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Last month, some patrons and mods put together an elaborate quiz for each show (minus TVDverse). Big thanks to, Paul, Patrick, Strangeado & Zoot for putting this together while I was on break!

You could enter each of the quizzes once, with a maximum of 4 different entries. There were 67 correct entries all together! I want to thank everyone who took the time to participate. You guys are awesome!

But alas, only one winner...


Brandon Wiesner!
Congratulations! Make sure to send me a private message for the pilot you'd like to select, it'll most likely be done by the end of January.
Your choice cannot be longer than 1.5 hours long. Choose wisely. 

The clues were very elaborate and I will be listing below the answers along with links to the reactions to put together the clues properly in your minds :P


Arrow clue 1: To find this scene in Arrow, you must endeavor, to hear Harley’s voice, “the most exciting thing ever ever ever ever”.
Answer: Arrow 2x16 - "Suicide Squad" Reaction Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntR1aWhvrfE&list=PL3iO1RKxrqbaxWiwbZzFQ0tMfY9dl9SgU&index=50 

Arrow Clue 2: The sound of the poor poor person’s voice you will see, filled ASR's heart with excitement and even more with Glee.
Answer: Arrow 2x08 - "The Scientist" Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goWPa-IShjM&index=37&list=PL3iO1RKxrqbaxWiwbZzFQ0tMfY9dl9SgU 

Arrow Clue 3: ASR did not like him, until he died saving her girl, so put on your water proof eyeliner, and give it a whirl.  
Answer: Arrow 1x23 - "Sacrifice" Reaction (Finale):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1o2XdyjeO4&index=24&list=PL3iO1RKxrqbaxWiwbZzFQ0tMfY9dl9SgU 

Arrow Clue 4: Oliver showing his face to the hunter, made Diggle want to shout, but ASR did not even care, she just wanted to watch him workout.
Answer: Arrow 1x08 - "Vendetta" Reaction:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIs7yhqS1vg&list=PL3iO1RKxrqbaxWiwbZzFQ0tMfY9dl9SgU&index=8 

Arrow Final Question: What is the name of the ship that arrives in Lian Yu in season 2 of Arrow and who were its 3 captains?
Answer: The Amazo, The Captain, The Butcher & Slade Wilson. 


Supernatural Clue 1: Don’t be a Bozo, to this Supernatural episode go, you’d have to be blind, to not find this show.
Answer: Supernatural 2x02 – "Everybody Loves A Clown" Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iQt-xqitLA&index=13&list=PL3iO1RKxrqbbzQHleIqf8bP_dv5Uom3Gc 

Supernatural Clue 2: Solve the mystery of this episode, And see a trickster say, Sam’s having a real bad, rerun of Ground Hogs Day.
Answer: Supernatural 3x11 – "Mystery Spot" Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsV88ATNyfA&list=PL3iO1RKxrqbbzQHleIqf8bP_dv5Uom3Gc&index=31 

Supernatural Clue 3: In this one you could get lucky, Or get a fork through the head, Lose the little critter’s foot, and you’ll likely end up dead.
Answer: Supernatural 3x03 – "Bad Day At Black Rock" Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUV3l57QSBM&index=28&list=PL3iO1RKxrqbbzQHleIqf8bP_dv5Uom3Gc  

Supernatural Final Question: Name the 4 horsemen and the color of the stone on their rings.
Answer: Death (white), Famine (black), Pestilence (green) & War (no stone).

Buffy and AOS questions annoyed me when typing them so i cba writing the answers soz


Brandon Wiesner

Holy crap, wow! Thank you! I will ponder my choice and get back to you later.


LOL why did the Buffy and AOS ones annoy you???


See... this is why we can't have robots. I don't trust these new fangled computer things that do whatever they want.

Dontrell Durant

I thought you were choosing a winner from each category. My mistake. I only did the buffyverse..... And it annoyed me too much to try the others.


I can't do 4 extra pilots. One winner was always the option. There was just multiple entries you could have.