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I looooove this episode. About damn time we got an Anya story.


I love this episode. Vengence Anya is the best Anya, because she is so sure of herself. Anyway, Buffy's "I am the law" speech is different from Faith's because she's earned it. It came through pain and desire to do good and years. Faith wanted to rule. She wanted to be the law so she could do whatever she wanted, consequences be damned. Buffy is the law because there is no one else, and she doesn't want to abuse it.

Jarrod Wild

I tend to keep this one in my top ten, every time I reevaluate episodes on rewatches.


Damn right. Buffy's got the cred... she didn't go on a homicidal maniac streak. Saving the world appx once per year affords you some leniency.


always forget how good this episode is.


"I am the law" im pretty sure is a quote from Judge Dredd. could be wrong; but i enjoyed that. personally, Help and Selfless are among my favourite episodes in this show

Jarrod Wild

It bugs me too that they just shrugged aside the revelation of "The Big Lie". The argument should have pivoted to that for a bit. This episode showed how Xander was making the same arguments about Anya that Buffy was once making about Angel when he was evil.

Bruce Trogdon

Agree about the lie. It does remind the viewers of their positions but I would have preferred that it never be mentioned rather than have the characters gloss over it.

Bruce Trogdon

One of my favorite episodes. Anya changed over the seasons but I didn't see much development. She loved Xander (and money) and got along with people because that's what Xander (and shoppers) expected. Also, as a human, she occasionally had a real interest in surviving what was going on in Sunnydale. Anya went from over-identifying as Olaf's girl to a vengeance demon to Xander's girlfriend/fiancee but, when she lost those things, she didn't know who she really was. Really amazing how much better that story line worked with Anya than it did with Riley. “Magic has consequences.” In Aud's case, the spell which turned Olaf into a troll and was powerful enough to impress D'Hoffryn, presumably led to (I had to look this one up) leporiphobia.

Emma goldsbrough

Yes, I was not happy as well with it just been brush off, it finally gets mention and that's all we got. Love seeing more of Anya's past.


A great episode but Buffy’s hypocrisy here always drove me nuts. It took her the entire second half of season 2 to decide to kill Angelus when he was evil but she decides in just 1 episode that Anya needs to die?! I guess evil Willow gets a free pass too. The calmness in which Buffy was going to kill Anya never sat right with me.


ASR: "Willow! I wish I could be as cute as you." Sadly, without the pink hair, it's just not possible.

Chris Peacock

Buffy coming to the (correct) decision faster here doesn't make her a hypocrite. It makes her more experienced. Buffy was right. Period. No valid argument to be made. Willow got a pass because Willow was human. Buffy gave Warren the same one and was ready to send him to jail. Anya was a demon. Buffy IS the law in supernatural cases (Faith meant period). If she had a magic jail for Anya she'd no doubt have used it. She doesn't, so all sentences are death sentences. Just how it is. Buffy is in the right.


This is totally off-topic, but I don't know where else to post it. I have been using pre-paid Vanilla gift cards to pay for Patreon, but now my payments keep getting declined. Does anyone else use any pre-paid card to pay Patreon ? This is my last month of membership, and I don't feel comfortable using my actual credit card. I always use pre paid cards for online purchases. Any suggestions ?

Bruce Trogdon

I used to use a pre-paid card on a different website. It wouldn't automatically renew so I had to reenter the card info each month. I no longer subscribe to that site but I used the card for about a year like that.

Chris (darkwater)

Love loooove your reaction to the spider demon thing... :D


Faith believed because she had power, she could do what she wanted. Buffy believes because she has power she has a responsibility to do what she thinks she must. similar on the surface, but extremely different.

Nancy Nicolai

"From beneath you it devours" what the hell did he mean by that huh...?😨

Richard Lucas

Good catch. She had to give up something she loved (fluffy bunnies) to punish Olaf.

Patrick Lyke

re: Anya's long name during the song - remember that was the name she gave when the watchers came to "test" Buffy back in season 5 to determine if she was worthy of the info on Glory and they were interviewing her friends :)


Anya's song gets me every time. It was easy to not really get why she was so broken by the wedding, but this episode really nails it--she'd turned her engagement and upcoming marriage into her entire identity, and had no idea who she was without Xander. And what a way to express that!

Brian Søndergaard

You wish you could be as cute as Willow??? - Why trade down (eventhough Willow is extremely cute, you're a mile ahead :)


The "Audi" make of car means "somewhat like Aud". Oh, wow, was that ever a contrived joke... even by my standards.


I love the cut from Anya's last notes -- to her with the sword in her chest. Now THAT is a hard cut.

David Caine

Alongside Buffy's finishing number in "Once more.." Anya's was my favorite song and performance in the show. Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins not of Harris. And after all this time and everything they have all gone through, Buffy is truly in a position to really understand what being the law is and what it takes to draw the line. The sacrifices, the hurt, the heartbreak for everyone, and Faith at that time was coming from a very different place.

Jarrod Wild

Drew Goddard's writing debut, and a really great one at that! He's had quite the career since.


I've carefully read thru everyone's comments here and find i've nothing new to add. So i will just 'heart' the comments i agree with. :P

Kelly Marie

Bringing up angel really punched me in the gut and I agree because how they swept the whole “xander lying about willow re ensouling angel” thing really bugged me.

Ron Fehr

Did you notice that when Buffy stabbed Anya with the sword, Anya had her vengeance demon face? Obviously would have been a commercial next. Return to the show and now you see Anya's human face. Possibly an indication that her desire for dispensing vengeance is dead.

Ron Fehr

About Anya's original name. Aud, pronounced 'odd'. Appropriate name, isn't it?


That's my favorite little detail about the show. Odd indeed :)


The scenes with Anya and Olaf are actually in Swedish. However the actors had no help with pronunciation and was told to not bother memorizing it to good so it's hard to hear what they say almost all the time. The original plan was for it to be badly dubbed to English and look like a scene from a bad foreign movie but they where so impressed with the work the actors did that they decided to keep it as it was.


About Faith and Buffy. The difference was that Faith was talking about not following human law. Buffy, however, was talking about supernatural law.


I remember watching this, I was a bit disappointed that Buffy didn't kill Anya. Don't get me wrong, I loved Anya then and still do but the drama and story of Buffy being forced to kill her would have been pretty powerful with a lot of drama that could have followed. Part of me still feel that it would have been a pretty amazing ending to Anya's story but a big part of me is also glad it didn't happen.


The name Aud comes from there being a legend abut a viking king named Olof who had a wife named Aud that was powerful and good at handling money.

Jordan Haddow

After Tara, I don't think I would be ready for that. Plus the whole point of this episode was to devengence demonify Anya. They couldn't move the story ahead with her staying a vengeance demon. She's supposed to be one of the good guys (or gals as the case may be).