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Powerful episode. Buffy really laid into the girls, in a way that shocked me. But as the episode went along I realized why she was so tough. It's clear she's really feeling the burden of having to both fight the First and be somewhat responsible for all the Potentials. Being in leadership is heavy stuff, and while it made me uncomfortable to have some of her friends get upset with her, it's not easy to find the balance between being kind and being blunt about life/death situations. And the ending was unreal!


I'm assuming maggot has different connotations around the world? I only ask because in the states...it would be considered a relatively mild insult and is traditionally quite frequently used among drill instructors to soldiers.


BTW, Anya really ticked me off in this episode. I get that her schtick is to be self-absorbed and only about herself, but this was too much. Thankfully Spike didn't take Buffy's comments and get upset. Loved that he was all about getting her back.

Bruce Trogdon

Always enjoy this one. Giles isn't the only one who's personality seems to be shifting a little under the new circumstances. Buffy is now the female leader of a secret paramilitary demon fighting organization. What kind of life experience does she have to draw from to do something like that? Love Buffy calling out Willow and Spike for not using ALL their power and then refusing to accept all the power the ShadowMen offer her. It comes with a price.

Claire Eyles

Honestly the only time I really hear it used in Australia is at footy matches, when someone is angry with a decision by the umpire. In Kennedy's case though I think it just comes off as a mean spirited power trip, and whilst I know their potentials some of them have only just discovered that. So yeah they'd probably be scared, overwhelmed, many not having had any training at all, trying their best, etc, and yelling 'maggot' at one of them & then chest beating about it is just pretty low in my opinion.

Tammy L. Faulkner

WE ARE ROYALLY SCREWED... You got it dude👍

Claire Eyles

One thing with Willow that I found frustrating this season is that they were kind of forced to de-power her to an extent. Like she still gets the magic(s) going when she needs to, but for example they had the Demon knock her out before she could do anything this episode, and then there's been the whole 'only doing light and safe stuff' aspect in terms of magic - a 'Wicca who won't-a', as Buffy says. I remember reading somewhere that they kind of backed themselves into a bit of a corner in S6 when they created Dark Willow and made her as powerful as she was. A bit like ending up with a god level character in a role playing game it kind of means the story can't really progress as you'd like if you've got someone that can quite literally win fights without hardly breaking a sweat.


I've always loved this episode, excited to see the reaction <3


Great reaction. Now we know what the hellmouth looks like.

Jarrod Wild

A lot of Dark Willow's power came from draining power from books, Rack, Giles, etc... Now that she's taking a "good" approach, draining people isn't her thing anymore. The fact that she did it to Kennedy shows the potential she could have if she violated others like that, but clearly that would be wrong. I think she's still learning what the coven taught her about drawing her power from the earth instead.

Jarrod Wild

Thousands of years down there, those ubervamps must be bored. I wonder if they formed social clubs, played sports, held candle parties, that sort of thing.


When Spike put on his leather duster again after all this time it made me drool a bit, so spunky. So yeah, Kennedy is a fuckwit and I wish she would just go far far far far far far far away.


nice coat, where'd you get it... New York. *drool* I agree!


I think her comment really hurt him though, after everything he went through, for her to say that to him was really out of line... i know she is under pressure, but still..


Also... i love the idea that demon spirit/essence is what made the first slayer... the strength and power comes from demonic energy!! No wonder Buffy likes vamps lol


I don't care what people say, I love Kennedy. She is brave and resourceful. I've been in the army, and I hated my sergeants, but if I had killed myself during boot camp, it would not have been any of their faults. No single insult is going to push a person into killing themselves.

Keith Allison

Also does a great job of putting that line Adam/Floppy Disk Dude has in the dream from "Restless" into an interesting context. ADAM: Aggression is a natural human tendency. Though you and me come by it in another way. BUFFY: We're not demons. ADAM: Is that a fact?


Absolutely. The writers of Restless, and the slayer dream share did just such a good job weaving all those hidden gems, plans and ideas into episodes!

Ryan Wilson

Holi117, there was no writers of Restless. There was only just one, Joss whedon. The creator of this masterpiece of a show


Yeah I know he wrote and directed the ep, but there will usually still be others on the “board” so to speak. And writers for other episodes using things from restless (eg spike is the tweed outfit, and its call back (call forward? Lol) in tabula rasa.


As to why Willow drained Anya as well as Potential Kennedy... they don't really talk about it (though it's obliquely referenced when she and Willow are trying to work out the spell, and of course, she was working spells with Willow in 'Doppelgangland'), Anya was a fairly strong witch before D'Hoffryn recruited her, turning Olaf into a troll. She does have power. She seems to have lost some after turning human again, but she probably has reservoirs of power that she's not able to reach because of the whole "taking away her power" thing. In general, I'm indifferent toward the episode. I get Buffy being mad, and I don't mind the "Chloe was an idiot" speech in light of her being mad--everyone's stressed as hell--but then just jumping into a portal? Eh.


I don't love Kennedy, but I don't hate her either, and certainly not because of the drill sergeant thing. She took charge and was whipping them into shape. And she's a kid. I don't hold little impulsiveness against her.

Dennis Bryant

About you asking why Anya was targeted for power sucking by Willow... She said that Kennedy was the most powerful person close, and she also took from Anya. While a potential has very minor access to the slayer portfolio, I think she was also talking about personal power, sheer force of will and personality. Anya can be changeable, as she stated last episode, but she is a forceful person, and easily one of the more strong willed individuals in the series. Life essence, force of will, sheer gumption, whatever, Willow drew power form the two of them, as the two most powerful, in some way, near her.


Ok is nobody going to talk about Queen Shan's face when Spike said 'I'm just the one who beat him off'? I laughed soooooooo hard.


'He's evil...and now he bakes.' I suspect that is true of all celebrity chefs!

Ron Fehr

TTFN- Tata for now. Tigger's phrase (from Winnie the Pooh).

Ron Fehr

Spike's fighting style reminded me of the great boxer Mohammed Ali. Ali often used a tactic known as rope-a-dope, letting his opponent tire himself out. Then Ali would start fighting back.

Chris (darkwater)

Yeah, the end of this episode is a great big "Oooohhhh fuck. We screwed"