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Loved the reaction!


Earthquakes are super common in Cali. Wesley's point is that earthquakes are a terrible indicator for a prophecy because of how frequent they are here.

Brendan O'Connor

Angel's last line is shocking to say the least. Two questions for you Shan, do you think Wesley should have told anyone on the team about his research, and do you think Wesley is as sure as you are that it could never happen?


so you don't want gunn and fredd kissing on the job but i don't recall you ever complaining when angel and buffy did or spike and buffy or anya and xander or the dozens of other couples in the buffyverse who have romances with the people they work, hunt, or slay with...


Those people never got carried away whilst patrolling or doing a job, Bangel especially were only romantic after their kills or when they weren't out on a job. She's saying Gunn keeps getting distracted and then messing up the mission which she finds annoying.


"At least I would have had something to snack on." --> I think Angel was making a joke about his own bleeding wound. Or he may even have been referring to Connor or Wes, but only as a weird joke.


I think Angel was making a joke about the fact that he himself was bleeding. Those are really good questions.


There’s also a difference between the Scoobies and Angel Investigations. Patrolling is really more of a way of life for Buffy and it’s normal for them to goof off when there’s no action. They’re also waiting for the demons to turn up on their own and that’s pretty unpredictable. Fred and Gunn are supposed to be professionals, they’re on the job and more importantly they’re sent out with specific objectives to hunt down particular threats. If they’re not meeting their goals because they aren’t taking the job seriously, that makes them poor employees.


No, I distinctly remember a scene in season 5 of Buffy where the world was about to end, Glory was moments away from opening the portal, and Xander and Anya deicded to take that opportunity to go to the basement and have sex. That doesn't count as getting "carried away"...in the middle of an apocalypse? I'm sure there are other moments too, but that's the first that comes to mind. Let's not pretend like Gunn and Fred are the only two characters in the Buffyverse to let a romance interfere with their mission.


You don't want Cordy to be with Groo, you don't want Fred to be with Gunn and you don't wanna see Angel kill Connor. Sorry, but this show was written by people with zero concern about what we might want. Enjoy! :p

Mike Woodcock

This show knows how to hurt the heart when it wants to. But a story needs to jab sometimes to be fulfilling.

Mike Woodcock

I assumed it was just Wes over-imagining things again, like he did earlier when Angel was "teaching Connor how to die." Fear had a tight grip on him.


Blood can stay stable at room temp for at least a week and you can run certain tests during that time depending on the sample type and test.

Scarlett Monrow

About earthquakes in Cali: Robin Williams (RIP) called California "God's etch-a-sketch". :)

Rey Gallogo

Let's just say that if it was Spike, she wouldn't be rolling her eyes. It's alright, though, I do the same when Spike and Buffy are on screen.

Chaotic Cam

Oh I most definitely believe he was making a reference to his own blood -- Angel would never joke about Connor (or even Wes) being a snack. But after the dream, and seeing the horrific signs happen, by no doubt that innocent joke sounded WAY different to Wesleys currently stunned state.

Ian Victor

Okay, I still love your reactions but at this point I feel I have to speak up in defence of Gunn. He's a good man, he makes Fred happy, and in my personal opinion, they're really good for one another right now (unlike Spike and Buffy...and I say that as a big Spike fan). I appreciate that you find Fred and Gunn cringy, but I personally find the chemistry between them to be quite sweet.. okay I could almost feel you cringing while reading that last sentence, lol, but I'm just being honest. That said, all this is of course just my personal subjective opinion. And I do appreciate and respect your authentic reactions and honest opinions :) ....but I think you're wrong on this occasion! ;)

Ian Victor

I agree with ciarra and Rey. Spike is one of my favourite characters, but at this point in the show, he and Buffy are objectivly bad for one another, and it's clear that their unhealthy relationship is disrupting Buffy's work, and her psychological health. Whereas Gunn is a good guy, and he and Fred seem to be good for one another right now. Also, they beat the bad guy, so despite getting temporarily distracted, they make a good work-team too. Fred & Gunn FTW! :)


Who knows? Guess we'll have to wait till the next episode. :)


Who knows what he meant? Guess we will have to watch the next episode to find out.


Good point actually. Buffy always gets distracted with Spike when she should be working or patrolling and that's why she missed Willow's magic problem and was never there for Dawn.

Andrew Pulrang

As some others have said, it's possible the writers intend for Gunn and Fred to appear awkward. But actually I think it's more likely that they wanted them to be cute together, but Gunn is so poorly written overall that it doesn't work. I like the idea of Gunn a lot, and the actor is good, but the writing for him is very uneven. They can't seem to decide if he's a hard-bitten tough guy, a happy guy who likes kicking ass with his partners, or a sweet, witty, Joss Whedon-like person. He's kind of a mess, but not in a particularly interesting way. I think that may be the problem with Gunn and Fred together.

Nancy Nicolai

In fact so common that they happen multiple times a day all over the state of California so yeah really bad way to prove a prophecy and that ending didn't Angel have a fridge(where I believe he keeps his blood supply) in his room & if they'd been trapped.....so I think/hope that's what he meant by snack?👍


Gunn and Riley are the only main Buffyverse characters that don't seem like Joss characters to me.