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Supernatural S05E21 - Two Minutes To Midnight FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Brandon Wiesner

Every time I see those words, I can't help but hear that Iron Maiden riff in my head. LOL


The scythe first appeared in the season 4 episode, "Death Takes A Holiday" where Alastair was trying to break a seal by killing two reapers. I think he alluded to it belonging to Death (doesn't ride a pale horse but has 3 amigos or something).

Nancy Nicolai

I think Death's entrance is probably the #1 also & speaking of that when he gets bout of the car and that guy bumps into Death and says "Watch it pal" Death just brushs his shoulder off with his hand & the guy drops dead but I'm convinced that if that guy just said "Excuse me or Pardon me" he'd still be alive bc manners count and as for the ring with the other Horsemen they cut their fingers off along with the rings so thats why they were shriveled husks but Death gave Dean his ring so I think he should be OK and I hope he doesn't put them on right bc who knows could happen!💯🙆✌💀😈🔯


My favorite episode of the entire season and most of your questions should be answered soon if this season then the next

Scarlett Monrow

I can't believe we are almost at the end. Death's entrance is #1 in the show, Cas's comes close 2nd. And as always - great reaction! Thank you!

Tammy L. Faulkner

I love Deaths intro... 'Oohhh Death' bone chilling and totally awesome...

Tammy L. Faulkner

Ah! Your getting into my #1 season... Ooo... One of my all time fave episodes... Ooo... Darn it i wish i xould fast forward time to THAT episode than come back to the others...

Chris (darkwater)

I love the entrance for Death. Like you Shan, I got chills.

Nicole Garver

Girl you are spot on ... Death's entrance is the best character introduction of the series for me too, hands down! Cas' entrance is a close second, but the music and the whole montage of him walking down that sidewalk is just epic. I also really enjoy the scene between Death and Dean. We so rarely ever see Dean truely frightened of something that seeing him scared of Death is an eye opener and gives the audience a clue that this is a character to be greatly feared and tiptoed around. And once again, Crowley demonstrates why he's a fan favorite character. Little Fun Fact: Mark Sheppard kept that picture of Crowley and Bobby kissing on his phone for years (he may still have it) and would show it at conventions.


You asked some questions at the end, but answering them would run the risk of some potential spoilers. What I think can be said is about Crowley - he's a demon. Would a demon do "nice"? Crowley obviously gave Bobby his legs back because they needed Bobby to be able to help at the Niveus warehouse. He could help a lot better if he were able to walk. I also think Death's entrance is pretty cool. I'm with you on the gross parts of this episode. I usually fast forward past them, or avert my eyes like you did. Blech! About Cas - he disappeared when he was fighting the angels outside the "pretty room" where Adam was being kept, during the episode where Dean was going to say Yes to Michael. Cas had carved the Angel expulsion symbol on his chest, so when he activated it, he got zapped to who knows where along with the other angels. Apparently he got popped out into the ocean, on a boat. But he was hurt and had lost his powers.

Chaotic Cam

I absolutely love Death's entrance. I love how Death brushes his shoulder and the guy falls down, literally having a 'brush with death'. If you're curious about the song too, which I was as it's epic, it's O'Death by Jen Titus.

Jean Olenick

Jen Titus was (is?) someone who works in the SPN production offices. So are all the other singers on the track. None of 'em are professional singers.

Landen j

You know if you dont want stuff in your video like people interrupting etc lol you can edit videos