwwww... &lt;3


Great reaction and if you like Eliza as and Actress I know lot of people say watch Dollhouse but I always loved her in Tru Calling something you should check out if you get free time or whatever you get though 100 of show you already watching.

Timotey Kuhn

We're not going to laugh at you. All 786 of us are going to collectively say at the same time " Awwwwwwwww... that's so cuuuuuuuuuute" &lt;3 :D


You’ll love episode 15 I think. I won’t say why because of spoilers, but it’s a personal favourite.


So.... were you happy to see Faith?

Timotey Kuhn

*starts noticing this at the tail end of the episode* Did we have one too many Pepsis today? You were bouncing in that chair like a paint mixing machine.... ;) :P

Jason Veevaert

Am I the only one who thinks Steven D. Knight (warren’s ex, Seeing red, cordi and Conner) should be kept away from the Whedonverse


You are worth ever cent! I too had a total 'Faith out'...followed by a crushing...'She got got beat?...'Hey she's out of practice...just you wait.


I never thought about how those two things happened back to back. Closure with Lilah, and then immediately the idea to recruit Faith.


I'm with you. I totally dig this season for the most part. Yea, the beginning is slow until Cordy gets her memory back... and yea, she's been weird (understatement). But, the story with LA going dark, Angelus returning, and Faith showing back up... it's all awesome. I think most people just think of Connor and Cordy when they think of this season and their initial thought is EW I HATE THIS SEASON... but I think it offers a lot more good storytelling that outweighs the ick factor.


I’m surprised Shan put together Cordy being the “master” so fast but didn’t pick up on the significance of the bringer’s knife being used to try and kill Faith


I'm torn on this scene - on one hand, I like that we saw the fight between Faith and what's her name (who was played by the same actress that played the cop who tried to shoot Buffy in What's My Line"), but on the other hand, if they just had Wesley say "I know who we need" and then cut to him at the jail on phone with Faith....that would have been a great reveal.

Beauty Effulgent

Your reaction to Faith's return was literally EVERYTHING!!! I've been waiting for this episode since the most you started this season. Heck, since the moment you started this show! It did not disappoint :)


I wouldn't call that an escessive reaction to Faith. Your furniture seems to remain intact, which was not the case for m... some guy I know

Richard Lucas

It would have helped if they didn’t show her name at the beginning. Shan has gotten good at not noticing them but I never could miss them. There’s president for doing it at the end (Dru showing up in season 2) but maybe Eliza’s agent was just an asshole.

Richard Lucas

I think Season 4 is amazing and always did, it’s my second favorite season of Angel, but I can see how it can be a bit controversial, like season 6 of Buffy (my second favorite season of Buffy). My favorite season of Angel is season 5, and I’m predicting it will be Shan’s favorite season as well.

Katherine Thoreson

I personally believe that if it had been revealed earlier in the season that something was off with Cordy, people would look back on this season a lot more fondly. I mean, come on, this episode was awesome. :)


Just a brilliant reaction moment to seeing Faith! Love you Shan :) The whole Cordelia thing is hella confusing at this point. [And i hate it btw - Cordy’s the Beat’s master?! She’s gone evil?! ] But FAITH arrives - and this is the good part of season 4 !! Yay. NOPE, it is not possible to be TOO excited or over excited about Faith /Eliza Dushku turning up! Many of of felt just as excited as you! It’s so long since we’ve seen her. [I did not realise that you’ve reacted to the 1st two eps of Dollhouse, you put out so much content Shan, that I’ve not been able to keep up. Will go watch them next.] I’ve no idea why Angelus was hunting down the beast and later killed him. Why would he be doing what the team wanted him to do? The writers don’t really show any motivation for that here. If there was meant to be, they don’t do a very good job of explaining it. Aw, Shan! Don’t compare Cordy making out with Fred to her making out with Volcano Guy!! What an insult to Fred! Some Cordy /Fred (if Cordy were herself and not acting like Bizzaro Cordy) would be delightful ! Might not be a ship that’s been building up in the show, but there’s nothing gross about them. Your squeal at Wesley going to get Faith is fantastic ! :D Faith’s prison breakout is SO BADASS!!! The awesome-ist. And yup, because Angel needs her! AND the reason Wesley gets Faith - apart from needing slayer skills &amp; strength - is that he knows she won’t give up on him. I love all this so much. Great reaction Shan. NO WAY that you were too excessive ! :D I love this episode too, apart from the weird grossness of Cordy kissing Volcano guy and Connor, and yeah ok Charisma was pregnant, but did they HAVE to make Connor the father, eugh. There of parts of 4 plot that I really like - like Volcano Guy &amp; the sun going out, Angelus being back. It’s the Cordy /Connor weirdness and what the hellness that’s going on with Cordy murdering Lilah and being the Beast’s master that brings the season down for me. Faith really brings he season UP!!! It’s a shame you have to wait to watch the next one Shan.

Sheriff Uchiha

Season 4 was my introduction to Angel. Always have a soft spot of this season. Love it.


I think I've re-watched this episode 20 times since this reaction reminded me of it. I forgot how good this was.

Chris (darkwater) (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:15:03 Maybe my fav episode this whole season. &lt;3 Faith
2019-03-15 00:13:44 Maybe my fav episode this whole season. <3 Faith

Maybe my fav episode this whole season. <3 Faith

Scarlett Monrow

11:30 A little thought popped in my head, that if I was in their line of work, I would have every herb and magical component I could get my hands on. And I would have back ups in different places. Same goes for any magical books have. Spice rack? That's just unprofessional.