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Wow, Buffyverse has taken over your shelf.


"Well he's getting a root"...only in Australia.


Hahahaha i was thinking the same thing! Must be an australian thing.


Poor angel, his face literally breaks my heart when he can't go into the sunlight to get some recognition.. i know he doesn't really care about that stuff but for that one moment, i think he did. Oh and groo can piss off back to pylea.

Jarrod Wild

I feel like Fred is losing her Texas accent. It certainly doesn't seem as pronounced as when she was first introduced as a character.

James MacDonald

Shan's too cute when she doesn't like what's happening in the show. Watching her pout over Cangel had me dying.


I think her accent definitely fades over the course of the series, but it also might just be Amy Acker slipping up. The accents in the Buffy verse range from terrible to just barely passable. Alexis Denisof probably does the best job, and even his performance is far from perfect.


Gunn and Fred are easy to dislike because up until this point in the series, the writers haven't really given Gunn many likeable qualities. He's the Riley of this show, and he also has to compete with Wes, who is a universal fan favorite. I feel I'm actually developing a newfound appreciation for Gunn watching through these episodes again. He isn't a bad character, he is just underdeveloped, and it shows when you compare him to the development of characters like Wes and Cordelia.


True but his cringe worthy lines are just rough. The diner scene, yikes.


Good point, why no moment of happiness from Angel's son? Gunn & Groo messed up the good ships. Pretty dark episode, not because of the scary tree monster.

Tammy L. Faulkner

You ARE right... The writers and producers made a bit of a booboo.

Aria Nadii

I would also think that moment on the bed with Cordy and Angel feeding Conner together was a pretty perfect moment of happiness. It was for me. :) I agree that it's a plot hole that Angel has had no perfect moment with his son. He seems so over the moon thrilled about being a dad.


So the moment of happiness is something that the Buffyverse writers have really screwed up with. It was a great story line in Buffy season 2 but I think overall was a mistake since they created Angel the Show. So... trying to make sense of that... Loving Buffy was the first time in 240 years that he had experienced happiness and not suffering. It was bound to leave a mark. Things are different now. He has loved ones, a job. He's happy most of the time. He's not going to get to the same spot again he was in Surprise because that doesn't necessarily exist anymore


I'm one of those rare people that LOVES Buffy but doesn't like Angel so I stopped watching after season 2 back in the day. But holy crap what did they do?!! That scene in the diner between Fred and Gunn was horrible cringe like I couldn't even begin to write! wtf happened? And Angel, my cool brooding dark Angel is now what? A silly clown who acts the fool with over the top jealousy for that groog guy? Like when Wesley was splitting up the teams, David Boreanaz was acting so...wacky and just...ugh I didn't like it at all. Also Shan, you're 100% right, you can't have this kind of Angel and still make the curse logical. I'm not saying he should be depressed all the time but they've lost the essence of his character from Buffy.


My theory with the soul is that, when he had that moment with Buffy, he truly thought he could have a life with her. The love of his life loved him back. But then he found out about the curse. He can never be truly happy. That idea alone puts a damper on everything. He can’t ever have a moment of perfect happiness because he knows he can’t. Every bit of happiness he allows himself to have has to have some level of shallowness. He has to keep a part of his heart locked away. In order for him to have a moment like that again, everything in his life would have to come together. I think the bed scene with him, Cordelia, and Connor should probably have done it, because it seems doubtful that he would have ever thought his love for Connor would be able to break the curse. But I think him simply knowing the curse exists, causes him to not be perfectly happy.


That should be how the moment of happiness works, however I think theres plenty of room for unspoken detail of how the spell works. Like maybe it actually works only on romantic happiness. Or maybe Connor being this impossible creation makes Angels happiness towards him sits outside the scope of this magic. If when casting the spell they had to cover all the individual reasons he could find happiness, having a child wouldnt have been one of them, because its 'impossible'.


ships and Whedon, never a good combination :(


I actully find Wesley's crush on Fred creepy. Especially in this episode. The way he was just lingering behind the wall staring at her while she was laughing with her friends. The way he tried to get on Gunn about his relaitonship with her when Gunn is 100% right...it's none of Wesley's business. Let's not pretend Wes asked Gunn about his relationship because he doesn't like office romances. He asked out of jealousy. Then there's the petty way he tried to get Gunn out of the way and send him off on a mission alone...only to have Fred offer to go with him (lol). Wesley's entire crush on Fred seems super lurky. Like he refuses to accept the fact that she didn't choose him and he can't let it go.


He is kinda weird in this episode... but I don't think jealousy is necessarily a bad thing. It's super common... almost everyone has dealt with it. Asking Gunn about it doesn't really bother me, because they are all friends, so there's really no reason not to. And if Gunn knew he liked Fred, then as his friend, they probably should have a conversation about it anyway. They were close friends before they ever met Fred, so they owe it to each other to be honest and try to protect each other's feelings. Watching her laugh, also, not that bad imo. I think most people have watched their unattainable crush from a distance. It's a bit lurky, yea, but he's not following her up to her bedroom and peeping through the window or anything. But, sending Gunn out on his own to get rid of him is messed up. Once you start acting on your jealousy is when it becomes a problem. He has no right to try to keep them apart and he got what he deserved when she chose to go with Gunn.


How is he weird for looking at Fred whilst she's laughing and having a good time? He just wishes he could be apart of that.


That is a good point, he can't be perfectly happy if he knows that if he ever is he will lose his soul.

Paul Gibson

Being Honest Shan, I think they are cringey because you don't like it. I have heard far more cringey lines in buffy/angel from people you were shipping and they didn't bother you


The diner scene makes me want to vomit... Its Riley grabbing Buffy's face and saying "you're gonna teach me" all over again. They're like 12 year olds.


That's always been my theory, too -- the very fact of knowing a moment of perfect happiness could cost him his soul is enough to make it highly unlikely he would ever achieve such a moment again. Not that it's impossible, but I think it would have to be extraordinary circumstances. An experience that has been shared by nearly every other parent who has ever held their child wouldn't be enough. I also think, if he'd known how the curse worked before Surprise, he wouldn't have had a moment of perfect happiness then, either.


I do love Gunn here because he is incredibly open and vulnerable with Fred which goes against the way the show has portrayed him previously. I was not a fan of the 2 guys vying for one girl trope. But I enjoy how much Fred and Gunn enjoy being together.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I love this theory. It's a self fulfilling prophesy.. When he was drugged by that actress back when was different. Because drugs removes the inhibitions. He's always on guard now, because he knows the curse is there.


Gunn and Fred have zero chemistry. I have no idea why the writers even went that way, other than to torture Wes a little more. /sigh

Eric Haefele

You are trying way too hard to find logical consistency or to point out logical inconsistencies in the Buffyverse. Stop it! The Buffyverse is replete with logical inconsistencies. To break up the narrative flow every time you notice one is not helpful and will not make them go away.

Eric Haefele

You are making unwarranted assumptions. You are assuming that the moment when Angel became a father equaled or exceeded in happiness his moment with Buffy. There is a famous saying about assumptions that comes down to this "Any conclusions based on assumptions is worthless." Just because that assumption might work with some doesn't mean that it would necessarily apply to Angel. You are letting your heart rule your mind. You like the idea that the birth of his son would be a moment of perfect happiness for Angel so you have decided that it is the case. You mistake the evidence of his behavior to be proof. Evidence and proof are not equal. Within the context of the show, the proof that the birth of Connor did not give Angel a moment of perfect happiness is the fact that Angel did not lose his soul.