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Angel S03E10 - Dad FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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This is one of my favourites of the season. And the next few episodes are even better and probably some of the best episodes of the show. Season 3 has so many gems and I can't wait for you to finish it. To me its probably my favourite season of buffy or angel just because angel seems to be so genuinelly happy and things are working out for him. I wont spoil the future but by far i just love angels journey to this point, being a dad which is something im sure he never imagined experiencing.


And now Angel has a son. What a weird show :) Calling Willow instead of letting Darla stake herself would have made both shows better...


I feel like... asking willow to do more powerful magic when she’s already getting shit for it from Giles and Tara is probably not the best move.

Lisa Kristin

Regarding the perfect happiness bit, to me it makes sense. I mean Darla died, the shock of it all, the normal parental anxiety in addition to the fact that so many are actively trying to kill him. Holtz was practically aiming a crossbow at them the moment he was born. Sure, Angels happy at being a dad but he's also still grieving, feels worried and guilty for what he and Darla have done (she even reinforces that there is no atonement or redemtion for them right before she dies). With Buffy he was at peace, perfectly content and just enjoyed the moment, not thinking about anything else. That's how I interpret it anyways.


Wow! Did you just gender-shame the big bad? :p


Love your reactions a lot Shannan. Makes me happy seeing you enjoy both shows. Angel having a son was definitely something I never ever expected.


I don't think the name Connor has any particular significance, other than the fact that the name is very, very Irish.

Bruce Trogdon

Also, Holtz was right there as a very specific reminder of the evil Angel was cursed to remember.

Jon Dub

LOL Gavin said Alpha Team, not Palpatine


OMG, the files and records chick is Flo from Progressive! I've seen the series several times and never noticed that til now!

Chris Peacock

Ok. Still not time to defend Kate (but I hadn't forgotten), but it is time to point out that Justine was supposed to be Kate. Kate's actress wasn't available, so they wrote a new character, but it was supposed to be Kate. It isn't that important, but it will come into my Kate defense.


I don't think its weird for connor to like angel as a monster, i think that was his way of accepting who his dad is and that he shouldn't have to hide it :)

David Caine

After this episode it was amazing to me how far into the themes of adulthood this show was willing to venture. Just like with Buffy exploring the themes of growing up and coming into adulthood, Angel continues that into the parallels of adults in the real world. But with demons and vampires and evil interdimensional law firms.

Einar Sigurðsson

I just noticed for the first time "The scourge" on the whiteboard! Nice callback to "Hero"


Wesley you weren't listening to Angel last episode...'There will be no throwing of flames!'

Paul Gibson

Shan the sexist!!

Paul Gibson

its not an inconsistency. Angel was so anxious about the birth and the baby, he wasn't able to have that moment of true happiness


Good to know this episode has its fans, in my view it's one of the worst of the entire Buffyverse,

Patrick - Excelsior

Did anyone else notice that when Angel climbed out of the manhole to the street, it was a round cover on a square hole?

Dennis Bryant

Well, you should know by now that if you want to avoid the feels, these are the wrong shows to be watching....... :)