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Sheriff Uchiha

The one we've all been waiting for...

Timotey Kuhn

Again.......I'm sooooo sorry. :'( *hugs*

Jarrod Wild

I have to say that SMG's very subtle and underrated performance at the beginning when she's being treated by the EMTs is amazing. You can see there are probably a thousand thoughts running through her head buried under the shock of being taken down by a human being with a gun.

Timotey Kuhn

*tries to watch the first minute. Stops after seeing Shan in such utter agony* I can't do it. I feel like a bloody sadist even getting through the first minute. I'm just going to flat out skip watching this episode because I just can't handle watching you in that much constant hurt.


How can you all already watch it? Onehub tells me it's still "Generating preview" and it has done so for a while now :O The other episodes seem to work fine, I am confused :D


When it looks like that, you have to download it, and then watch it. That's what I'm doing right now


"Bored now" is what evil willow says. Season 6 gets intense for the last several eps...

Ryan Wilson

The killing of Warren is a masterpiece!!

Claire Eyles

I remember watching this when it first aired, and after a week between episodes I was no longer sad about Tara, I was pissed and wanted Willow to just rip Warren apart. I remember the whole episode I just wanted everyone to get out of Willow's way and let her do her thing, kill the bastard!


I sense a dark power rising in Australia.

Claire Eyles

I also love how in this episode the reality of Warren's patheticness is underscored by how the Demons and Rack just basically laugh at him, and treat him like an idiot child when he's trying to brag about how cool and tough and evil he is.

Brendan O'Connor

When you thought the bullet was what was going to kill Warren, I thought "wait for it..." and your response to the flaying was a unique and genuine one. Warren needed to die, if he was given any chance he would've squirmed back to cause more trouble. They didn't talk about it in this one, but BTVS and Angel's message about taking a life changes you, and not for the better, and I think they should've talked about that instead of leaving Warren's fate in the hands of the criminal justice system.


I'm embarrassed to say that I was totally getting the Matthew Broderick conversation.


These endless days are finally ending in a blaze.


One Comment: I get that we loved that Warren was killed, but it wasn't OK for Willow to kill him. It's the same as when Angel killed the lawyers, is it really ok to kill the people you don't like? Or rather is it logical to say you are a hero therefore you have the license to kill whoever you don't like? I liked that one comment: You *THINK* you hate Warren more than Riley, lol!

Alexandra Wege

I am so glad that Willow summoned an illusion of Katrina. Most shows would simply gloss over the significance of the death of a one-shot character like hers.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

The subtle social commentary that happens throughout the episode is what I love the most. It's 17 years on and every bit as valid now as then, if not more. I'm so sorry for your pain throughout this episode. We've all been there. First time I saw this episode was after an agonising week after "your shirt" when I was 16. I was out for blood. That's the first time a tv show has made me feel downright vengeful. I was sooo satisfied with the flaying and I asked myself the question you just did. Is it okay to root for someone to die so vehemently? Yes. Yes it is!


I would be a liar if I said I didnt skip srait to Buffy giving the garden a good poking in the last episode and watched from there just to get here sooner.


It's amazing how painful the Buffyverse can be.

Andrew Pulrang

You make a good point Shan about Buffy going off to kill Faith. It is kind of an inconsistency, The only thing I think is different is that she did it to save Angel's life. Willow killed Warren for revenge. Totally understandable, but in the Buffy universe it's been pretty clear right along that personal vengeance is not okay ... not because of what it does to the perpetrator, like Warren, but to the person indulging in the vengeance, in this case Willow. She is in enormous danger. And if you recall, that's what Xander was worried about just before Buffy went to kill Faith. He said, "I don't want to lose you," and he didn't mean she'd be killed but that she would lose herself and her moral center. That's what is happening/ has happened to Willow.

Claire Eyles

Was that for me? If it was you're just lucky I wasn't in charge of the script/special fx back then, because I would've Tom Savini'd the sh!t out of that scene. Warren's death would have gone up to 11. :D


*Cough* Buffy also went to Angel to kill Faith *cough* so not that much of a difference between Buffy trying to kill Faith and Willow trying to kill Warren, except Warren actually killed someone Willow loved. I'll be honest, Buffy is a bit of a hypocrite


I know that killing someone is not good but I loooved when Willow kill Warren, where are your stupid fake balls now? Is awesome also that Willow used tree branches to cough him, being willow a tree and, trees and nature usually symbolizing feminine strength, the thing Warren seem to despice.

Jarrod Wild

Wanna hear something oddly ironic? Amber Benson (Tara) and Adam Busch (Warren) started dating while working on Buffy together and were dating until I think 2008 or so, when they broke up but have remained close friends ever since.

Nancy Nicolai

Bored now😒.....look no messy clean up🔥....oh its Evil Willow😻!!


Joss is heartless...finally putting Tara in the opening credits only to kill her off an episode later. Cruel.

John Boehmer

Another reason why I like Dawn...Dawn sat vigil over Tara.


Faith isn’t human. It’s not the same. Not that I didn’t want willow to kill warren.

raymond julien

Yes it's absolutely wrong to see Warren die for his crimes...now shush, I want to see Willow kill Warren...eeuw...that was a little visceral.


Even though it came to be because of an awful situation, I still love Dark Willow...one of the best things about season 6.


Yes Warren should pay for his acts. But not through violence. Willow killed Warren. She is also a murderer.


Shan, you are not a bad person wanting to see someone dead. That is just people's first impulse, and not something to immediately act on. Emotions can lead to people making rash decisions, often with terrible consequences.


Going back and seeing Willow's doppleganger show 'lesbian tendancies' and saying things like "bored now" just shows how amazing Buffy was at foreshadowing.


ASR. I think you watched this episode too soon after "Seeing Red". It felt like you couldn't enjoy it because you where still in shock. I mean, in the beginning you didn't even seem to watch the episode and you kept looking away sometimes. And it being so fresh kinda made the hate for Warren overwhelm you. Like Ron Fehr said, it's people's first impulse and not something you should act on but it is perfectly normal to have and feel.


I watched this show when it first aired and have always had the same feeling about Tara--she was my least favorite character after Dawn and I could never make myself feel anything about her death. This is when I started disliking Willow.

BiPolar HoneyBear

Tara was my favorite and this is when willow became my favorite again. I loved what she did to that slimey little shit