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I'm going to take a one week breather break, from both YouTube & Patreon.

5th to the 11th there will be NO reactions uploaded, but I will be recording and editing but also BREATHING.

I feel bad when I take breaks, but I've discussed it over with some of my patrons and they and I do believe it's good to take breaks.

This is technically my job right now and I want to give you, the BEST content available but people normally have weekends off when working normal jobs etc. I'm just gonna take ONE week off each month - to which I'll let you guys know about it each time in advance.

Just know I'm not being lazy by any means, and I will still be working during said week off - but I will also be relaxing a bit.

Hope you guys understand and support this decision as I really don't want to burn out and I want to continue to enjoy doing this for you guys because noone wants to see someone react to something when they're not enjoying reacting in the first place.



5th to 11th will be my week off for November.



Never feel bad about taking a break shan you've earned it.🐺


Absolutely the right decision. While I think most of us don't really care if your reactions are a day or two late, I know from my own experience that constantly missing deadlines gets you down and makes you stressed. Building up a buffer should hopefully make everything much more enjoyable for you. Which is only as it should be.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I think that is both a smart choice and well earned. Don't feel bad. Every one deserves free time.


How nice of you giving me time to catch up with the bazillion videos I have yet to see! Thank you! In all seriousness, this should never feel like a chore, neither for you nor for us, even if it's work. Enjoy your breaks! I fully support you on this


I think that is a good idea. I think this has been becoming a chore and stressful for you, which takes away from your enjoyment of the shows. Maybe when the next show finishes, don't replace it with something else, to give you some breathing space...


What? Angel sends Cordie on vacation and so you want one too? I guess if you're going to copy stuff from Angel that's a pretty good one. :)

Claire Eyles

Stellar idea. This is basically your job now, with the amount of time and hours you're putting in, so you should get time off and be able to take leave when you need to.


I have bipolar, so I know what it's like to need breaks and just decompress. As much as I like your videos, I am not sure I want to see you reacting when you are stressed to the point that you are nutso :P Although it might be entertaining on some level, honestly, it would be horrible to see you pushed to that point. Good for you for taking care of you first. It's like RuPaul says "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love someone else"? Good advice :) Now I have time to catch up on the 6 episodes of Angel :P

Brandon Wiesner

Whatever helps you feel less stressed and more productive, I will get behind. You provide great content and have gotten me from watching just the Buffyverse to watching more shows that you watch than not with you. You deal with a lot, because even though we only see what you upload on a weekly basis, you are constantly recording and editing, so it takes a lot more time to deliver that than people realize. Plus you take care of your dad and that should be your first priority. Plus, it's a week off for us, not for you. At least now you won't feel like you need to rush and get reactions done within a crunch. You can keep ahead of the game and not worry so much. If people get down on you on YT, fuck em. They don't pay for shit. Us Patrons know what the channel is worth and every penny we spend on for your content is worth its weight in gold. :-)

James MacDonald

This is a good idea. I was going to suggest this. It will allow you to take a break and also build up content in advance.


Yes! You absolutely deserve a break, you've been putting out content like crazy for a long time! This break thing should be a regular thing for your mental health and I don't think anybody is going to be upset!


Sounds healthy. Im the lest bothered about the timeliness of content. I wonder if you eventually will be able to get to a place where you can phase release content so you a) have a sensible workload, b) breaks like regular humans but also c) evenly distributed content through the month.


Do make sure you actually take some time of. Relax we will be here when you come back. i sometimes can't keep up with your releases.


I never thought 2 seconds about that demon until you called it the Scooby-doo monster. Now I want it for desktop wallpaper.


Take whatever time you need. You work ridiculously hard and deserve a break. The 7 days you take off is less time than taking the weekends off. You are still working harder than most people with 'regular' jobs ;) We aren't going anywhere and will still be here after your week off. xxxxxx

Tammy L. Faulkner

Its good to get a break, just make sure thats what it is. Your loyal fans will still be here when your ready.


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Very VERY glad to hear that you're doing this, wait until you see what a difference it's going to make in terms of your stress levels. Good good GOOD.


Happy to hear you are taking some time for yourself!


One suggestion, don't think about what people will think about you, your decisions, your reactions etc. because that really doesn't help in the long run. If you hurt some people's feelings, then let those people get hurt. The rest 99% are feeling much better of the fact that you are honest and don't censor yourself. Political correctness etc is pure toxic in the long run, while that doesn't mean that you can't be considerate to people's feelings, but self censor is cancer in our own lives and in our collective society. Happy refreshing breather!

Timotey Kuhn

It's about time! I couldn't be more supportive of this new plan if I tried. You work so bloody hard and relentlessly at this, I am among the many people who worried that you might exhaust yourself to the point of illness. This is absolutely perfect . I hope you have a good long rest & have time to breathe and actually experience life outside of this (fun as the world of reaction videos is, no doubt.. ;) )


You've been producing content at a pace that might not be sustainable in the long run. I'm really glad to hear that you're adjusting your schedule to look after your own well-being. You're usually better at looking after your videos (and us) than yourself.

Ryuichi Yasuda

You more than deserve this :) I'm so happy you decided to do this! Hopefully you make this week-offs a regular thing in your schedule. Get out there and enjoy a walk in a nice and warm spring breeze (I'm guessing it's spring now over there...)


You deserve a break every now & then. Take care of yourself. We love you, Shan!


Your output is astonishing! Please pace yourself, good things are worth waiting for.


I have to be honest with you. You've bargained yourself with too many shows to react to at the same time, and that is the only problem here. Ever thought of concertrating on a few ones, get through with them and then move on with others? I get you're dreading to lose viewers, and income, but it's unfair to all other viewers (patrons) who would actually stay anyway. Will you lower tier prizes mirroring your monthly absence? Because that's how economy market works. Nobody gets a week off a month. It's paid! 12 weeks off a year. It's not your viewers fault, and no one ever asked for, you working on weekends. Choose not to and there is your regular free time. You can still have weeks off, but I'm surprised that all others on here seem to be so cool with it being once a month, regularily. I'm guessing they've failed to do the math yet, or they rather pay more for less content and still let you burn out (because it still gonna happen, you know, for you intend to still record videos during these week-off's) instead of giving you the only right advice as to cut the show list, fearing "their" show would would get postponed or cancelled by you. Don't hate me for my objectiveness and you don't even have to hear me, but remember I told you so when time comes.


Incorrect, everyone gets 8 days off EVERY month, I'm just asking for 7. I haven't overwhelmed myself with too many shows, I don't understand why people don't seem to get that. It has nothing to do with so many shows. If you work an average job, 8 hours a day - you get to come home and relax, have weekends off etc I haven't at this point had that option. It's not about being overwhelmed, I could probably continue and get everything out on time etc all fine - but it's that I don't want to HATE doing this. Right now, I enjoy reacting and sharing my experiences with people and I want to continue enjoying it that is why I'm opting for 7 days off a month. To which I will still be semi working anyway. I charge $7 because I release more content than most people, it may not be all the shows you enjoy but it's a variety which also includes pilots that people have requested, it's also nice to note that I'm doing this practically alone and even though I've been on occasion slightly late with things, I've never been more than a few hours late with everything I release. I am always upfront and open about everything and always release everything on the schedule which I believe is worth the $7 a month regardless of a week missing each month, but if you disagree - that's your prerogative. I've practically overaken almost everyone on each of the shows I watch and for those I haven't I will eventually Also, even though I said a week off per month, doesn't mean I plan to do it for 12 whole months. I just said it's starting November and I may stop taking the weeks off eventually if I feel I don't need it.

Paul Gibson

Considering she works 7 days a week where most people do 5 then a week is not a lot of time off


Would you consider dropping the cost from $7 to $5. Considering there will be one week less of reactions.


Why not just upload prerecorded reactions during the week break. That way you can enjoy some free time while patrons still get some reactions. Just a thought.

Chris Peacock

The important thing to remember about Patreon is that you are pledging support to the person. Not buying a product from them. If somebody you are pledged to isn't providing what you feel is worth it you are always free to drop support, but X level of content is not promised for your support. The $7 tier guarantees full access to all full length reactions for the month, but it does not specify a set number for the month, just an approximate one. She is still more then fulfilling her obligation to her patrons taking a week off.