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Dude... That thumbnail though... You look like the Alien from Men In Black that's dressed up as a human and looking for sugar everywhere. I'm really impressed.


Calling it right now before I watch this: Shan's gonna shed a tear at the end of this one. Don't make me look bad or have to cry alone. LOL

Kelly Marie

That our girl, last ep she gets the absolute crap kicked out of her which is the worst I’ve seen so far and yet she succeeds.. AGAIN. At the end when Buffy rescues Spike, you can see the look of extreme relief and gratitude on his face when he grabs onto her knowing that it’s actually her and not the first screwing with him again. Such an awwwwww moment.


I think you are remembering wrong, Willow didn't hold the barriere against Glory. With only just one punch she went through.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I'm surprised you didn't react to Felicia Day and Lalaine/Miranda from Lizzie M... Unless you haven't seen it, but I feel like I've heard you say you have. Regardless, everyone knows who Felicia Day is... right?

Jarrod Wild

Hi Felicia Day! A very young Felicia. My favorite potential just because she's Felicia. :)

Bruce Trogdon

Great reaction/observation. It's very easy to focus on how tough the UberVamp must be in order to beat up Buffy in the last episode when the story is about WHY Buffy was so beatable at that point.

Jarrod Wild

I love the gamble Buffy took to raise everyone's morale big time. She knew there were two options: either she succeeds and gives the Potentials their first lesson in power, or she fails/dies. And if she was going to die, she couldn't have been much of a leader to them anyway. It also helped that she arranged the arena to lure the upervamp into.

Adam is Magic

That girl has not aged at all she looks almost the same since the day they made this episode.

Nick Velasquez

While Willow season 7 should be stronger than Willow season 5....I always figured she’s scared of the power she has inside her now. She feels like a junkie Plus after the first used it against her she is not eager to use magic.


Shan said Buffy's line after killing the uber-vamp, "Here endeth the lesson" sounded familiar to her. It should have. Spike said it to Buffy at the end of the S5 episode, "Fool For Love."


I forgot about the floaty eyeball guy. A bit too much, eh? :)

Bruce Trogdon

I like the episode and the turn it seems to signal in the story. Buffy used that rousing speech last episode to declare war on FE (First Evil) but that doesn't mean she's ready for war. She needs her confidence back. She needs to inspire some confidence in the potentials (and in Willow). She needs to rescue her strongest fighter, and she needs to eliminate the most immediate threat. For starters. Done, done, done, and done.

Jason Veevaert

That was such an awesome moment (the speech)

Jason Veevaert

Now I say come on Vi, make Sam and Dean proud!

Jon Dub

God I fucking hate Rhona

Andrew Pulrang

This is only my third time watching through Season 7 and i forgot how much fun the Potentials are, and also how irritating, but in a good way, because it helps build the story of Buffy's growing leadership.


The little moment with Spike and Buffy... 😍😭


Aw! no ! Shan - eyes! eyes! You poor thing. Beljoxa’s eye is so gross :P Hold on , Vampire Diaries pinching more stuff AGAIN?! Humph. ( the Spike imagining he’s escaped/ rescued thing). It’s interesting Shan that you don’t flinch in the slightest at Molly’s grating godawful accent - incase you’re not aware - none of us speak like that in the UK! Nope not even Cockneys. I just wanna shut her up all the time! Which is a shame, cos if she didn’t grate on the nerves with the way she speaks, she’d be more likeable than some of the other potentials ( like Rona). Like someone said last episode - I’m surprised ASH put up with it and didn’t put her straight. Aw, Spuffy feels for Shan! The First had really messed with Spike’s head with what was real :( And it’s a beautiful moment when he realises it’s really Buffy.

Keith Allison

God, I wish I could purchase the episode's ending music as an individual track, because it's so dang soothing. I tried to ask around to see if it had a name, but haven't gotten any results yet.


Is it pathetic that I use this episode and the one before to inspire me to be strong in everyday life? Whenever I'm scared or nervous I think of Buffy's resilience and I feel a rush of energy come to me.

Claire Eyles

It's part of the score by Robert Duncan, as far as I know. He's got some of his soundtrack work for S7 Buffy available on his site (google his name, there might be spoilers on there so won't link) but nothing specific to this episode (aside from he composed it). There's an Original soundtrack recordings release as well, but this doesn't seem to be on there either.

Brandon Wiesner

This is the first thing she has seen her in, going by her watched list on Discord and what she's reacting to. So far, anyway.

Brandon Wiesner

I think though, that she didn't really see it as a gamble. She's the slayer and she had already learned a lot about the uber vamp from the last battle she had with it. Plus, where they ended up had lots of things lying around to help her, like the bricks, the heavy poles and the barb wire.

Emma goldsbrough

It showtime, what a great fight. I love the soundtrack in this season. Need to find my cd. She came for Spike.


Ahh the legendary Felicia Day, our geek queen.


Boy, that Camden Toy guy gets to play all the creepiest villains in this show. I did know he was the gentleman in "Hush" and the skin-eating demon in "Same time, same place", but didn't realize it was him as the ubervamp too

Ron Fehr

Here's a bit of nostalgia. After Buffy saves the potential at the bus stop, she says "Welcome to the Hellmouth". Familiar words, eh?

Ron Fehr

Beljox's Eye said that opportunity only recently presented itself for The First to destroy the Slayer line, because of Buffy's resurrection. I don't understand. The First would have had ample opportunity to do so regardless of Buffy coming back from the dead. The only thing I can think of is that The First was forced to take action to stop Slayer resurrection from happening again.

Dontrell Durant

😍😍😍Clara Bryant😍😍😍

Richard Lucas

They had to have Willow be afraid of her magic this season, and of course it does make sense from a story perspective too, because Dark Willow level power could beat almost any big bad in the Buffyverse. (I did say almost.). The same way they needed episode 4-22, to stop the core four from just combining to form super Buffy any time a big bad showed up in seasons 5, 6 or 7.

Richard Lucas

I would have had that first scene rewritten or reshot. The only thing that mars season 7 for me is my hatred of Kennedy, the only character in the Buffyverse I just can’t stand. I had no problem with Dawn, or Riley, so I feel like I’m pretty accepting. This is my only time watching season 7 since it originally aired, so I’m watching her closely to see if it’s her or me. She was fine in the rest of the episode, but I hated that opening scene. Just me? Didn’t it seem so poorly acted by Kennedy?

Einar Sigurðsson

I fucking adore Kennedy. She's badass like Faith, but obviously had a good watcher and support growing up

Loves Bitca

I liked Kennedy. I think she would have been a good Next Slayer. She was still a little rough around the edges but was still growing. I didn't really care for her as Willows girlfriend. They didn't seem a good match and it was almost a thing of if 2 characters are gay, then they've got to get together, because that's all it takes is being gay to attract each other. Like in the episode of "Happy Endings" where they guy thought his friend should go out with his coworker. When pressed for why he would like him or what they had in common, there was nothing other than they were both gay.