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Kelly Marie

Anya “cracking” onto spike to throw him off suspicion was just great 😂


Aimee Mann playing at the bronze and a Billy Idol reference (finally) in the same episode was pretty great for those of us who grew up in the 80's :)


I love this episode... cos duh... lots of Spike... i always get teary at the end when he is crying and practically begging to be staked :(


So... my inner Spuffy is coming out... but Buffy saying Billy Idol stole his look from Spike makes me squeal because it's more evidence that Buffy and Spike actually did a lot of talking and bonding in season 6, not just hate banging.


Will is trapped in the upside down!


Great reaction. There are a couple of things I really love about this episode. First, the use of music. Buffy has always been good with using music that is on-point for the story, but I particularly love the use of "Pavlov's Bell" in a story about Spike having been programmed with a conditioned response. The other thing I love is how badly Buffy doesn't want to believe that Spike could be the one doing those things. I've always assumed that the reason it was possible for Spike to kill those people even with the chip working goes back to something Spike told Buffy in Fool for Love -- that the chip works on intent. If he doesn't intend to harm someone, the chip won't go off. Well, Spike wasn't really the one harming those people, it was never his intent, it was the Big Bad using Spike as a tool, but Spike himself never had any intention of harming anyone.


Nailed it... as always Peg. That's why his head hurts when he points a gun, even if he hasn't pulled the trigger yet. Same goes for him pushing people around in OMWF. The magic is making him "dance", so his intent wasn't to hurt those people at the funeral scene, it was just part of the musical he was enacting.


It's downloading super slowly for me! It says it will take a day wtf? everything else is fine with my internet so it can't be me. Anyone else had this issue? :(

Bruce Trogdon

This episode is good but really needs a 'B' story, IMO. A whole lot of Spike goes a really long way.

Jarrod Wild

Love me some Aimee Mann. :) Pavlov's Bell is a great song, it's on the Radio Sunnydale soundtrack.

Michael Roach

Aimee Mann. "Man I hate playing vampire towns". I love that line.


I really enjoyed seeing both Buffy and Spike investigating murders... that HE may have committed.


“Man, I hate playing vampire towns” Aimee Mann at the Bronze!! I frickin love her performances here - I didn’t know her music before this, love it. And I think that scene with the Pavlov’s Bell song and the fight is just so well co-ordinated. Since you’re on to the next episode already Shan - see what they did their with the Pavlov’s Bell song? [If you don’t know what that is, it’s about conditioned responses, Pavlov training a dog to respond (drool) to the sound of a bell. Well, except we have the story all wrong and there never was a bell apparently, he used other things to train the dogs. ] Anyways, Aimee Man and her backing band’s performance is one of my favourites at the Bronze! And I love the way they just carry on after the vamp dusting - which was a very cool dusting. Though, for the longest time I thought that line in the song was ‘trading blows’ - and it’s actually ‘trading clothes’ - not quite so fitting :D


Aren’t they so MEEAN with the cliffy this episode! Oh poor sweetie - that you had to take a break between eps. And we don't even get to find out if Giles is ok in the next one! :( What is with the cliffies these last two episodes!! I love this episode - but it is SO confusing the first watch around ! I mean it still is - something is messing with Spike, making him do stuff - but how does that stop the chip working? I really feel for Spike here - he goes to get a soul, to try to be a better man, and then this evil thing has been messing with him the whole time since the basement, turning him back into a killer now that it horrifies him. Ugh, and the missing time and memories is just a fucking freaky thing to go through. Back to Spike - he WANTS Buffy to stake him - even says he needs it. I get so many feels at that scene. Spike goes through quite a bit this season - self harm on burning crosses, hearing voices and hallucinating ( or was it?), the torture and bleeding out in the next episode - I think it’s the writers punishing Spike, so that audience can ‘possibly’ feel like some justice is being served and to kinda try and get the audience to be at least a bit sympathetic to him again after what is normally a completely unforgivable act. I know many watchers hate that though. I was pretty shocked and confused by the ending of Conversations with Dead People the first time around, and was glad that they didn’t leave us hanging for ages and dealt with it straight away.

Ron Fehr

About the conversation between Buffy and Xander at his place- remember that the chip didn't affect Spike when he hit Buffy because she came back from the dead slightly altered, enough to fool the chip.

Ron Fehr

Hey Shan! Imagine what it must have been like when this episode originally aired. With that cliffhanger, people had to wait a week to find out what happens next. On a different topic, the song that was sung in the basement scene is entitled Early One Morning (obviously). There was a fifteen-minute kids show when I was young call The Friendly Giant. It always began with this tune.

John Boehmer

And the crazy endings keep on coming.

Timotey Kuhn

Is anyone else getting a request from OneHub to sign into it? Have never had to sign into it before, so I'm kinda stuck.

Timotey Kuhn

Never mind.. LOL. I figured out what I did wrong. All is well. :P (D'Oh!!!)

Timotey Kuhn

8:30 into the second section... Is that Dad??? Hi Shan's Dad!!! :D :)

Timotey Kuhn

"Pay attention to me!" Isn't that what the dog is supposed to be saying to you? Hehehehehe... :P

raymond julien

How do you begin to clean that room up? Duh...Reparo.


My theory on how Spike could kill people without the chip going off is that it's because it's not actually Spike making a choice to do those things; he's being controlled. We've been told in the past that the chip works on intent, and we've seen that in action. Season 4 Spike points a "decorative" gun at Xander, fully desiring to pull the trigger, and his chip goes off even though he didn't actually do anything. Season 5 (Fool for Love), Spike throws some punches at Buffy in the alley, the chip never goes off because he knew he couldn't touch her. No intent to harm means the chip doesn't go off. Well, Spike never had any intent to harm the people who have died at his hands this season, the intent came from the Big Bad using Spike as a tool, but not from Spike himself.


"It's so frustrating because I have to take a bit of a break..." Yeah, well, imagine if the break was a week or two :P Anyway, love this reaction, as usual

Dennis Bryant

You made me laugh right out.... "what kind of cliffhanger is this?!?" The good kind, obviously, doing exactly what it was supposed to do......