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Kelly Marie

Giles entrance was bad ass.

Timotey Kuhn

I would've felt HORRIBLY uncomfortable if you tried singing , so it's all good that you didn't.

Cameron Ferguson

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping I'd see the season finale uploaded today as well, haha!!


Giles entrance in this episode is probably one of the best scenes in the entire show.


Yep. Just like you said early in the season; the Trio creates the S6 Big Bad. :) Giles is so awesome, he doesn't need glasses anymore.


Willow: "You really need every square inch of your ass kicked." Am I the only one who momentarily cheers Dark Willow on upon hearing this line? I love Buffy as a character, but she does on occasion go full self-righteous, Judge Dredd "I am duh Slayer!". Quippy Buffy >> Preachy Buffy. Kick away, Darth Rosenberg!


me too! I love Dark Willow being so blunt this episode... "mom...buffy...tara...waaah!"


AH such a good episode. I was honestly expecting you to just dish out the final 4 Buffy episodes this week... I would have had to watch the finale if i had it there sitting in front of me lol. "I'd like to test that theory..." BOOM!!!


probably took them off so they wouldn't get dusty in the fight lol

Paul Gibson

its weird the cute snow effect of the tissue doesn't fit lol

Claire Eyles

OMG the vicarious memories that come flooding back watching the reaction to Buffy vs Willow!

Amanda Logsdon

Man could you have ever predicted this back in the first couple of seasons, willow as the big bad? So cool.


Just one comment, I don't get where Willow got this gaping hole that is her self-esteem that she is using to justify her actions? She *used* to be timid and mousy, but she outgrew that by season 4, and she was a genius and rich enough to go to college besides. I just remember Xander was in much worse straights in S4 and he didn't feel justified enough to give rich boys tainted beer let alone cast spells and attack the people that love her. ( Was she going to turn Dawn into an energy ball to absorb her power or something? Ugh.) Edit: I get that she has bad self esteem, but her past doesn't provide sufficient explanation to explain why she has it to me, particularly when she is so much better off than so many other characters surrounding her. And I'm sorry, but her self esteem problems don't in any way justify her actions to her friends/family to me. (Anymore, than I can justify a 'troubled' teen who goes to school with a gun. There comes a point where bad self-esteem, essentially issues that are inflicted on a character fail to either explain/justify a character's actions.) EDIT #2: Yes. I am well aware of the magic costume metaphor in "Restless". Of overt symbols and metaphors in Buffy, that was one of many. , I get that magic is covering is covering for her insecurity. That is not the point. The point that having had the background of wallflower girl/nerd is not sufficient to explain why her self esteem is so bad (especially when you contrast with Xander's past and when Willow was singled out in high school for being a genius and had friends she knew for a fact would risk their lives to save her ) nor does it excuse any of her ways of lashing out via magic or otherwise.


Wow, glitterdust effect, production values are through the roof! Kinda looks like you live in a place enchanted, spirits and charms in the air. Just don't take for granted you're the only one there 😋 And now I remembered that was Tara's song and Tara is dead and I'm depressed again ☹️

Claire Eyles

Oh no, that gaping hole of self esteem has still been there since season 4. There's a difference between true and lasting growth, and using outside things (magic, for example) to essentially put on a costume, and then deep down fear that one day that costume is going to be ripped away (as in Restless).


Dark Willow droping truth bombs on Buffy and Dawn is just so damn cathartic. I love both of them of course but that stuff needed to be said.


It's interesting the way Dark Willow changes each time she consumes more magic. The books make her dark and determined. Rack makes her sassy and dizzy.

Mike Woodcock

Everyone calls her "Dark Willow". Her name . . . is Darth Rosenberg! Tara getting shot was a "WTF's your problem, Whedon?" moment. So was Spike's rape. But there was a story that needed to be told, and, unfortunately, that was the way to tell it.


After hearing you say "Spill the T" numerous times I must know... WILL YOU BE REACTING TO DRAG RACE!?!? All Stars 4 is only a month away.......

Mike Woodcock

"I don't accept this." Neither does Willow.

Jason Veevaert

If you're going to watch that now can you post the reaction today please? :)

Andrew Pulrang

I guess I'm repeating myself a bit. But looking back to when I first watched all of this, I really believe that these terrible things happening were in a way easier to take because at the time most TV fans were not used to TV shows having stakes this high, with characters we cared this much about, who had complexities and "dark" sides that weren't just bad moods. It felt like a miracle that something this this compelling was on TV at all. So I think we were a little less likely than we are now to second-guess the choices Joss made.


It was definitely awesome toward the end with the confrontation. It made a lot of questionable choices worth it.

Nancy Nicolai

Great reaction I was waiting the entire episode just to watch your reaction to Giles perfection!!!👌😁🙅

Patrick Lyke

For Anya and the magic thing, I'm sure it wasn't to stop the purple lightning since it was going on initially...it was a protection spell to prevent her from harming Andrew and Jonathan (remember Willow used the lightning on them in the shop while the spell was going and Anya was chanting). Plus, that epic fight between Willow & Buffy was the fight we never thought we'd see but subconsciously always wanted to have happen :)

Patrick Lyke

Rule of thumb with Whedon shows....when what you've been wanting to happen finally occurs, be ready for your heart to be ripped out some way or another

Brandon Wiesner

Well it was nice to see you get excited again, with the Buffy Willow fight and Giles' entrance. I know you watched the season finale already and I know we have to wait until next week to see it but at least we are pretty much done with all the heartbreak, at least for now.


Gilles' surprise arrival at the end is such a great moment. Especially since it was somewhat foreshadowed earlier this season in the kitchen scene with Gilles/Willow. She's not really a rank amateur anymore, eh?


Hey! You can’t just announce to us that you’re going to watch the finale and not post it! Well...I mean, you can do whatever you’d like. But it’s not fair and I will pout about it. :/


And for once it wasn't spoiled in the opening credits

John Boehmer

The people who decide the watch order for you usually do a pretty good job but they dropped the ball this week. 6X19-22 should ALWAYS be watched in one sitting. The four episodes as a whole are like an epic movie. I know you are going to end up watching the finale anyways, and you should, it just sucks that we wont get the reaction for a week because honestly I think it kind of ruins your viewers experience by having to wait a week.


Probably my favorite line of Willows in the entire show is “No honey, I am the magics”

raymond julien

Willow is the big bad!?...no one tells me anything! Plus who didn't do 14 cartwheels when Giles showed up!


Is really good to see you better after this episode :D , Dark Willow´s look is awesome, I love her jacket; actually, Willow used it in another episode, "Dead Things" I think.

Emma goldsbrough

Your reaction when Giles came in, was the same as mine.


Joss generally has a good sense of story, but what are you talking about/referring to? (Sorry if I missed a comment of yours where you explained this...)


My comment was getting too big so here EDIT #3 from thread above. :) Edit Here for Replies: Thanks for all the thoughtful comments. A couple points to clarify. 1.) Yes I have actually watched this show ;). I mean I haven't been blind to all the episodes you have referenced which demonstrates that Willow HAS insecurities. That is not my annoyance/confusion, which brings me to point two. 2.) What bothers me is that, even though someone said earlier that her insecurities aren't being used to excuse her actions, I beg to differ. If Warren or the rest of the Trio had more screen time to expand on their insecurities instead having their darkness used as comedic relief, their story would have been very different. It bothers me that Willow's addiction and abuse of magic on her friends and family is being put down as soley rooted as a product of her insecurities, instead of a personal flaw she has to encounter for herself. It also bothers me because the source of her huge insecurity, being mousy, is such a small/superficial thing. Its not just that it is unrealistic, but that it breaks suspension of disbelief given that Willow is canonically given many talents/gifts beyond magic : robotics, genius intelligence, beauty, friends who care about her, a sense of purpose/calling that demonstrates that she can make a difference in the world. This discrepancy bothers me on two fronts: 1.) In the unaired pilot, Willow was originally played by an overweight actress, who while pretty, would not have the more general appeal of alyson hannigan. The change of actress + the fact that Willow's insecurities has little material basis, leads me to believe that her insecurity was chosen just so that Willow could have the relatability of a character with insecurity without having to deal with anything material to be insecure about. 2.) It's annoying because Willow's high school experience, given her many blessings, is nothing close to as bad as it could have been. Granted pain is all subjective, but an important thing that has been touched on before in Buffy is having a sense of perspective. When Buffy thought that Jonathon was going to shoot up the school, she gave him a speech which, while harsh, I think was intended to give him just that. Willow has never learned a sense of perspective in that sense, in S4 she dismissed Xander's troubles over staying in his parent's basement and since then has never seemed to think beyond herself to other's problems. And because she has never done this, the show has lacked this perspective as well. When I brought up Xander earlier it was because Xander, despite his habit of always making a joke, had insecurities that were backed up by reality. Not only does he seem to have social issues in making other guy friends, but he didn't have the privilege of going to college, he worked minimum wage jobs for years, he is canonically not as intelligent as other characters, and he has no special powers or super strength and he is still able to try to make a difference. I realize that Willow and Xander's pain are different, but despite it all ( and I do think the show uses Willow's insecurities to invoke sympathy) I just don't have sympathy for the root cause of Willow's pain (aside from her grief of Tara's death). Not when Xander is there to contrast. I realize of course, that opinions will differ and that is fine. I'm just sharing mine and anyone who disagrees or thinks my opinion is misguided are just fine too. (emotions come out weird while typing, I hope this doesn't sound condescending...) What we can all agree on is that Willow is fantastic 3D dimensional character. I don't like her at this point, I haven't since OMWF, but she still fascinates me like a real person, and obvs. like most of the Buffy characters she is well written. This show breaks the norm in so many good ways, and Willow is just an example of how the show is populated by a lot 3D female characters which still (unfortunately) are not often seen in media today. Willow has a rich inner life that we all like talking/debating about even if we disagree on how dark/light that inner life is. :)


I agree with you about the 3D characters, is one of the best things about this show, the characters are flawed and more human because of that. I´ ve always believe that the problem with Willow this season is about her power, she is having too much too soon and she doesn´t know how to handle it; this also makes her flaws more evident and dangerous. The show has shown Willows flaws and character problems through all the seasons too, just with their insecurities and in a very consistent way with what happens in this episodes. Season six is so extreme that, I think, is normal that people get Bias toward their favourites character (I got my own), but I also think I love Willow´s character more because of the madness of this season and all her mistakes.


I definitely don't blame you for not singing during the opening credits. Nothing to be happy about for the last few episodes. About the police not shooting at Willow- it may be because she was unarmed that they didn't fire a shot. Just a guess.


Dark Willow wasn't really the big bad of Season 6. She only showed up at the end of Season 6 and was a product of the real Big Bad. The pain that Buffy was going through being ripped from heaven and being alive is her hell, also being involved with someone that she knows isn't good for her, Xander's fears of screwing up the life of someone he loves instead of just his own life, Giles needing to let go of his surrogate child so that she can grow up and live her life as an adult, Anya learning about the human tragedy of have her heart broken, Dawn wanting to be more involved with the Scooby gang because she's not a kid anymore, Willow's addiction and the relationship she was responsible of wrecking and then losing the one she loved due to something that's beyond her control, the trio gang's adolescent ideas of being supervillains and stuck from ever maturing to be like real men and finally Spike's love for Buffy making him forget the evil that he truly is. The S6 Big Bad was Life. Remember the last thing Buffy told Dawn before she died in S5 and what Dawn said to Buffy in Once More with Feeling, "The hardest thing in Life, is to live in it".


What are floods? Flood pants. Don't know exactly why they are called that. Apparently I was wearing them in the 1970's.


Notice that Anthony Stewart Head's name didn't appear until the end of the episode? Intentional obviously. Knowing that he was going to show up would have definitely ruined the surprise. On a different subject. I think that season 6 was geared toward Buffy accepting being alive again. And accepting the trials that come with growing up.


What's the relationship among floods, flares, bell bottoms, and wide leg pants?

Timotey Kuhn

As to the sudden lack of Amber Heard's name in the opening credits, it was a sick joke on Joss' part. Make us all think that Tara was finally a regular enough part of the show to be listed along with everyone else in the opening credits/theme song, but then...well.......you know the rest now... :'( .

Dontrell Durant

Poor Jonathan, always being overlooked.


Yeah, apparently he had always dreamed of doing something like that ever since the show started but never had the budget to kill off a main credit character in their first and only episode as a main credit. I always thought it was his way to celebrate her in her final episode (and maybe some part of it was) but it was, like you said, more of a sick joke to make us not expect her to die. Interesting enough, the fact that she suddenly was credited with only 4 episodes left spoiled it for me because it gave me the feeling something was going to happen so I kinda expected it.


ASR, last episode you asked why it would be bad if Willow killed Warren. I think you got the answer here. The way it changed her.