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Supernatural S05E19 - Hammer Of The Gods FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Chris (darkwater)

I gave this a <3 before even watching it :D


In addition to your disgust of the horseman Pestilence, he was also your favorite fake Australian animal control agent from Eureka. :o)

Scarlett Monrow

I really like this episode. Dean's speech to gods was hilarious.


"How could you say no to him?! Look at him!"


I just started the episode, and I've already got to question the intelligence of two supposed experts in the supernatural, trying to prevent the apocalypse, checking into a hotel called the Elysian Fields. I mean, as afterlives go, the Elysian Fields is one of the nicer ones, but it's still an afterlife!

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I read a fan theory the other day about this episode. That all the various pagan gods in the world are in fact Tulpas, come into embodiment as people have started to believe in, and worship, them. It struck me when you said "is an archangel stronger than gods?" That that theory is quite plausible.. 🤔 Oh, Gabriel! ❤ he's the best! "Lucifer, you're my brother and I love you, but you're a great big bag of dicks!" He seriously had the best lines on this show! 😂 So looking forward to you meeting the remaining horsemen! 😁😁👌🏻 (The small taste we had of pestilence at the end doesn't count)

Sheriff Uchiha

Three more episodes left. I assume you'll be finishing out the season next batch. Looking forward to it.


On the surface I quite like this theory. After all, belief in the various pantheons throughout history surely had enough psychic juice to conjure what was believed. The only problem is that Tulpas are known to change as their legends change. All pagan gods on the show so far have been rigid and set in their ways. From Leshi (Paris Hilton) adapting on her own recognizance to the Pagan Christmas Gods who adapted to fit in and feed on a diet. Possibly because no one believes in them anymore they are stuck as they last were believed to be? The Tulpa we saw never spoke. He seemed to be like an errant spirit without control over itself. It's a stretch but one that could be. After all, angels are generally regarded as the strongest supernatural creature out there, short only of God, whoever that be... The Pagan Gods definitely think themselves superior though are felled by simple weapons suggesting they are really just another type of monster. A monster with an ego. lol

Nicole Garver

I'm with you! The final scene makes me gag each time I watch this episode. Sorry to say that the wings surrounding an angel are a pretty good indicator of them being dead. I love the confrontation between Luci and Gabriel. Rich and Mark do such a good job with it. Rich said that the first time he met Mark was that day and he was already in the Luci make-up. Very intimidating!!