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I really like this episode. I think it’s a great one for Dawn. While she can definitely be annoying, on rewatch I have really come to love her.

s jaco

That speech Xander gives at the end to Dawn remain one of my favourite moment in Buffy.


I love seeing Buffy really take on this leadership role in training the potential slayers. It's not a side of her we've seen that much of until this season. I like it. She started off as a young girl just wanting to do her own thing, and she's grown up now and taking on serious responsibility and thinking of others and not just herself. It's cool to watch. Being in leadership, especially when it's a calling and not just a job you work just to make a living, is a heavy thing. Loved that Buffy & Spike put the girls in a situation where they'd have to fight to survive (obviously knowing they would).

Tammy L. Faulkner

Amanda was my favorite potential... And Felicia Day of course. They pothe have that nerdy scrawny thing about them.

Jason Veevaert

This was a great moment for Dawn


Having Dawn not be a potential was such a waste. It would of taken her character to a whole new level. But that Xander speech always makes me tear up....

Tom Tattershall

I so wanted Dawn to be a potential


I love Amanda. She's so wacky. And Kennedy. She's a bad ass!


I was sorry to see how much you were liking the Dawn the Potential idea. At least they didn't build that fake out over multiple episodes.


A Dawn centric episode that's actually good? Crazy times!

Andrew Pulrang

Shan's face whenever Andrew says ,,. well, anything really.


All the Bond and Timothy Dalton references go sailing over your head, but Andrew's cheeto comment hits home? *storms out in a huff*

Andrew Pulrang

Amanda the Potential in Buffy = Millie. the main character's straight-laced friend from Freaks & Geeks. Shan reviewed the Pilot of that show so I thought she might recognize her.


I still get all weepy at Xander’s speech to Dawn at the end... WAY WAY WAY better than the b/s soeech he gave buffy about riley in season 5.. (eye roll). I like the twist, dawn was special - she was the key. Buffy died for her to live. It would be a little hardh if dawn became a slayer after all that lol - even if it would have been cool. I think this shows dawn growing up, not being self centred or bratty like she used to be. She has seen and experienced a lot, and she is helping in her own way. It was actually a great dawn moment i think.

Mike Woodcock

"Here, this belongs to you." Dawn wasn't a potential slayer, but when she said that, she was a mature adult.


Dawn probably does have some powers that other people don't, by virtue of being made out of Buffy (she has Buffy's fighting instincts, anyway). Apparently, the choosing entity is mystical and maybe won't take two people in the same family or something? Who knows? But I like the idea of Dawn as a Watcher, too, hitting the books... but, like Giles, <i>also</i> being able to wail on the occasional vampire.


Yeah. My face, too. I could have gone many seasons without seeing Andrew again.

Brandon Wiesner

I'm actually kind of glad Dawn didn't end up being a potential. I can't express really the reasons why but it's just a preference thing. I like her better as just Buffy's sister.


I would've hate it tbh... It's way too obvious. What are the chances really? Like .000000000000000001%? I think it would've ruined the whole season for me.

Keith Allison

Shan's wide-eyed disbelief at Andrew's various comments is becoming one of my favorite things about the reactions this season.

Keith Allison

I got so excited when I realized after they got to the bar that this was the episode where Clem was coming back.

Emma goldsbrough

I thought she be a good potential, then disappoint that she wasn't, thought maybe she become a watcher but one that can handle herself when a vampire comes along like Giles. I missed Giles.

Chris Nowak

I forgot about that speech at the end, wow.

Josie Ball

And this was the episode I was waiting for, purely for Xander's speech. Gets me Every Single Time.


I didn't pick up on it in my original viewing but Buffy's blind spot when it comes to Spike in this episode really annoyed me watching it again with you. Now apparently he can physically hurt the potentials without his chip going off and they've done absolutely nothing to un-brainwash him but it doesn't even cross her mind that he might still be a threat? All The First had to do was trigger him at any time and he could've had himself an all you can eat potential slayer buffet. They kept Andrew (who is annoying but harmless) restrained for ages but Spike gets to wander about freely after just murdering dozens of innocent people. Ugh. And yes, Dawn should've been a potential, it would've made sense seeing as the monks literally made her out of Buffy, but still she's on her way to becoming a pretty kickass Watcher instead. I can't believe that Dawn became pretty much my favourite of the regular characters in season 7. DAWN!

Andreas Froby

Kendra and Faith are the result of that Buffy have died twice.

Ryan Wilson

No. Kendra is the results of Buffy dying in season one and Faith is the result of Kendra dying in season two. So the only way there can be a new Slayer is if Faith dies. Now I don't if you all realizes this but because Buffy died in season one, she's been out of the Slayer line since then. and as the Slayer lore states when a slayer dies their slayer powers are passed on to the next Slayer. So she shouldn't have the powers she has. It's one HUGE continuity issues the show has.

Ron Fehr

I wonder, with Buffy's second death being a supernatural one, why another slayer wasn't activated. Possibly because it was supernatural. Had it been a physical death like in season one, perhaps it would have happened again, regardless of there still being another slayer (Faith).

Ron Fehr

Hey Shan. You never gave any indication that you recognized Amanda. Remember she was in episode four (Help), one of the students who came to see Buffy on her first day of counseling.


Faith is the active Slayer, Buffy's death cannot activate another Slayer.

Sheriff Uchiha

If I remember right Buffy dying made Kendra. Then Kendra dyng made Faith. So Faith has to die for another to be made.

Timotey Kuhn

At 3 minutes in......awkwaaaaaaaaaaaard.... LULZ