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Kelly Marie

I dislike the whole amnesia story line as well, it's just so over used. "And you fall for it everytime" HAHA wow angelus flashback.


The title is from a poem by Yeats ("The Second Coming"), used in a bunch of things, though I first learned it for "The Stand" by Stephen King. The song is Whitney Houston "The Greatest Love of All," and yeah, same as "The Puppet Show"... apparently, it's Cordy's "Mandy"... her go-to. I don't know if the spooning thing was deliberate here or if they were just both asleep and he reached over. But it was weird.


Yeah season 4 is a rough one for a lot of people. Particularly it is super uneven. It has some of the worst moments in the show, but I also believe it has some of the best.


The poem is at <a href="https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43290/the-second-coming" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43290/the-second-coming</a> -- not spoilery, exactly, but you might want to hold off a couple of episodes.

raymond julien

If you dislike the whole amnesia thing you should try the tv show Dark matter...they all have amnesia.

Crap Writing Co.

Dat lawnmower doe...........................


Totally agree with Second_Strike, very uneven season, some of it is aweful, BUT there is some really good stuff as well, which obviously I don't want to spoil. It's worth it though.

Mike Woodcock

So you're not shipping Connelia? Where is your romantic spirit? Welcome to Whedon Icksville. Have some confidence that he doesn't resort to an amnesia arc as a cop-out. He's not your average writer.

Timotey Kuhn

Oh stahp with that "I suck" stuff. You work blisteringly hard at this. You're not going to be flawless at this all of the time. We appreciate you for how hard you work at this. So stop bringing yourself down, especially when you're clearly being affected by things beyond your control. P.S. Try to remember also that you are FAR and away the biggest reactor on Patreon .NO-ONE else in the "Reactor" world can hold a bloody candle to you. I think I may have reminded you of this before, but you're even 5 times bigger than our beloved Ian of Passion of the Nerd. So do try &amp; remember just how much you have accomplished in only a year before you are tempted to bring yourself down over things you can't control.


I have amnesia right now. Or do I? Actually, I don't remember if I have amnesia.


Yeah, amnesia as a story device is lame and overused. Shan, you'll have to judge for yourself whether you feel that they've used it a little better than usual for this part of Angel.

Timotey Kuhn

*hums theme song to "Jeopardy" the game show from 13:52 to 16:35while Shan goes to deal with possible pooch issue (one suspects ;) ) So about 5 times hummed*..... LOL


The only worse story-telling device than amnesia is constant misunderstandings. Aaaaand this ep had that too... Grr argh. Don't worry too much about Season 4. It probably won't be your favourite season, but it's the Buffyverse, so you know that there will be good stuff in it too.


Meh, Season 4 of Angel gets flack just like how Buffy Season 6 gets flack. To nobody's surprise, controversial stuff makes people go crazy. Season 4 happens to be my 2nd favorite season of the show, so just know that there are a good many of us out there that do like the season. Really can't say much else at this point.


You say you hate amnesia episodes but what about Buffy 6x08 - Tabula Rasa? Joan and Randy were a great duo! :)

Katherine Thoreson

I was going to say something similar. Season 4 gets a bad rep I think mostly because of THAT episode....and not even the whole episode just.....ya know. I think season 4 actually has some pretty interesting ideas and themes and storylines....it just got overshadowed. And I completely understand why....not supporting the reason why cuz yeah....not good. But when you look at season 4 as a whole everything does make sense and you realize there was a plan/reason behind everything which is cool.

Jon Dub

You've never heard of Bethlehem? Its the birthplace of Jesus Christ!


Good for you for never hearing about Bethlehem. Pointless Christian mythology.

Ron Fehr

Shan, if you want to know how to pronounce Bethlehem, look up the song 'O Little Town of Bethlehem'.


It's your choice to believe that. It's also your choice to believe leprechauns are real. Doesn't make it true though.

Ron Fehr

And you have your choice too. By the way, I don't believe in leprechauns. Lol


Just as plausible. Plus they’re always after me lucky charms.


As of others have said, it's definitely a polarizing season. It has some of the weakest episodes of the series but also some of the best. The season will pick up later, don't worry.


Bethlehem is a real place. The story of Jesus is mythology. Just like New York City is a real place, but Spider-Man isn’t.

Emma goldsbrough

Great reaction. not sure if I like this season or not it has been long time that I've watched it.


If it was planned and had a rationale, I'm unaware of it, having seen it twice. That said, I don't think it's a bad season of Angel. Unlike Buffy, there are no consistently good seasons of Angel, just good sections and good episodes. Season 4 has a handful of the best episodes of the series and one of the better arcs, so it's about as good as any of the other seasons, for me.


That's a pretty obnoxiously preachy take for an atheist... sounds like someone's substituted one ideologically motivated moral community for another. Can't escape them good religious feelings of moralistic self-satisfaction! Anyway, the failure isn't so much ignorance of biblical narratives as it is ignorance of William Butler Yeats.


Not sure what you consider to be “preachy”. I’m treating all religious mythologies equally. Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods- it isn’t a community, nor does it rally around any specific set of ideals or expectations.


It clearly is a community, and it clearly has ideals and expectations surrounding the non-belief in any higher being. It therefore has organizing principles and boundaries - there are recognizable requirements to be an atheist. This is why there are gatherings of atheists (including national conventions), and organizations of atheists. The fact that you felt it necessary to seize on a throwaway comment in a reaction video to a 20 year old television show - which has basically nothing to do with Christianity or religion - and use it as a jumping off point to talk about your personal hobby horse demonstrates how important your membership in this particular moral community is to your identity (if the fact that you made it your patreon name wasn't enough of a clue). That, it seems to me, is the defining characteristic of a religion. It's not the belief in things unproven or unprovable, it's the sense of belonging and self-satisfaction from identifying yourself with a viewpoint about the world. And just so you're aware, it's just as annoying to everyone else when you try to make everything about your particular viewpoint as it is when the Christians do it.


That's fair, though I disagree that there are no consistently good seasons of Angel. Season 5 is good from start to finish, and the back half of the season is arguably the strongest in the whole Buffyverse. I think it also matters on what you consider to be "consistently good".


People attending conventions doesn't constitute a "community" Having a shared nonbelief isn't a "community." If that were true, then there would be communities of people who don't believe in unicorns. The principles and boundaries of morality that you describe are morals that apply to everyone, not just atheists.


And Buffy/Angel infuses a lot of religious mythology into the show. Joss Whedon is a vocal atheist, and intertwined Christian fiction with the Buffyverse fiction.


(apologies for the multiple replies, posting from my phone, and "enter" posts what I've got, instead of making another paragraph). Btw, I didn't seize on a throwaway comment- I've kept my atheism to myself until others posted about AFS not knowing how to pronounce "Bethlehem". So I followed up with a comment letting her know that it's perfectly ok to not know anything about it.


That's just the point, isn't it? There aren't communities of non-believers in unicorns, nor are there conventions where people who don't believe in unicorns can get together and meet, socialize and become close with other people who don't believe in unicorns. There are such when it comes to atheism, which is why it is a community. To belong to that community, there are requirements - most notably a non-belief in any supernatural divine beings, but likely also an adherence to other principles (for example, you'd be hard pressed to attend an atheist convention and find someone who thinks that the scientific method isn't an effective way to discover the truth of a proposition). You may think those generally agreed-upon beliefs among atheists are very well founded, but don't try to pretend you aren't espousing an ethos. Further, there are no "morals that apply to everyone", descriptively. For just about any moral proposition you could come up with, you can find someone who honestly and earnestly disagrees with that proposition. You've just come to your moral views without reliance on ancient books. Perhaps you can even justify them when pressed (though most can't). Regardless, one of your morals appears to be that an understanding of Christian mythology is pointless, and that knowing nothing about it is a perfectly cromulent way to go through life. Right or wrong, that is a moral view that would seem to have resulted directly from the importance you place on your atheism as an aspect of your identity.


We’ll just have to fundamentally disagree on several different aspects, most notably the blanket view of atheists, vs. individuals who happen to be atheist. I’m not looking to clog up the comments with this topic anymore than I already have, and you are free to have the last word. We have different opinions, that’s cool, but nothing that makes me view you or anyone else here negatively. I am a passionate atheist, but I don’t belong to a community of atheists. Good night sir, and sorry to ASR for taking this conversation that might be divisive as far as it has.

Ron Fehr

Yes Shan. Thar was the same song that Cordelia sang on Buffy.

Ron Fehr

I wonder if Cordy has selective amnesia. She can't remember herself or her friends, but she remembers the words to a song.

David Caine

Oh god, I am atheist too, and I was hoping someone posted Yates' poem "The Second Coming," but I did not expect for this to be turned into...whatever this thread of comments is about. I wanted to see talk about the show and how it pertained to a piece of literature. Oh well.

David Caine

Season 4 is fucking awesome and real and heart-wrenching. It continues the show's allegory of adulthood themes. We already have had making it out on your own, finding purpose, starting a career path, dealing with demonic exes, going dark in behavior after getting burnt out and depressed, forging and losing friendships, getting an epiphany about your purpose in life and trying to do good, trying to atone for your past, dealing with unexpected pregnancies and becoming a single father/parent, betrayals from friends and dealing with guilt and enemies. and then dealing with your teenaged ungrateful child and the shit they put you through. Let's see what season 4 brings.

Richard Lucas

Best amnesia episode ever, probably a top ten episode, AND it had the unenviable job, some would say impossible job, of following the Buffy musical, my favorite episode of television ever. The only episode of TV that even comes close (to me) is Game of Thrones 6-10.


I love this season, lt feels different then the first ones, i liked connor very much in this episode and i laughed every time when Gunn brought up the side kick thing, i think this season so far they continued well since the start and this is only the beginning, for me this is my second favourite season, season 5 is my all time favourtie season.

Einar Sigurðsson

Season 4 has two "bad" episodes, this one and the next. Overall, this season is fantastic