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Freaks & Geeks S01E01 - Pilot FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Thomas Langerwerf

I like this choice, something non-supernatural for once


No worries on the lateness... were already bout 20 years late, another few days don’t hurt. Like Thomas said... it’s cool to see you react to something based irl. Plus the shows only got 18 episodes, so if you ever wanted to finish... it’d only take a minute. 😁 Loved it btw

Rob Flynn

I loved this show back in the day and was a bit bummed when it didn't go on longer.

Andrew Pulrang

I loved “Freaks & Geeks” when it first came out. Along with “My So Called Life,” it was ahead of its time in portraying high school and adolescence in a realistic way. I don’t mean that it was fully realistic, but compared to truly goofy shows like “Saved By The Bell,” this was almost a documentary. One thing they got right was the major sub-groups in American high schools in the ‘80s ... the popular kids (like Cindy and the random football players), the nerds (Sam and his friends), and the freaks, Seth Rogen and his group. It it was really good key to the ongoing story to have Lindsay, who was more of a popular kid or “brain” tentatively trying out becoming more of a “freak.” As for the geeks looking so young, that’s pretty realistic too. Freshmen in high school often retain more of their childish appearance and outlook, because maybe they are a bit slower to develop physically and mentally. I noticed that even though Cindy is a popular cheerleader, she’s clearly a bit young in her appearance and general attitude ... which is why she seems to connect with Sam. The only thing that doesn’t hold up as well on this show is how slow paced it is. I really enjoyed your comments Shan ... especially about how ridiculous and pointless the bullies are. That’s realistic too I think. Real life bullies are usually pretty pointless. Can’t wait for “Twin Peaks!”


This is one the best seasons of tv I have ever watched. Worth checking out even if you’re not reacting to it. If you love James Franco it’s practically mandatory. They geeky kids were just freshmen, they are pretty young, and in this case underdeveloped. I think the number of balls probably depends on the school. We had enough for everyone to start with a ball. The bullies actually do get some development later.

Thomas Langerwerf

I loved Freaks and Geeks when I first watched it on Netflix a couple of years ago. This made me think, back when I was in high school, we used to get the Australian series 'Heartbreak high' on Dutch tv daily, and I would watch it almost every day. Did you ever watch that show?


:) Thanks for the fun reaction. Freaks & Geeks was a short series, well worth watching. I notice you've never seen any of the Count Floyd skits from SCTV. That's vampire related.


The coach...Back to the future Biff.


For some reason the end of this episode makes me cry. It's so genuine. At first when the song starts to rock and Sam is so disappointed he isn't going to be able to slow dance, but then ends up enjoying himself. He's so sweetly awkward he makes my heart burst. His whole look reminds me of my older brother and his friends when they were that age and I want to protect him! And Lindsay just being a good person and ending up enjoying herself too. I forgot how mean Busy Phillips character starts out! The bullies do seem pretty one note at first but are fleshed out more during the season. Anyway, this whole too short series is really good and gets so much of the HS experience and the time period right. Highly recommend.


Celebrity crushes? Linda Cardellini is definitely on my list.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I've fancied Martin Starr since this show, even before he pulled a Neville Longbottom 😍😁 he was just so adorable!! ❤

Beauty Effulgent

ASR Can you please, PLEASE react to Freaks and Geeks after Buffy?!?! It's one of my all time favorite shows and another beloved cult classic like Buffy so I know it would draw many viewers! Pretty please with sugar and puppies, and rainbows, and pumpkin spice latte's and Spike on top?!?!


Yes yes yes. This show is awesome. It reminds me the most of my high school experience, as in trying to be cool, but actually being awkward.


That one kid (Sam) looked so young next to all the other kids, because he was actually 14, playing a 14 year old. That almost never happens. The other "kids" were all a lot older. His sister was supposed to be about 2-3 years older than him, but was actually 10 years older.